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Thread: Profile Information

  1. #1
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Profile Information

    When answering requests for guidance it would assist if I was first able to check their "Profile" and see a list of equipment and editing software they have available. There is little use in making suggestions about editing methods if they do not have the software to carry it out. Often to give a relevant answer I first need to ask what editing tools are available before making a suggestion. Unfortunately, I have probably forgotten by the next time they seek further advice so I have to ask again.

    Some members may feel such a list is either intrusive or nosey. However, so long as it was clear that it was to speed up and allow more specific responses I doubt there would be much objection.


  2. #2
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: Profile Information

    Quote Originally Posted by pnodrog View Post
    . . . Thoughts?
    I think it is simple: if one joins any group then to introduce oneself is just good manners AND (IMPORTANTLY) very useful for all concerned - that's the purpose of the "About Me", "Bio Page".

    It is useful to go further than just outlining an equipment list, a bio and location is very useful for people to:

    a) address and tailor their response to you
    b) better understand the response that they get from you

    Apropos the Equipment List being nosey or intrusive -

    "Canon DSLR and two zoom lenses and Photoshop" would be adequate for most respondents to tailor their answer to most conversations...

    What would be more useful is a line in the About Me section, such as:

    1. Two Walkley Awards - Photojournalism


    2. First camera bought in 2017 and I want to learn heaps


  3. #3
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: Profile Information

    Quote Originally Posted by William W View Post
    I think it is simple: if one joins any group then to introduce oneself is just good manners AND (IMPORTANTLY) very useful for all concerned - that's the purpose of the "About Me", "Bio Page".

    It is useful to go further than just outlining an equipment list, a bio and location is very useful for people to:

    a) address and tailor their response to you
    b) better understand the response that they get from you

    Apropos the Equipment List being nosey or intrusive -

    "Canon DSLR and two zoom lenses and Photoshop" would be adequate for most respondents to tailor their answer to most conversations...

    What would be more useful is a line in the About Me section, such as:

    1. Two Walkley Awards - Photojournalism


    2. First camera bought in 2017 and I want to learn heaps

    That's the sort of information I would be hoping to see. If the Profile had an extra section and a brief encouragement and reason for filling it in I think most members would oblige.

    P.S. A lot of members have put some of the information in the signature box. Unfortunately it usually does not extend to software and is not available for the initial posts.
    Last edited by pnodrog; 10th October 2017 at 06:12 AM.

  4. #4
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: Profile Information

    Quote Originally Posted by pnodrog View Post
    . . . A lot of members have put some of the information in the signature box. Unfortunately it usually does not extend to software and is not available for the initial posts.
    Oh ? I have never noticed that.

    Wonder why?


  5. #5
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Profile Information

    I think this is an excellent idea. I have never put equipment and software in a signature line, in part because it's a long list, and in part because it is often irrelevant. Most of the time, I don't care what people own, and I suspect that is true of most people viewing my posts most of the time. However, sometimes it is very relevant, as Paul pointed out. Having that information in the profile would be a perfect solution--you can look for it when it is relevant and simply not see it when it isn't.

  6. #6

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    Re: Profile Information

    Quote Originally Posted by pnodrog View Post
    When answering requests for guidance it would assist if I was first able to check their "Profile" and see a list of equipment and editing software they have available. There is little use in making suggestions about editing methods if they do not have the software to carry it out.
    Very good point, Paul. So often, advice given here assumes that everyone owns all things Adobe . .

    Often to give a relevant answer I first need to ask what editing tools are available before making a suggestion. Unfortunately, I have probably forgotten by the next time they seek further advice so I have to ask again.

    Some members may feel such a list is either intrusive or nosey. However, so long as it was clear that it was to speed up and allow more specific responses I doubt there would be much objection.

    The oft-maligned DPR allows such information as part of a Member's Profile "Gear List". It is comprehensive and includes the ability to list software and miscellany such a tripods, flashes, etc.

    So, here, I just put a link to that list in my signature, see below . .
    Last edited by xpatUSA; 10th October 2017 at 04:29 PM.

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