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Thread: Play Time

  1. #1

    Play Time

    Well, I have been banned from the dressing up box, the sand pit, the trampoline, the cat, sharp objects and the knicker drawer....but I was allowed to play with some old polystyrene packing and my marbles.

    Play Time

    Play Time

    Play Time

    Play Time

    I couldn't make my mindup bween these two so I post both for your deliberation

    Play Time

    Play Time

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Play Time

    Good stuff Steve, sorry to here about your many banishments. On your last shot, did you run a laser across the surface?

  3. #3

    Re: Play Time

    Very good, Steve. Glad to see you are back in 'weird' mode. I think #5 should be called "Fisherman at the ice-hole" And #1 could be "Eye-balls"

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    Provence, France
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    Re: Play Time

    Very interesting photos.

    Nice to see a negative again (haven't seen one of those in way too long )


  5. #5
    wilgk's Avatar
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    Re: Play Time

    Very nice series Steve - the david Bowie inspired #1 is a favourite

  6. #6
    Klickit's Avatar
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    Kit, aka Slimtla

    Re: Play Time

    Quote Originally Posted by Wirefox View Post
    Well, I have been banned from the dressing up box, the sand pit, the trampoline, the cat, sharp objects and the knicker drawer....but I was allowed to play with some old polystyrene packing and my marbles.

    I couldn't make my mindup bween these two so I post both for your deliberation

    Play Time
    For some reason, this makes me think of a polar bear poised at the edge of a hole in an ice floe, waiting for a hapless seal. It is my preference too, which makes me wonder about my mental state.

  7. #7

    Re: Play Time

    On your last shot, did you run a laser across the surface?
    No, but I see what you mean. I fired a diffused flash at ground level to get that long shadow. I tried it on flag stones with the sun earlier but whilst I got a nice coloured reflection It did not give the effect I wanted

    Play Time

    Very good, Steve. Glad to see you are back in 'weird' mode. I think #5 should be called "Fisherman at the ice-hole" And #1 could be "Eye-balls"
    Cheers Rob, I can definitely see the ice association. No 5 was "Rushing to the Brink" in my head.

    Nice to see a negative again (haven't seen one of those in way too long
    Inverting colours works on so few images. I think I may have just got away with this one.

    Very nice series Steve - the david Bowie inspired #1 is a favourite
    I never thought of that. Now you have got me singing Jean Genie in my head. I grew up on that song. It is guaranteed to transport me straight back to the seventies
    For some reason, this makes me think of a polar bear poised at the edge of a hole in an ice floe, waiting for a hapless seal. It is my preference too, which makes me wonder about my mental state.
    You are on the same wave length as Rob. Perhaps he would send you a sample of whatever medication he is on this week. Actually if my images stimulate the imagination I have succeeded in my goal


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