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Thread: Young at heart

  1. #1
    New Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Young at heart

    Hi, I am a long retired (but bursting with enthusiasm) 74 year old.

    I have been involved in photography since my 10th birthday when I was given a Brownie 127. Family portraits were my best subject and I have done all my darkroom days.

    I joined our local photographic club here in the UK (Welwyn Garden City) in 2007.

    ONLY THEN was it that I really found out what photography was all about. Since then I have been Chairman of the club for several years, but happily I have now done my stint and am glad to be back to full time photography once again.

    I love landscapes, portraits and wildlife and my latest interest is street photography. I have entered very many competitions and put several prints in galleries. I've had a few notable successes along the way too.

    Always with other photographers, I travel to all sorts of places in the UK and overseas, so landscapes and people figure highly. It is the overseas trips where my other lifetime love, languages, gets re-polished. Whether it be to France, Spain, Portugal or Russia, together with photography, it all helps to keep my brain active.

    My last trip was to Cuba in November - what a photographer's paradise - and I attach an image 'Cuban Girl' that I took there.

    My current gear is a Nikon D810 (following, respectively a D800 and a D200) and have a big collection of all Nikon lenses, Gitzo tripod and Arca Swiss ball head.

    For street photography I have an Olympus EPL-5, it's flip screen and with the fabulous 40mm prime Panasonic lens, allows me to get in close and produces excellent results.

    I have always held CiC in high regard and it is my 'go to' website for the definitive answer to all my photographic and printing problems.

    I look forward to a closer relationship with all of you, in trying to take my images to the next level.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Young at heart

    Welcome to the group, looking forward to seeing more of your captures.

  3. #3
    Marie Hass's Avatar
    Join Date
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    up on a knob above Paden City, West Virginia
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    Marie Hass

    Re: Young at heart

    Excellent use of light.

    there are more of us close to your age than you think.


  4. #4
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Young at heart

    Welcome to this great site, populated by some really nice people. BTW: my first camera was also a Brownie 127!

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