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Thread: Any body else using a Panasonic FZ28 or FZ35?

  1. #1
    Len Martin's Avatar
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    Any body else using a Panasonic FZ28 or FZ35?

    I've been using these cameras over the past 3 years - the FZ35 for about 18 months. Am very happy with them because of their vast range - macro to wide angle landscape plus massive [ x12 (FZ28) or x18(FZ35)] optical zoom plus ability to save as Raw. Macro telephoto enables me to shoot flying insects such as bees and dragonflies from 1 metre, also good for birds. Am wedded to a through the lens view-finder, rather than a rear screen, particularly in bright sunlight, so the FZ's electronic viewfinder is great. Lots of options without having to lug vast quantities of gear around. Yes, I know the sensor is tiny and given to noise but...... Any rate, having plucked up courage to expose my exposures to you lot, and having worked out how to upload images to an album, the next few days will see an ever increasing collection. The first three Moreton Island views loaded tonight are simply crops of wide-angle shots taken in raw and doodled with PS Elements.

  2. #2
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    Re: Any body else using a Panasonic FZ28 or FZ35?

    I have just bought the FZ35 / FZ38 and am pleased with results. However I did have a problem trying to photo dragonflys I could not focus on those in air even when hovering just in front of me. I was using iA or P program. I have not seen your images will try to post some of mine later.

  3. #3
    Len Martin's Avatar
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    Re: Any body else using a Panasonic FZ28 or FZ35?

    Dear Gnista,

    I use spot focus on P with face recognition switched off - never use intelligent exposure - it isn't. Haven't had much luck with flying objects either - I'm too slow. By the way the pictures referred to are now on my Album Why I love my FZ35.


    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 11th September 2010 at 08:07 AM.

  4. #4
    n0ct's Avatar
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    Re: Any body else using a Panasonic FZ28 or FZ35?

    I've got the FZ35 and find it to be a nice travel camera for times when I don't want to carry the DSLR. I have really come to enjoy the video capability. It does have the annoying shutter lag of a point and shoot, but that is out weighed by it's other features.


  5. #5
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    Re: Any body else using a Panasonic FZ28 or FZ35?

    I also have a FZ35.. Purchased about 7 months ago, but just now am getting around to learning the basics, and am looking forward to application of the basics and what my camera will do. I have been frustrated with trying to get some shots and the camera not focusing. So I just need to take the time learn, that is one of the best things about digital, don't have to worry about the cost of wasted shots.


  6. #6
    Len Martin's Avatar
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    Re: Any body else using a Panasonic FZ28 or FZ35?

    Quote Originally Posted by JimBCa View Post
    I also have a FZ35.. Purchased about 7 months ago, but just now am getting around to learning the basics, and am looking forward to application of the basics and what my camera will do. I have been frustrated with trying to get some shots and the camera not focusing. So I just need to take the time learn, that is one of the best things about digital, don't have to worry about the cost of wasted shots.

    Don't ever use "face recognition" or "intelligent (idiot) exposure" if you want to rapidly focus on close-ups of flowers or insects (my forte). Use "P", or "manual focus" with "spot focus" [THE TEENY TINY SQUARE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FOCUSSING SCREEN], otherwise the camera faffs around and doesn't focus on the spot that you want. I often set expose comPensation at -2/3 and may use aperture priority/shutter priority or both ("M"). Face recognition and IA really stuff things up. These cameras are too clever for their own good. Simplicity is all.



    PS apologies for stuffing up the last reply.
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 5th October 2010 at 08:15 PM. Reason: added previous reply and deleted it

  7. #7
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    Re: Any body else using a Panasonic FZ28 or FZ35?

    Len, thank you for the advice, this is a keeper for me. Love what I can learn here, saves many hours of frustration.

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    Re: Any body else using a Panasonic FZ28 or FZ35?


    I have an FZ35 and really like it. I'd have gotten one of the later editions of the FZ models but found in my research that the idea of more megapixels is more a false selling point than a way of getting better IQ. In fact, in an effort to improve IQ significantly, I've tried the micro four thirds g2, and the Nikon D7000... expecting huge and obvious improvement. After using them in identical situations with the FZ, I found that there just isn't enough difference to warrant me spending the time and money to become proficient with a DSLR. I'm sure it must be my fault, but I sent them back. I'm waiting for a camera similar to the FZ35 with a larger sensor, Leica zoom lens, and RAW capabilities for my next purchase... until then, I'm with you, the FZ35 is a fine little camera. Love the manual capabilities... and really, if a person is riding the shutter release, it's possible to have very little lag...

    I feel like such a failure because I really liked the Nikon D7000, but just couldn't get it to perform...

    Ah well...


  9. #9
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Any body else using a Panasonic FZ28 or FZ35?

    Quote Originally Posted by Skeeziks View Post
    I have an FZ35 and really like it. I'd have gotten one of the later editions of the FZ models but found in my research that the idea of more megapixels is more a false selling point than a way of getting better IQ. In fact, in an effort to improve IQ significantly, I've tried the micro four thirds g2, and the Nikon D7000... expecting huge and obvious improvement. After using them in identical situations with the FZ, I found that there just isn't enough difference to warrant me spending the time and money to become proficient with a DSLR. I'm sure it must be my fault, but I sent them back. I'm waiting for a camera similar to the FZ35 with a larger sensor, Leica zoom lens, and RAW capabilities for my next purchase... until then, I'm with you, the FZ35 is a fine little camera. Love the manual capabilities... and really, if a person is riding the shutter release, it's possible to have very little lag...

    I feel like such a failure because I really liked the Nikon D7000, but just couldn't get it to perform...
    Hi Eric,

    Perhaps you had unrealistic expectations?

    With a lens, a DSLR is going to be 10 or 20 times the price of something like the FZ series, but it sure as heck isn't going to be even 10 x better image quality. "Huge and obvious improvement" it is not, I'm afraid.

    It's just there are things you can do with a DSLR that you can't (do so easily, or so well) with an FZ.
    Some of it is pure ergonomics, some frame rate, some reduced DoF and bokeh, in part swappable lenses, better focusing, the list goes on. For image quality, unless you shoot RAW (which I guess you do from what was written) and have good PP skills and put decent lenses on it AND (very importantly) shoot the kind of subjects that suit those enhancements, you could be disappointed.

    But I definitely wouldn't say you're a failure, I can think of some subjects for which an FZ will be better.

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    Re: Any body else using a Panasonic FZ28 or FZ35?

    Thanks for the comment Dave... Yes, I see what you mean, and agree. I guess I want the flexibility and ease of transport... I'll attach a photo for which I needed to turn on the FZ, zoom in, get an auto focus, and shoot, and then the subject was gone... in a matter of about 20 seconds. I wouldn't have had enough time with a DSLR, and the IQ is more than reasonable. And yet, I see the magnificent work here on Cambridge and want to join that crowd...

    Thanks again for the help...


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