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Thread: Blob in all my pictures

  1. #1

    Blob in all my pictures

    Hi there, I am actually Simon Simone returning but I think my details were lost as I could not get back in. So helloo it has been a long time.

    I have a problem with my camera where there is a "blob" in the top leftish corner on all photos no matter the lens I use. eekk then I knew the fabulous brains trust at Cambridge in Colour would be able to help me - what have I done ? where do I find someone reputable I can trust to look at camera (unless something simple I can do) am in Sydney Australia - any help would be most appreciated.

    See my photo from recent trip - EXCEPT FOR BLOB IN CORNER pffttt on everything ....

    MOD Comment: no pictures linked here
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 4th October 2016 at 08:47 AM.

  2. #2
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Blob in all my pictures

    link to a few photos so that we can see. However, what you describe sounds like dust on the sensor.

  3. #3
    GrahamS's Avatar
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    Re: Blob in all my pictures

    Sounds like you have dirt, dust or other foreign matter on the sensor. My advice is to take the camera to a reputable camera dealer and have the sensor cleaned professionally. Don't try doing it yourself unless you are willing to risk it. Depending on the type and model of camera, you could try blowing the sensor clean with a rocket blower, but even this is risky if you don't know what you are doing.

  4. #4
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Blob in all my pictures

    The one thing that often works for me when I see a large dust blob, it to run the camera's sensor cleaning cycle 3 or 4 times. This often solves the problem for me.

    Using a bulb type blower is the next step, if the first approach does not work. I don't know what kind of camera you have, but if it is a DSLR, then the camera should have a mode where the mirror pops out of the way and the shutter remains open. In a mirrorless camera, the sensor is always visible when you remove the lens. Blow air at the spots in question (a bright, focused light will help). Also remember that the lens inverts the image on the sensor, so if you see the dust spot at the top of the image, the dust spot is actually located.

    Finally, something I only rarely need to do is use a sensor cleaning brush. I use Visible Dust's Arctic Butterfly tool. To date, I have neither had to resort to either a wet cleaning approach or sending it to a repair shop for cleaning.

    The sensor is not particularly fragile, but you still need to be careful so that you do not drag contaminants onto it. Neither the sensor cleaning cycle or the bulb type blower are difficult to do. Not everyone is comfortable with actually touching the sensor with a physical cleaning tool, so if you are not, you might want to stay away from that.

  5. #5
    AlwaysOnAuto's Avatar
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    Re: Blob in all my pictures

    Anyone else find it odd that all the responses assume he has a digital camera?

  6. #6
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    Re: Blob in all my pictures

    Quote Originally Posted by AlwaysOnAuto View Post
    Anyone else find it odd that all the responses assume he has a digital camera?
    Nope - the likelihood of Simone using a film camera is slim to say the least and them not mentioning its a film camera with the issue is incredibly unlikely.

  7. #7

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    Re: Blob in all my pictures

    Quote Originally Posted by AlwaysOnAuto View Post
    Anyone else find it odd that all the responses assume he has a digital camera?
    Imagine how unlikely it could be that a blob appears on all photos regardless of the lens and roll of film being used. Surely less likely than the likelihood of getting hit by lightning.

  8. #8
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Blob in all my pictures

    Quote Originally Posted by AlwaysOnAuto View Post
    Anyone else find it odd that all the responses assume he has a digital camera?
    Scratches in the emulsion were the most common "damage" issue that was found with film cameras. I can't think of any way that a "blob" effect would be seen repeatedly between frames when shooting film.

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