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Thread: Foreground boat with simple pond sunset background

  1. #1

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    Foreground boat with simple pond sunset background

    [Pruned and replanted from original "Trees in Sunsets" thread]

    There are two shots that I've always wanted to do well - one is a boat in the foreground with a simple but colourful sky in the background (on a millpond of course) (which I've now done! - last photo at the bottom of the page here if anyone's interested (along with a bit of other landscape narrative) ...

    - the other is a single silhouetted tree against a blue sky on dusk transitioning to an orange afterglow at the bottom ... (see this thread on trees in sunsets)


    Colin -
    Last edited by Colin Southern; 12th January 2009 at 06:46 AM.

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: can you have too many trees in the sunset shots?

    Hi Colin,

    Thanks for the link to the Singhray blogspot above; not only did I learn a little more from the tips you explained so clearly, I now know what a reverse ND grad is! I didn't even know they made such things, although their benefit is obvious when you think about it. The pictures of them on the Singhray pages made it obvious (even to me).


  3. #3

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    Re: can you have too many trees in the sunset shots?

    You're very welcome

    If you get the time, have a good look around the blog - it's somewhat of a "tour-de-force" of work and techniques from many world-class shooters (and others like me too!)


    Colin -
    Last edited by Colin Southern; 12th January 2009 at 06:46 AM.

  4. #4

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    Re: can you have too many trees in the sunset shots?


    That boat shot is soooo... perfect.


    Thanks Ian - the good folks at Singh-Ray liked it too!

    Interestingly, it was a difficult one to print on canvas - the paper version wasn't too hard to get right, but the boat ended up being too light, and the sunset not saturated enough - but we got there in the end!


    Colin -
    Last edited by Colin Southern; 12th January 2009 at 06:46 AM.

  5. #5
    iPhillip's Avatar
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    Re: can you have too many trees in the sunset shots?

    Trees and Sunsets are a perfect match and damn, some of those shots are superb.

    But Colin I must say, the shot of that boat is a wonder in itself.

  6. #6

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    Re: can you have too many trees in the sunset shots?

    "But Colin I must say, the shot of that boat is a wonder in itself. "

    Thanks Phillip - I've sold a few canvases of it - but the clear "crowd pleaser" so far is ...

    You're another Fielding, NZ Member I see - I take it that you know Matt (Millenium Muppet)? We'd better be careful - the boss might think us Kiwis are here to take over the place!


    Colin -
    Last edited by Colin Southern; 12th January 2009 at 06:46 AM.

  7. #7
    iPhillip's Avatar
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    Re: can you have too many trees in the sunset shots?

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post
    Thanks Phillip - I've sold a few canvases of it - but the clear "crowd pleaser" so far is ...

    You're another [COLOR="Red"]Feilding, NZ Member I see - I take it that you know Matt (Millenium Muppet)? We'd better be careful - the boss might think us Kiwis are here to take over the place!


    Colin -

    Haha we wouldn't want him to get suspicious now would we And yes I do know Matt, unsurprisingly as he gave me the link to the site. Do you print your own canvasses? I've been wondering as Matt may have mentioned something about it.

    I'm not sure who Ansel Adams is but his work must have been pretty great to compete with that. Great composure and elaborate detail, well done.

  8. #8

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    Re: can you have too many trees in the sunset shots?

    Yes, I do do my own canvas printing (and framing) - I've got a small one heading Matt's way next week (should be there next Wednesday) - you should get him to show it to you. I've also done a DVD showing the printing / spraying / frame manufacture / stretching, and a "Facilities tour", which you might like to have a look at (kinda like watching a C grade movie with a bad sound track, only worse!).

    Let me know if you need anything printed on canvas; "good - fast - and cheap" is my motto!

    You don't know who Ansel Adams is ... Hmmm ... here's a bit of homework for you - type his name into Google and click search (but stand back from the screen as you're gunna get a LOT of hits). In photographic terms he was something like a cross between a pioneer - a walking encyclopaedia of photographic knowledge - teacher - author - and a man before his time


    Colin -
    Last edited by Colin Southern; 12th January 2009 at 06:46 AM.

  9. #9
    iPhillip's Avatar
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    Re: can you have too many trees in the sunset shots?

    Cool, I'll have to get him to show me one time.

    I done a search and read the wiki article on him, quickly skimmed through a few photos and noticed "Evening" on Mcdonald lake looks strikingly similar to your own tribute to him. Very interesting and from what I read he was a great innovator, to be honest I'm surprised I hadn't heard of him but really shouldn't be for the lack of attention I pay the subject. Never mind, I'm doing photgraphy as a course next year and I'll be studying well known photgraphers during the year. Then it'll be time to play catch up.

    I'm jealous that you live in the south Island, its such a beautiful place.

  10. #10
    milleniummuppet's Avatar
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    Re: can you have too many trees in the sunset shots?

    Hi guys!

    "I'm jealous that you live in the south Island, its such a beautiful place."
    I have to agree with that!
    But surely 250 acres could produce some interesting photos Phillip, you just have to find them!

    I'm sure the quality of the video wont change the fact that its incredibly informative!
    By the way, I picked up a copy of a photography magazine today and I could have sworn I saw a photo that looked like yours!
    I cant remember the name of it, but it was very similar to the Ocean/Rocks scene of yours.
    Have you entered a competition recently? There were two photos that you could 'vote' for or something.

    Also, Phillip,
    I noticed you signature quoting 'Douglas Adams'.
    Have you read hitch-hikers guide yet?

  11. #11
    iPhillip's Avatar
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    Re: can you have too many trees in the sunset shots?

    No I haven't read it yet, do you have a copy?

    And how come I can't see my signature?

    I don't know, it just seems after living here for my terribly loooong life that not much encourages me to go out and take photos (on the farm)..
    Last edited by iPhillip; 10th January 2009 at 11:33 AM.

  12. #12

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    Re: can you have too many trees in the sunset shots?

    "By the way, I picked up a copy of a photography magazine today and I could have sworn I saw a photo that looked like yours!
    I cant remember the name of it, but it was very similar to the Ocean/Rocks scene of yours."

    Hi Matt,

    If any of my shots have found their way into a photography magazine then you heard about it before me! It would be interesting to double-check if you could find out the name of the mag - probably just a co-incidence though.


    Colin -
    Last edited by Colin Southern; 12th January 2009 at 06:47 AM.

  13. #13

    Re: can you have too many trees in the sunset shots?

    Love your sunsets, Colin! Think that "spot the birdie" is my favorite.

    Last edited by McQ; 10th January 2009 at 03:46 PM.

  14. #14

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    Re: Foreground boat with simple pond sunset background

    Thanks Dendrophile - I'm not sure which one "Spot the Birdie" is referring to though.


    Colin -
    Last edited by Colin Southern; 12th January 2009 at 06:47 AM.

  15. #15
    CNelson's Avatar
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    Re: Foreground boat with simple pond sunset background

    Colin, I've been to your website before but somehow I missed the boat at sunset. All your stuff is good but I really like that boat. If asked to imagine an image that defined peaceful, I would think of that shot. (Fortunately you cloned out the shark attack in the background.) It's am image that tells a story, each viewer gets to fill in their own story but the image invites it.

    I'm challenged, now I have to go shoot a boat.


  16. #16

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    Re: Foreground boat with simple pond sunset background

    "I'm challenged, now I have to go shoot a boat. "

    Thanks for the kind comments Chuck - make you a deal - you post a boat shot, and I'll post a bird shot!

    The boat shot was interesting - I was all setup waiting for the right light (with mirror glass water) - rower comes along - sees me setup to shoot and kindly waits - not ready to shoot I kindly wait for the rower to pass - mexican standoff.

    When he did pass of course he ruined the mirror finish of the water, but luckily there was enough time for most of it to settle, and a long exposure fixed the rest of the ripples

    PS: Chuck - with your background, just wondering if you'd be able to add anything to the Photography in public places (photography in public places) thread?


    Colin -
    Last edited by Colin Southern; 12th January 2009 at 06:47 AM.

  17. #17
    CNelson's Avatar
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    Re: Foreground boat with simple pond sunset background

    [QUOTE=Colin Southern;3869Thanks for the kind comments Chuck - make you a deal - you post a boat shot, and I'll post a bird shot!


    OK Colin, it's a long as we don't have to eat what we "shoot."

    It may take a while to find a worthy boat scene but I'll try to remember.


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