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Thread: Canon 40D and Vista

  1. #1

    Canon 40D and Vista

    Hello, everyone.
    I am new to this web site, so Hello again!
    I hope that you might help me with my problem here:

    Tech. Spec.: Canon 40D wth EFS 17-85 mm shooting in RAW on SanDisk Extreme 2 4gb (about 100 pictures saved)

    Now, i am using Win Vista 32 bit and trying to copy those pictures as usual from my camera on to my PC using USB. Untill now, i had no problems with saving my files from camera on to PC. What happens is: as soon as camera is connected throught USB to a PC, a pop up message appears saying that Canon 40D is ready, but if i go through MY Computer, there is no camera. In the Device Manager, it says that Canon EOS 40D cannot start (error 10). I did everything i could, uninstall/reinstall drivers, unplugged all USB devices keeping just Camera plugged in, and still nothing... I cannot access my pictures. I bought a new memory for camera, still nothing. Message says "Canon EOS 40D cannot start". On the camera it self, when it is plugged in through USB, BuSY signal appears for a few seconds (about 4-5) and dessapears, at this moment camera fully usable.

    Please help.
    Any advice can help.
    Thank you!

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Canon 40D and Vista

    Hi Denis (and welcome),

    I tried a quick google to see if anything similar showed up, but it didn't - I expect you've alreadey been there anyway.

    Depending how desparate you are to get at the images, you could use a card reader.
    I accept this isn't a solution, just an idea for an alternative method of extraction.

    The only other idea is to try a connection as a mass storage device, rather than as a camera, IF (big if) you can get Win Vista 32 to ask you that question again.

    Sorry I couldn't help further, Dave

  3. #3

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    Re: Canon 40D and Vista

    Hi Denis,

    Welcome to Cambridge in Colour!

    These kinds of issues are quite common for a variety of cameras and a variety of operating systems. Fortunately the solution is quick, simple, and permanent; buy yourself a USB card reader. And I mean that most seriously - it's an issue that's raised it's ugly head time and time again to the point where I don't know ANY fellow professional who even bothers to transfer direct from the camera any more - via a card reader is just so simple and straight forward.

    Hope this helps,


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