Has anyone an idea I can try. How can I make a stationary pot of flowers look very creative? No Photoshop.
Has anyone an idea I can try. How can I make a stationary pot of flowers look very creative? No Photoshop.
You can use ImageJ or The GIMP, both free, to do some processing. Not having Photoshop needn't limit doing some interesting things with the image.
Thanks Rick, what is Gimp, and where do you get it?
Depends what you mean by creative. I took this shot a couple of years ago when I was shooting some holiday cottages for someone. It looks as if it's been manipulated, but it hasn't. Just a question of getting the right scene and, of course, the right lighting. Photo manipulation is all very well, but it always looks like photo manipulation. Would you think this looks manipulated if I hadn't told you?
I would think it was manipulated, I would think it is high key, something devised by fashion photographers to show off colour and hijacked by rob to show off, to show off some flowers in a more interesting setting.
I would prefer to manipulate an accurately exposed image than try to get it in camera, it is so easy to get it all wrong.
It does look natural and very nice, however what I want to try is an outside shot in windy conditions to get movement and the blur of rainwall. So low F number and slow speed?
Another thought... could also try a strong backlight and then zooming on a slightly slower shutter speed to get the effect of light rays.
Or maybe flower pot + dark room + flashlight + slowww shutter speed for to light paint it?
Just trying to add to the idea pool!
Hose/Sprinkler....plus leaf blower/hair dryer maybe
And/or the pot held in an outstretched palm. Another suggestion might be to paint the flowers with light during a long exposure. Unfortunately pots of flowers tend to be just pots of flowers and the creativity usually comes with use of lighting. If the remit was not stationary it would open up far more scope for creativity. Place flowers on a rollerskate or record turntable and go for motion blur etc. Get someone to tip the pot upside down and shoot as the flowers start to fall and then flip the final image....hey I could be onto something here. See you when I get back from the cemetery (interfora for the economically challenged).
Good luck
EDIT: scrap the light painting Jen beat to it
Great minds think alike! I like the idea of getting a picture as they are falling and then flipping!
Thanks, like the idea of "flipping", what is it?
Thanks as well
Julius. Rotating through 180 degrees. So the picture of the upside-down flower pot with the flowers beginning to fall out of it becomes a photo of a flower pot standing upright with the flowers falling 'into' the pot. Sounds daft, I know. But when executed by someone like Steve (Wirefox), then it works. Doing the same with water in a container is another subject
How many beers is that I owe you now Donald?But when executed by someone like Steve (Wirefox), then it works
In reality the flowers end up on the deck and I get a shot of WireVixens hand holding a plant pot upside down..I suppose it might work if she were dressed in...er, em we wont go there
Hi julius
The gimp ii free you can down load it off th net
look here it says 2.6 is best there is also another site meet the gimp which is good