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Thread: Remote Shutter Release for Canon 50d

  1. #1
    New Member ButterfliesandHurricanes's Avatar
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    Remote Shutter Release for Canon 50d

    Hi, I was hoping someone could help me.

    I purchased a Hahnel Shutter Release Remote recently, which on its packaging states it is for use with the Canon EOS 50d, but I cannot get it to work.

    Do I have to have it in a certain mode or have a certain setting activated?

  2. #2
    Ollokot's Avatar
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    Re: Remote Shutter Release for Canon 50d

    Hi ButterfliesandHurricanes and welcome,
    I'm not familiar with Hahnel,I use the Canon RS-80N3 Remote Switch. There is no setting needed to activate it.Check the plug and see if it has 3 pin holes arranged as a triangle if not I doubt it will fit
    Hope this helps Pat

  3. #3

    Re: Remote Shutter Release for Canon 50d

    Hi Butterfl....etc.

    They do fail. I just had an e-bay cheapie fail on my 40D. I don't know of anyway of testing them. It sounds obvious but you have not got the remote lock on have you...we've all done it!

  4. #4

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    Re: Remote Shutter Release for Canon 50d

    Hi Butterflies and Hurricanes,

    Welcome to CiC - it's great to have you with us. Congrats too on having (I suspect) the longest username on the site (perhaps we'll have to call you "B&H" for short) (I'm sure that won't cause any confusion) (little insider humour there )

    I'm not familiar with that particular device ... is it just the one item that plugs into the camera (ie a switch on the end of a cable, with a plug at the other end), or is it also a wireless device (so it essentially comes in 2 parts)?

  5. #5
    New Member ButterfliesandHurricanes's Avatar
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    Re: Remote Shutter Release for Canon 50d

    Hi guys, No probs with being refered to as B&H, I use the same name on a few other forums and have been refered to as such before.

    In responce to Ollokot, the pins are arranged correctly and it physically fits with no problems, just nothing happens when you press the button.

    And to Colin Southern, it is a wired remote, attaches via the 3 pin input into the side of the camera, and can be lengthened in the middle.

    Im guessing Im just gonna have to dump this shutter and get a canon one!

  6. #6

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    Re: Remote Shutter Release for Canon 50d

    Quote Originally Posted by ButterfliesandHurricanes View Post
    Hi guys, No probs with being refered to as B&H, I use the same name on a few other forums and have been refered to as such before.

    In responce to Ollokot, the pins are arranged correctly and it physically fits with no problems, just nothing happens when you press the button.

    And to Colin Southern, it is a wired remote, attaches via the 3 pin input into the side of the camera, and can be lengthened in the middle.

    Im guessing Im just gonna have to dump this shutter and get a canon one!
    It sounds like the earth wire is disconnected. There's actually 2 switches; the first closes a circuit between earth and the metering (equivalent to pressing the shutter release 1/2 way down), and the second is the actual shutter release. If you're not able to get your money back then someone with a multi-meter might be able to work out where the break is (at the end of the day it's just a wire connected to a switch) (although having just said that, so are aircraft undercarriage indication lights, and trained engineers always seem to struggle to get them working properly!).

    The other option is the Canon TC80-N3 (or a clone) ... they give counting / timing functions which mean you can be going other things whilst the camera & times do all the hard work.

  7. #7
    Hansm's Avatar
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    Re: Remote Shutter Release for Canon 50d


    I own the Hähnel Giga T Pro 2.4GHz Wireless Timer Remote and this one works without any problem.
    It has two channels so be sure both sender and receiver have to be set to the same channel.
    I don't know if you have the same type, but in fact should work.

  8. #8

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    Re: Remote Shutter Release for Canon 50d

    Hey there B & H. I own the Adorama Mfr. Part: RSRT04C3P Remote Shutter Release and I love it. It does not have the functions of the release Colin was referring to, but it is remote, so you can sit inside and snap picks whilst watching the clock to see how much time has passed. It comes in very handy especially for night shots. Plus, it's only $36.95 US. No problems what-so-ever on my 20D. Hope that helps.

  9. #9
    inkista's Avatar
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    Re: Remote Shutter Release for Canon 50d

    Just a thought, but if you were going to be doing Strobist stuff anyway, the YongNuo RF-602 radio flash triggers double as a camera remote, too.

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