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Thread: Will nikon d3100 with sigma 50-500mm HSM lens autofocus?

  1. #1

    Will nikon d3100 with sigma 50-500mm HSM lens autofocus?

    Basically what it says in the title... Will a Nikon d3100 body autofocus with a Sigma 50-500mm HSM lens? Thanks for your time.

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Will nikon d3100 with sigma 50-500mm HSM lens autofocus?

    The HSM means Hyper Sonic Motor, so yes, I believe it should.

    HSM being equivalent to Nikon's "AF-S" lenses.

  3. #3
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Will nikon d3100 with sigma 50-500mm HSM lens autofocus?

    I tested both the Sigma 50-500mm and 150-500mm on the Nikon D90 (which is older than your camera) and they both worked fine. We ended up buying the 150-500mm because the image quality was a bit better at both ends of the range.

    A few other things to think about. The lenses are large and heavy and very difficult to hand-hold on a crop frame camera once you get beyond around 200mm focal length. Focusing can also be tricky especially with a scene with a busy background, as the camera has issues figuring out what the subject is. Unless you are shooting at a very high shutter speed (1/1000th sec and higher), even with stabilization, it's hard to get a good shot without a sturdy tripod or some other way of steadying / bracing the camera.

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