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Thread: Blue artifacts in ACR 6.2

  1. #1

    Blue artifacts in ACR 6.2

    I am experiencing some really strange artifacts when viewing photos in adobe camera raw 6.2 (please see attached photo). This problem is not seen in adobe bridge nor in photoshop. So, short of reinstalling the adobe Creative Suite 5, how do I solve this problem? Perhaps roll back the updates?

    Thanks in advance for your help!

    PS: This is an out-of-focused region.

    Blue artifacts in ACR 6.2

    Blue artifacts in ACR 6.2

  2. #2

    Re: Blue artifacts in ACR 6.2

    It looks as if you have black clipping switched on which shows the pure black areas of a shot (if there are any). Click on the black and white triangles in the histogram and they should go. But they are useful for seeing dark-spots and blow-outs.

    Use the fill light slider to lighten them.

  3. #3

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    Re: Blue artifacts in ACR 6.2

    This is an easy one

    It's just showing you areas of no shadow detail - just click the white triangle at the top-left of the histogram

  4. #4

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    Re: Blue artifacts in ACR 6.2

    @ Rob


  5. #5

    Re: Blue artifacts in ACR 6.2

    Thank you so much!

    I must have fogotten that I enabled it

  6. #6

    Re: Blue artifacts in ACR 6.2

    Quote Originally Posted by Blazing fire View Post
    Thank you so much!

    I must have fogotten that I enabled it
    I have a more embarrassing one than that. Last week we were discussing here the switching of the auto-focus button to the button on the camera back, rather than using the shutter button. At that time I switched mine and thought I'd try it out.

    A few days later I picked up the camera to shoot something and there was no auto-focus... completely dead! Checked that the lens was on AF, checked the seating between lens and camera, changed the batteries. Nothing. Just about to take it in for repair when I accidentally pressed the back button and it focussed!

  7. #7

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    Re: Blue artifacts in ACR 6.2

    Quote Originally Posted by carregwen View Post
    I have a more embarrassing one than that. Last week we were discussing here the switching of the auto-focus button to the button on the camera back, rather than using the shutter button. At that time I switched mine and thought I'd try it out.

    A few days later I picked up the camera to shoot something and there was no auto-focus... completely dead! Checked that the lens was on AF, checked the seating between lens and camera, changed the batteries. Nothing. Just about to take it in for repair when I accidentally pressed the back button and it focussed!
    I reckon I can beat that ...

    Earlier on in the week I printed a portrait on (expensive) canvas ... And the skin tones were horrible. Occasionally this has happened in the past and it can be caused by severe nozzle clogging - so I swapped out the canvas for paper and printed a nozzle check, but it was perfect (infact the best I'd ever seen).

    Hmmm - can only be the profile then, although I really don't know why ... So I print out a 700+ patch target and set about the very laborious task of scanning them individually with a photo spectrometer - built the new profile - tested it on more expensive canvas (that's another story for another day!) ... (it was even worse) Scratched my head some more ... And then figured out why the original and trusty profile wasn't working properly ...

    ... It wasn't selected.

    Doh! (about $100 of canvas and 3 hours wasted)

  8. #8
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    Re: Blue artifacts in ACR 6.2

    Quote Originally Posted by carregwen View Post
    I have a more embarrassing one than that. Last week we were discussing here the switching of the auto-focus button to the button on the camera back, rather than using the shutter button. At that time I switched mine and thought I'd try it out.

    A few days later I picked up the camera to shoot something and there was no auto-focus... completely dead! Checked that the lens was on AF, checked the seating between lens and camera, changed the batteries. Nothing. Just about to take it in for repair when I accidentally pressed the back button and it focussed!
    I got a more embarrassing one than that; I went indoors to clean a lens and attach filters and because I can't see near things with my specs on I put them down on a seat. Then I must have accidentally touched the info button because it took me a whole hour to work out how to get histograms while I was several hundred yards away photographing a diesel.

    Then I walked the mile back along the overgrown path and took some more pics, was considering packing everything up and reach in my pocket for my specs Somebody must be honest because when I returned they had been moved onto the armrest.

  9. #9

    Re: Blue artifacts in ACR 6.2

    A few days later I picked up the camera to shoot something and there was no auto-focus... completely dead! Checked that the lens was on AF, checked the seating between lens and camera, changed the batteries. Nothing. Just about to take it in for repair when I accidentally pressed the back button and it focussed!
    Ha! I made the same mistake a while back too.

    Colin, perhaps this thread should be turned into 'photographer's silly mistakes' or something . You never know... it can help prevent other from making such mistakes in future.

  10. #10

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    Re: Blue artifacts in ACR 6.2

    Quote Originally Posted by Blazing fire View Post
    Ha! I made the same mistake a while back too.

    Colin, perhaps this thread should be turned into 'photographer's silly mistakes' or something . You never know... it can help prevent other from making such mistakes in future.
    Perhaps even better, I'll start a "Doh!" thread, and see how many confessions we get

  11. #11

    Re: Blue artifacts in ACR 6.2

    Yes, that'll be great!

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