Hi folks, first post here.
I'm hoping you guys will be able to help me out. I've had some difficulty getting well-exposed pictures of my Great Pyrenees puppy. He's pretty much all white with very dark eyes. All of my pictures seem to make him look like a big white fluffball with two black holes in his face.
I came close to what I want with this picture:
... but it took a bit of processing to achieve it. I'm not always in situations where the sun is at the right angle or where I can bounce flash properly (something I'm eager to learn more about, but that's for another time).
I also have a white-faced Greyhound with whom I have the same problem (though I think the photo is underexposed a bit to begin with):
I have been shooting with a Nikon D50 and D200 for years, but the above photos were taken with my new D7000. What should I be doing to achieve the result that I want? What am I doing wrong?
Recently I came across the
blog of a photographer based out of Ontario and I am absolutely floored. Her photos are nearly alive; there is so much energy and clarity and color present. See this
example and
this one too. This is what I've been aiming at for years with my own photography. She did it, now how can I?
Thank you in advance for any advice.