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1st December 2010, 02:56 PM
New Raw Therapee software
As we have recently been discussing software and its cost. Here are some of the recent 'experimental' versions of the free RT raw converter http://www.rawtherapee.com/releases_head/windows/
The version which I am trying is: rawtherapee_win32_2010-11-22_gtk2.16_std_release-3.0-a1+490-3c0ed5212a02.7z
This is still a prototype version but a lot has changed since the early models and it appears to be stable to use (well almost stable) and may prove worth considering by anyone who requires a free raw converter which does a little bit more than some of the alternative basic programmes.
This is one of the Windows versions but there are several alternatives available for other systems.
Currently, this version doesn't Auto Install so you have to load it onto a suitable part of your hard drive and, if required, link the RT icon (circular rainbow) to your desktop. This RT icon is the 'launch' file.
It took me some time to work all this out; but I found other users on the RT Forum to be helpful.
This software appears to work well, although quite a lot has changed since I first tried an early version so I am still learning about it.
I have also successfully converted to B&W with the programme; but as there isn't any Help files yet, it is a bit of trial and error. And in my case - a lot of initial error!
The final version is expected to be launched within a couple of months.
Last edited by Geoff F; 1st December 2010 at 03:02 PM.
Reason: link added
2nd December 2010, 08:25 AM
Re: New Raw Therapee software
I had a quick look at RT the other day, and I must admit that I found the download and installation rather confusing.
It would be good to see exactly what it can do with a RAW image file. How about a little experiment (Rob gets out the electrodes and cranks up the generator)
You RAW edit one of your files (landscape would be best) as best you can in RT and post the result back here, without doing any further processing beyond the RAW edit stage. If you also post the same RAW file here http://uploading.com/signup/ or wherever you can use, and I will RAW edit it in CS5 and post the result for comparison. Up to you. You will need to send me the download link, when you have it.
2nd December 2010, 08:36 AM
Re: New Raw Therapee software
Thanks Geoff,
I did try an download this a couple of weeks back. I found it would read the Raw files but not the jps. Have you found any issue with it reading files converted to jpg?
2nd December 2010, 07:46 PM
Re: New Raw Therapee software
As far as I can see, the Jpeg's don't show at all; although at the moment I am just experimenting with images that were previously edited with an earlier version. But I only use small jpeg just for identification on other viewing software, like ACDSee so that isn't really a problem for me.
I will definitely post and upload some examples of possible problem photos soon. But at the moment there are a couple of new features which I can't fully understand.
Contrast by detail levers and Wavelet equaliser for example. The Wavelet equaliser looks interesting and appears to act in a somewhat similar manner to Local Contrast Enhancement but I don't really understand how to correctly use it. Is any detailed information available somewhere?
Just as a very basic example, here is a difficult B&W conversion which has troubled me. I did try this image because of potential problems with highlight spots on an otherwise underexposed setting.
It still needs quite a bit of work on the midtones, probably using a layer with a partial mask. I find that the (at present) lack of a Curves Editor does sometimes leave RT 3 a bit lacking.

ps I tried to upload this photo using the new uploading system and although it said 'Success' the image didn't appear, so I have gone back to the older method. I have successfully uploaded with that system previously, so perhaps I forgot something this time.
Last edited by Geoff F; 2nd December 2010 at 07:51 PM.
Reason: photo added.
3rd December 2010, 04:44 PM
Re: New Raw Therapee software
This was the final result after a few tweaks with my usual editing software (Photo Plus X3)

This wasn't really a good subject for a B&W photo; but that is why I choose it, doing something easy isn't a true test.
Peter, I have shot some new Raw images today and didn't have any trouble with the Jpegs. They appeared correctly, and I could open them for edit. But older files, which had previously been edited with an earlier version of RT weren't showing.
And here is another image straight from the RT converter which will require a bit of additional work.
Last edited by Geoff F; 3rd December 2010 at 06:30 PM.
Reason: photo added
3rd December 2010, 06:10 PM
Re: New Raw Therapee software
If anybody wants to try a comparison between Raw Converters here are a couple of my original Raw files which have a few potential problems to overcome. My attempts using the new RT 3 software have already been shown.
Links for original Raw files
For a proper test result we really need to see the converted image straight from your converter without any extra enhancements from other editing programmes.
Although any final edited images can be shown separately.
Last edited by Geoff F; 3rd December 2010 at 06:22 PM.
Reason: links added
5th December 2010, 09:03 AM
Re: New Raw Therapee software
Hi Geoff,
I really appreciate the work you are doing. I use CS4 at the moment but intend to teach Rawtherapee to my introduction class next year. As you have probably seen fro other posts I am busy renovating an old hay loft so all things photography are on hold just at the moment.
I did read when they first launched V3 that you needed to delete older version and reload as it had a different operating system so this goes hand-in-hand with your advices on the fact it cannot read images processed under the older version.
Thank you and please keep posting your findings.
8th December 2010, 11:41 PM
Re: New Raw Therapee software
Hi Geoff,
I am flat out at the moment renovating a hay loft for new studio and struggling to get time to look at the new version so I am relying on your development work here, which is much appreciated.
The reason I am keen on whether the new version can read jpgs is that not all students will shoot RAW (some may not have that capacity in camera) , although I will be directing them towards it where possible. The older version 2.4.1 could read jpgs. I am interested if you were to shoot a jpg in camera if the new version 3 can read it or only read RAW files and related converted jpgs.
9th December 2010, 08:28 PM
Re: New Raw Therapee software
Peter. That bitter wind dropped away today and the sun came out so I went for a walk along the cliffs and took some fresh Raw + small jpeg photos.
I have taken one image at random and edited the Raw and Jpeg files separately. No problem with editing the Jpeg files, although a couple of edit options aren't availabe with Jpeg; which is understandable.
The finished edits are:
Jpeg edited in RT

and Raw Conversion with extra editing from Photo Plus X3

The lack of a proper Curves editor in RT 3 meant that I had to edit the jpeg as best I could.
Set the exposure a fraction high then drop back the highlights using the Highlight/Shadow option (highlights at 30). A bit of Colour Boost (level 10). Unsharp Mask at the default setting plus a touch of Wavelet Equaliser (25 at the finest end tapering to 0 at #5).
I resized the jpeg image in Photo Plus for internet use and added a fraction of Unsharp Mask to counter the file reduction softness (50% at 0.7 radius).
The Raw file was edited in a roughly similar manner but without the Wavelet Equaliser, then finished in Photo Plus using my normal procedure which included Curves and Unsharp Mask. Finally a little Local Contrast (20% at 30 radius) to equal the Wavelet Equaliser.
Ideally, I would have done some of this editing using layers and masks but to give a better comparison I just used the basic editing tools.
Comparing the two photos, I think the Raw file has better colour but, surprisingly, the Jpeg is possibly a touch sharper. Perhaps I should have used a little more USM in Photo Plus.
I will experiment with using the RT USM at the default setting on the Raw image. I normally use just 0.4 and 200 radius as Capture Sharpening then do more sharpening during the Photo Plus edit.
The starting photo was picked at random because there appeared to be a few potential problems with it; but I'm not claiming that it was a perfect shot to start with.
And I left that very slight rotation fault so as not to add any extra complications.
Hope this helps
Last edited by Geoff F; 9th December 2010 at 09:03 PM.
Reason: photos added
10th December 2010, 01:43 AM
Re: New Raw Therapee software
Thanks Geoff I appreciate the work. I will download a copy over Christmas and have a play when I have time.
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