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Thread: Nikon D850

  1. #1
    kaneohebud's Avatar
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    Bud Ralston

    Nikon D850

    Thought I would start a thread to see how long the typical wait has been for those folks ordering the Nikon D850? I have one on back-order at Adorama. I'm supposed to receive it this month.

    I looked on Ebay and saw that there are many price gougers offering the D850 for $4,000-$6,000. I hold those folks in low regard. Interested in other buyer/orderer (?) experiences.

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Nikon D850

    Quote Originally Posted by kaneohebud View Post
    Thought I would start a thread to see how long the typical wait has been for those folks ordering the Nikon D850? I have one on back-order at Adorama. I'm supposed to receive it this month.

    I looked on Ebay and saw that there are many price gougers offering the D850 for $4,000-$6,000. I hold those folks in low regard. Interested in other buyer/orderer (?) experiences.
    Can you really fault the sellers, it is what the economic system is based upon; desire. Look at the number of people who pre-ordered the camera, sure you the purchaser can't make much money on what you parted with for the pre-order but I'll bet the manufacturer earned a few interest points or paid some bills with that unearned income.

  3. #3
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Nikon D850

    The same thing happened when the D800 was released in 2012.

    I got an email from the company I ordered it from telling me they had no ETA; less than a week later it showed up.

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