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Thread: Help with fixing a pic

  1. #1
    mythlady's Avatar
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    Help with fixing a pic

    I like this picture very much:

    Help with fixing a pic

    But it bothers me (and others) that the bottom rose is so close to the edge of the picture. Especially when printed and matted, it's not acceptable. Could someone tell me step by step how I could clone a bit of border onto the picture in PS? I know I'd have to make a bigger canvas (at least at the bottom) and then extend the bottom of the image, but I'm not sure how to do that and keep the aspect/dimensions of the pic. Thanks to anyone who can give me a hand with this one.

  2. #2
    Hansm's Avatar
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    Re: Help with fixing a pic

    Hi Elise,

    You gave the answer already. just extend the canvas
    Image/canvas size and in the dialog box matrix select the grey square to the top.
    Fill out a value how much the canvas should increase and I suggest to choose a canvas extention colour picked inside the background of the picture.
    After that use the clone stamp and randomly clone parts of the image in the lower part.

    I hope this is what you asked?

    And you are right, it's a lovely picture

  3. #3
    mythlady's Avatar
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    Re: Help with fixing a pic

    Thank you, Hans -- I guess what I need to do is do it all the way around to maintain the picture the way it is, but most of the cloned part would be covered by a mat..

  4. #4

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    Re: Help with fixing a pic

    I would be tempted to just increase the canvas size on the left side and bottom. You should be able to 'anchor' your original photo to the top right corner.

  5. #5
    mythlady's Avatar
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    Re: Help with fixing a pic

    Hi Geoff -- I'm not sure what you mean by that -- use the arrows just on the left and bottom side? Thanks.

  6. #6

    Re: Help with fixing a pic

    This is a very quick makeover. I have not taken any care over the cloning but it may illustrate the principle

    Help with fixing a pic

    Duplicate the image. On the first version increase the canvas size at the top by 10% ish.
    Create a new layer (white) and then set the original image as the top layer you will see a white area at the top. Flatten the image.
    Open the duplicate copy it to clipboard then use the edit/paste command. Using the 'move' tool drag the pasted image to the top of the original so that it covers the white space.
    Select the clone tool and using a feathered soft brush set to work on blending the top image with the lower image.

    There are a few ways to do this but I have chosen the cheap and cheerful version. You will be able to put much more work into the blending of the full resolution image.

    Good luck Elise

    PS: I would take out that fold in the canvas a fith of the way up on the original whilst you are at it...just a thought

  7. #7
    Hansm's Avatar
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    Re: Help with fixing a pic

    Hi Elise,

    I suppose you used a texture as background of the original picture?
    What if you redo the job and use a background-texture before placing the flowers onto it?
    I don't know if this is possible?

  8. #8
    mythlady's Avatar
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    Re: Help with fixing a pic

    Well, you beat me to it -- here's what I did with the cloning method:

    Help with fixing a pic

    It had the effect of extending the "borders" on each side, but since what I'm looking for is extra space I can put a mat over, that doesn't matter. When I matted it before, the bottom rose was literally cut off a little bit, so I'm just looking for a bit of extra room there.

  9. #9
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Just add 'MacKenzie'

    Re: Help with fixing a pic

    Well done Elise.

    By the way, did you see the message telling you that on the CIC Google Map, you're in the middle of Hudson Bay?

  10. #10
    PopsPhotos's Avatar
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    Re: Help with fixing a pic

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    Well done Elise.

    By the way, did you see the message telling you that on the CIC Google Map, you're in the middle of Hudson Bay?
    Perhaps she can't hear us for the water in her ears.


  11. #11
    mythlady's Avatar
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    Re: Help with fixing a pic

    that's someplace I've always wanted to go -- Nunavut, where Hudson Bay is. I'll fix it, reluctantly.

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