I am after a zoom lense and have found this for what i think is cheap but is it cheap and rubbish....
I am a newbe when it comes to all this![]()
I am after a zoom lense and have found this for what i think is cheap but is it cheap and rubbish....
I am a newbe when it comes to all this![]()
No idea, but Fredmiranda seem to rate it pretty highly. Read the comments from users. http://www.fredmiranda.com/reviews/s...&cat=27&page=4
The Canon 55-250mm is quite a good lens, actually we could probably consider it an excellent lens at its bargain basement price. As far as the price goes, I don't know how much the lens is selling for in the U.K. but it can be had quite inexpensively, either new or as a Canon refurbished unit here in the States.
Photographers often are considering the Canon 70-200mm f/4L lenses but, cannot afford the IS version of that lens. I will recommend that they purchase a 55-250mm IS lens to use during the time they are saving the extra funds required for the purchase of the f/4L IS lens. The 55-250mm might suit the photographer's needs and a large chunk of money would be saved. However, if the photographer still wanted to purchase the f/4L IS, he could eventually sell the 55-250mm but, would have that lens to work with while saving for the more expensive lens.
Here is another review of the Canon 55-250 http://www.photozone.de/canon-eos/19...report--review
Most reviews seem to rate it as optically reasonable although, as you would expect for the price, it is a somewhat lightly constructed plastic housing.
I would recommend the Canon 70-300 IS as an alternative; but it is quite a bit more expensive. Although even this doesn't really compete with the 'L' lenses in terms of quality - or price!
According to Camera Price Buster the cheapest available in the UK is £175 at Martins Camera Shop, so if you are happy buying on Ebay it's a fair bit cheaper.
I prefer to buy in the UK but never did have a sense of adventure!!
Would this be a btter buy...
Failing that, if anyone has one on here for sale then let me know.
I've owned both lenses.IQ is good for the price,but I give the edge to the 70-300 IS.Slightly better construction and the extra 50mm on the long end.
I think they are good lenses for a 1st zoom.
Are you considering these for wildlife photos?
I think i have made my mind up on this...
tamron sp 70-300mm f/4-5.6 vc di lens !
Before I buy, It would be good for peoples views, good and bad.
If anyone else can suggest anything better then feel free, looking to spend around £300-£400 NO MORE as i cant afford a divorce just yet lol
I have the Tamron Tele-Macro 1:4-5.6 70-300. It seems to do okay in AF mode but you can't do a decent MF. I'd recommend a solid tripod as it is a bit on the hefty side. I did the butterfly and lady-bug pic in the Nature section with it...not too bad and I didn't have a clue how to use it, and it wwas shot on a D40 (which, for the most part) I like.
Hi guys.
Ruffy -at frst you have to realize for what you want to use this lens. If you want tele lens, i can advise something like Canon EF 75-300mm III F4-5,6 USM. Its ultrasonic with good price! If you want to have great drawing, i would advise no zoom lens then.
This EF-S 55-250mm f/4-5.6 IS - is only for aps-c body, if u will buy aps (or aps-h) u can't use it, so u will must to sell this lens then! think about what u want to do in the future...(little advise for save some money)... This lens is with IS (what is not win at all), and focus is slow (try to compare it with ultrasonic lens)... i hope i helped a little bit
Ok what i want is a lense for shooting motorcycle racing, Isle of Man TT etc etc, my budget is 300-400.
I am getting some real mixed reviews here and am now starting to get a little confused![]()
So you need lens with fast and precise focus, with good light = short exposure time (thats important if you want to make sharp pic.of MR).
I'm going to retract that advice for the time being. I shot some egrets tonight and while they don't look bad in some respects, they really soften out to mush if you magnify the image x 3. You can see them on the "Nature" page. I'm going to start looking for a decent Nikkor telephoto and be done with the knock-offs. You might try eBay.
Well I have just purchesed a Tamron sp 70-300mm f/4-5.6 vc di lens, not had chance to play with it yet and as a complete novice "I look like i have all the gear and no idea" which is a very correct sentence but it looks good hanging off my 550D although it is on the large side, even my wife said it was a big one and i dont hear that too often lol.
Going to go have a play tomorrow and see what its like, may even post a pic or two for you all to have a laugh at![]()
Just as a matter of interest, I wonder how many of our members either buy or would buy one of these great offers on Ebay?
I personally have always steered well clear on the basis that there is no such thing as a free lunch, but offers such as this are very tempting.
Sorry, Didnt buy it from flebay, got it from Jessops in the end !!!