Hmmm. What have I told you about shooting raw. The white balance is a fair way off and the image looks a little murky. A tweak on the tonal curve will bring out the vibrance and a little more contrast would not go amiss. You need to sharpen this up a little and in my opinion a slight crop off the top of the boots and the same off the bottom to get rid of the corners of the bench. Have you considered a b/w conversion for this? It might work nicely here.
David is right you will need to adjust your conversational style (initially) on these forums. Its a little discouraging to start with but the comments you will get here are really worthwhile and provide a good grounding.
Hi, Rebecca! Well, I love this image, too. I can see why you're proud of it. I LOVE the color and the light and the feeling and the lines and the whole mood of it. It's got a bit of grunge and dust and that, with the light, make it feel like they've seen a long day or like they're going to walk off into the sunset. I, also, love the bit legging in it - I saw it right away and it pulled me in. Then, I looked at the other - ummmmm - where's the other leg?I love the stance that it's in, too, with the toes pointing together. Er, just so you know, the photo got me before I read your words and that's where my thoughts originally and honestly led me. Maybe, someone else can give you more critique.
Hi Rebecca
I'm with Katy - I like this photo. I like the subject matter and I like the tint. The murkiness of the image adds to the subject matter IMO.
In terms of technical details - try your Dad's suggestions and see what you think of the results. He's the expert (sorry - you don't want to hear that do you? He'll never let you forget it). I agree with him though about sharpening a bit. As someone on their L plates, I try whatever suggestions people with more experience offer and judge the results for myself. If I don't like it, so what - nothing lost, in fact I've learnt new things in the process.
I've had this idea for photographing shoes too. Maybe we can turn this thread into a bit of a shoe fettish?
Looking forward to seeing more of your work![]()
Thanks everyone.
And I am sorry David, I was proud of this piece of work as it represents what I like. But hey, let's not indulge in the way I talk on here, it's all about the photo
The thing is when I take photographs, I don't think 100% about the technical aspect. I shoot for creativity, so my knowledge for the technical side isn't that big. But with all your help you can further that so I can gain more experience.
I don't think the image portrayed what I wanted to. The purple boots were not a mistake as I wanted to create a vintage feel to the photograph. I agree on the sharpening, that was before wirefox drilled it into my head that I need to give some images a little sharpening
Thank you Katy, you have seemed to see what I saw in this photo, but it all depends on how other people interpret the photo, as we all see it differently
Thank you all again, I will take what you said into consideration!![]()
I like the sepia tone Radu has gone with here (kind of gives it an old western look/feel) but I agree on Steve's opinion on this one, I think this image in B&W would be most powerful.
Hi Rebecca,
I like this very much.The colour treatment and the lighting gives the image an "end of the day" feel.Maybe try another shot with the laces untied?
It would definitely work as a B+W conversion,but I think it might lose some of it's impact.
I would remove the light area above the left boot also.
thanks for all your suggestions, i will certainly try them out.