Could you tell us what it was you wanted to achieve with the image?
I don't see a main point of interest in the picture. It is a record of a hotel lobby, but what was it in particular that made you take the photograph?
He probably liked the ambiance & the decor....
Beside the decoration and to record the moment; I was practicing how the perspective increase when space is shot from top to bottom, also the vertical elements should be seem vertical then how I held the camera to maintain vertical elements was mine take away.
Thank you, Javier.
Obviously the picture provides a record for you of your visit to the hotel.
And it also does provide a good opportunity to practice and learn about perspective. The important thing is for you to carefully note how you held the camera (was it level; was it sloping upwards or downwards?) to not analyse the effect that that had on how the image turned out.
Yes, I learned how important camera position is. Thank you.
I will need to learn that too; but before will learn about basics techniques.