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Thread: Advice on Video Projector, please.

  1. #1
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Advice on Video Projector, please.

    I have to buy a projector because I expect to teach Photography to some people.
    I have done this before with success but at the time I was using a TV screen connected to my MacBook which quality was really poor.

    Now, I want to do better. I want to buy a projector like this one for example and make my presentations with it.
    I'll be showing not only my lessons on a slide show but also my pupil's photos directly from the web.
    I am only sorry that the lamps are so dam expensive when they fade away.

    Can you advice me on any projector, please ?

    They are not really expensives these days but I would like something with good quality of image which is essencial when teaching Photography.

    Thank you

  2. #2

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    Re: Advice on Video Projector, please.

    Hi Antonio,

    I don't have any real-world experience with projectors I'm afraid, but what I have noticed is (a) what you project onto makes a huge difference - so be sure to invest in a "silver screen", and (b) no matter what the manufacturers say, if you want good contrast, you HAVE to kill as much light in the room as possible.

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    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Advice on Video Projector, please.


    I have not used data projectors in the circumstances you described, but do use them extensively in my work - making presentations to professionals and members of the community and in teaching. Rather like DSLRs, all makes will do a job, but you need to consider what suits you.

    Small, very portable units are very convenient, but do not always have the same range of capabilities as some of the, still, larger units (e.g. keystone adjustments so that the picture on the screen is always square).

    The one feature I would regard as essential is a remote hand control so that you can advance pictures, expand, freeze, etc, without the need to do activate these features by hitting buttons on the laptop. Having a remote hand control allows you to adopt and convey a much more professional presentation/workshop.

  4. #4
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: Advice on Video Projector, please.

    Thank you my friends You were quick and kind as I would be (cough, cough)
    Good advices from both.
    I had already thought about the screen - didn't mention it - but I had not thought on the remote.
    Thank you again to both !

  5. #5
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Advice on Video Projector, please.

    I'm looking for one for home theater and those run about $1,400 at minimum. For your type of application you want at least 2,000 lumen's, 2,500 is considered typical for classroom or business presentations, LCD, and look for native resolution (at least 1024x768). I have seen some advertised with 800x600 native resolution and having bulb illumination of 2,600 lumen's and higher and are usually priced around $370.00 U.S. Higher resolutions usually double the price. You also want to look at the life of the lamp which is usually in the 4,000 hour range. Finally, look into your inputs for PC, S video, or USB.
    Another consideration is image size and most are between 30"-300". Finally, projection screens, most use a matte white tripod mounted but the organization may have a drop down screen.
    The big players in this arena are Epson EX, Samsung, and Viewsonic and you will find a few new entries into the market.
    Last edited by Shadowman; 3rd November 2010 at 01:27 AM.

  6. #6
    Clactonian's Avatar
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    Re: Advice on Video Projector, please.

    Have a look HERE Antonio. I realise you're not in the UK but you'll read some good advice on this site.
    For those of you in the UK, I can recommend them, having bought two projectors from them over the last year or so.

  7. #7
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Advice on Video Projector, please.

    Quote Originally Posted by Clactonian View Post
    Have a look HERE Antonio. I realise you're not in the UK but you'll read some good advice on this site.
    For those of you in the UK, I can recommend them, having bought two projectors from them over the last year or so.
    Great link Mike. Found a lot I need for home theater.

  8. #8
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: Advice on Video Projector, please.

    Great info John
    John, that was of great importance. I mean the lumens and the native resolution. It is also true that I don't want something too expensive.
    But now that I look at the resolution of the one I posted at the beginning (the Viewsonic PJDS 112) I can see that it's resolution is just 800*600
    I have to look better and check the price of better alternatives.
    Thank you for the tip about the brands on the market. I wouldn't know where to search.
    Mike I am not in UK. I am in Portugal but as you know I can buy in your country easily and without any problems
    I'll just have to decide the model and search on line for the best price with European warranty.
    Thank you for the link.

  9. #9
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Advice on Video Projector, please.

    Quote Originally Posted by Antonio Correia View Post
    Great info John
    John, that was of great importance. I mean the lumens and the native resolution. It is also true that I don't want something too expensive.
    But now that I look at the resolution of the one I posted at the beginning (the Viewsonic PJDS 112) I can see that it's resolution is just 800*600
    I have to look better and check the price of better alternatives.
    Thank you for the tip about the brands on the market. I wouldn't know where to search.
    Mike I am not in UK. I am in Portugal but as you know I can buy in your country easily and without any problems
    I'll just have to decide the model and search on line for the best price with European warranty.
    Thank you for the link.

    You are most welcome. Let us know which model you eventually choose and how it works out for you. Also, in what format (powerpoint, etc.) will you make the presentation?

  10. #10
    Clactonian's Avatar
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    Re: Advice on Video Projector, please.

    Both projectors that I have bought are Optoma (not for my personal use, I should add), and we are very pleased with them.
    The first was a general purpose unit that spends much of its time in a carry case and is a 2000 lumen model. The second is permanently ceiling mounted in the Theatre meetings room, is 2500 lumens, wide screen format, and used to project onto a 2.4m wide screen from a distance of about 3.5m. Images are perfectly viewable in normal daylight conditions within the room, although semi-darkness does improve the effect quite dramatically. I think it is worth getting the wide screen version, as not only are most laptops now widescreen, but you do have the option of changing the viewing format to 4:3 etc. when necessary.
    Hope this helps.

  11. #11
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Advice on Video Projector, please.

    Hi Antonio,

    Good luck with the teaching.

    The engineer in me wants to remind people that any projectors with a 'hot' lamps should not just have the power cord disconnected when you're finished - use the projectors 'lamp off' or 'power down' sequence, which will leave the fan running after the lamp goes out - this is essential for longer lamp life - it must cool before being moved.

    So; switch off, wait until the fan stops by itself, then it is safe to move it, or pack it away.

    The fact you have to do that also means you don't want one with too noisy a fan that means you have to talk loudly, or it'll tempt you into bad habits

    APologies if you already knew this.


  12. #12
    Sunray's Avatar
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    Re: Advice on Video Projector, please.

    Does anyone has already experiences with beamers that have got LEDs instead of a projector lamp? If surrounding lights are not so intense even they should be bright enough, but what about the colour?


  13. #13
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Advice on Video Projector, please.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sunray View Post
    Does anyone has already experiences with beamers that have got LEDs instead of a projector lamp? If surrounding lights are not so intense even they should be bright enough, but what about the colour?


    Not personally, but whichever technology you choose consider lamp replacement costs, lamp optimal operating conditions, lamp failure mode, and lamp efficiency. Most of the current systems use LCD and DLP with LCD considered the most reliable. One other thing to look at on replacement lamps are the manufacturer. Is it a model carried by the projector manufacturer or is it a generic model produced by multiple manufacturers.

  14. #14
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: Advice on Video Projector, please.

    Thank you Mike and thank you Dave

    @ Dave: remember slide projectors ? The same care with the lamp
    I will remember you all when I buy the equipment.
    Classes will begin - if ever I get pupils - on January 2011.
    Inscriptions are opened.
    Cost ? A ridiculous 75 € / 6 hours theoretical and 8 hours practical (outside with my guidance and advice) with access to a private forum for discussion and administrated by myself. Possibility of a photo exhibition at the end if you pay extra.
    How does that sound to you ?

    At this price it can't be a good workshop, can it ?
    I can tell you: I will teach what I know and what I don't which is in fact, the largest part.

  15. #15
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    Re: Advice on Video Projector, please.

    Quote Originally Posted by Antonio Correia View Post
    Thank you Mike and thank you Dave

    @ Dave: remember slide projectors ? The same care with the lamp
    I will remember you all when I buy the equipment.
    Classes will begin - if ever I get pupils - on January 2011.
    Inscriptions are opened.
    Cost ? A ridiculous 75 € / 6 hours theoretical and 8 hours practical (outside with my guidance and advice) with access to a private forum for discussion and administrated by myself. Possibility of a photo exhibition at the end if you pay extra.
    How does that sound to you ?

    At this price it can't be a good workshop, can it ?
    I can tell you: I will teach what I know and what I don't which is in fact, the largest part.
    With those prices you should get a lot of students. You have to make the first session so spectacular so that the second session can be priced accordingly. What highlights do you plan to entice the students with other than your great photographs? Please include a short session on the whys and why nots of doing wedding photography.

  16. #16
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    Re: Advice on Video Projector, please.

    I've been looking at projectors, but haven't bit the bullet, yet. Right now, I use dual monitors, and display the same picture on each. This works quite well for small classes. Keep in mind, also, that I am teaching school kids, which means crowding together to get a good view is not psychologically disturbing to them.

    I'm considering using both laptops, tying them together with firewire or such and slaveing my external monitor and the other laptop with its external monitor all together. Haven't figured out the programmng for that one, yet.


  17. #17
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    Re: Advice on Video Projector, please.

    Quote Originally Posted by PopsPhotos View Post
    I've been looking at projectors, but haven't bit the bullet, yet. Right now, I use dual monitors, and display the same picture on each. This works quite well for small classes. Keep in mind, also, that I am teaching school kids, which means crowding together to get a good view is not psychologically disturbing to them.

    I'm considering using both laptops, tying them together with firewire or such and slaveing my external monitor and the other laptop with its external monitor all together. Haven't figured out the programmng for that one, yet.

    The way classes are structured to technology today you'd think every student would be required to bring their own laptop and this could be networked to your laptop, providing that virtual classroom effect.

  18. #18
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: Advice on Video Projector, please.

    Sony Lisbon proposed me the VPX EX-100 for 490 € = 688 US$ = 425 British Pounds at today's rates.
    Advice on Video Projector, please.
    Do you think it is good for what I want ? It has a reasonable price I am willing to pay...
    And I want mainly a good image quality.

    Thank you people

  19. #19
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Advice on Video Projector, please.

    Quote Originally Posted by Antonio Correia View Post
    Sony Lisbon proposed me the VPX EX-100 for 490 € = 688 US$ = 425 British Pounds at today's rates.
    Advice on Video Projector, please.
    Do you think it is good for what I want ? It has a reasonable price I am willing to pay...
    And I want mainly a good image quality.

    Thank you people

    If it has the input that fits your computer I think it should be a good fit. The only other concern is how well it looks on the screen. I would check a few forums or customer reviews to see how the projection looks and if they are positive you are good to go. One other thing about lumens, higher than 2200 are needed for rooms where you have little control over the ambient room light.

  20. #20
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: Advice on Video Projector, please.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post
    Antonio, If it has the input that fits your computer I think it should be a good fit. The only other concern is how well it looks on the screen. I would check a few forums or customer reviews to see how the projection looks and if they are positive you are good to go. One other thing about lumens, higher than 2200 are needed for rooms where you have little control over the ambient room light.
    Me again John. Sorry
    The projector doesn't have HDMI door. Do you think this is a must ?
    Thank you

    I found it in Germany for 450 €

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