My first post for comment so please be brutally honest in a gentle wayThis image is over a year old but I keep coming back to it wanting to improve it but I always discard all the 'improvements' I come up with, thinking I'm changing just for the sake of changing. Still, I can't keep my hands off of it. The story behind it is that last November I was walking down one of Seattle's hilly streets with my camera on when I approached this gentleman from the rear. He was creeping along REAL slow and all hunched over. I thought there might be something interesting if I could get around in front of him. I didn't want to embarrass him so I sprinted past him and across the street on a yellow-going-red light and whirled around just in time to fire off three frames as he was going around the corner. There was probably some camera shake because there was some softness I've had to compensate for.
There was one recommendation made when I showed it at our camera club (which I didn't agree with) but I will reveal that later. Does anyone think it needs anything (or needed but is too late for)? Thanks.