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Thread: Protector of the cheese log

  1. #1
    djg05478's Avatar
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    Protector of the cheese log

    I was snapping pictures at a cookie baking party the other day. I wasn't taking it all that serious, mostly just getting a couple to document the occasion, and was pleasantly surprised when I saw this one. I think I like it so much, cause I wasn't trying. I'd love to hear what other people think. Its a good photo for C&C because I'm not attached to it


    Protector of the cheese log

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Protector of the cheese log

    Quote Originally Posted by djg05478 View Post
    I was snapping pictures at a cookie baking party the other day. I wasn't taking it all that serious, mostly just getting a couple to document the occasion, and was pleasantly surprised when I saw this one. I think I like it so much, cause I wasn't trying. I'd love to hear what other people think. Its a good photo for C&C because I'm not attached to it


    Protector of the cheese log
    Hi Debbie,

    CiC would probably benefit you more if you were attached to the photograph and I think you are somehow attached to this one. You chose a nice title, yet when I look at the photo I feel let down that i cannot see more of the cheeselog. I would probably enjoy the photograph more if there were a few little hands inching towards the treat.

    Comments: I like the odd angle of the guard, nice DOF but could use a little more of the background within the frame or more of the cheeselog in the foreground. What type of camera were you using?

  3. #3
    djg05478's Avatar
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    Re: Protector of the cheese log

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post
    Hi Debbie,

    CiC would probably benefit you more if you were attached to the photograph and I think you are somehow attached to this one. You chose a nice title, yet when I look at the photo I feel let down that i cannot see more of the cheeselog. I would probably enjoy the photograph more if there were a few little hands inching towards the treat.

    Comments: I like the odd angle of the guard, nice DOF but could use a little more of the background within the frame or more of the cheeselog in the foreground. What type of camera were you using?
    I agree, more cheese log please, but there is a pile of out of focus cheddar in the foreground creating a blurry yellow blob that I felt really distracted from everything else; you can still see a bit of it in the lower righthand corner.

    I'm using a Nikon D90, this was a 35mm lense f/1.8, 1/40 ISO200.

    I'm shooting in RAW; but I'm still working on an efficient and effective workflow that doesn't include only downloading the jpg's and accidentally wiping the NEF files off the card before they get downloaded to the PC.

    Thanks for your comments.

  4. #4
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    Re: Protector of the cheese log

    Quote Originally Posted by djg05478 View Post
    I agree, more cheese log please, but there is a pile of out of focus cheddar in the foreground creating a blurry yellow blob that I felt really distracted from everything else; you can still see a bit of it in the lower righthand corner.

    I'm using a Nikon D90, this was a 35mm lense f/1.8, 1/40 ISO200.

    I'm shooting in RAW; but I'm still working on an efficient and effective workflow that doesn't include only downloading the jpg's and accidentally wiping the NEF files off the card before they get downloaded to the PC.

    Thanks for your comments.
    Nice lens, have you tried any night shots with it yet?

  5. #5

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    Re: Protector of the cheese log

    I'm not sure about this photo. Unless you change to a different format, say portrait or square, adding more to the bottom would also tend to increase the 'dead space' in the top left and the bottom right corner appears to be bordering on soft focus as it is.

    If it is a crop I would like to see the original and have a good think about the options.

    I don't suppose that 'Go back and try another angle' will be much help! So, maybe, you have already done as much as possible with it.

  6. #6
    djg05478's Avatar
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    Re: Protector of the cheese log

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post
    Nice lens, have you tried any night shots with it yet?
    I have tried some night stuff, but with limited success. I've mostly exposed how much I need to learn


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