Please suggest me whether I should go for the Canon 550D. I am very new to photography.
Please suggest me whether I should go for the Canon 550D. I am very new to photography.
Last edited by Colin Southern; 2nd September 2010 at 09:56 AM.
Hi Namiba,
We have a similar question being asked here ... it might help you ...
Help to decide DSLR
I don't know very much but I've just bought a 550d and I'm very happy with it.
To some extent, it depends on exactly what you want to do and what is your budget.
I would say you should also have a think about a 50D and, if you can find one, a 40D. If possible, hold one of these and a 550D to see which feels most comfortable. If price isn't an issue, also consider a 7D or one of the more expensive models.
There isn't really a right or wrong model here. Just which would suit you best. Some people think the 550D and it's earlier cousins are a bit lightweight and fiddly to use while others find the 50D etc a bit cumbersome and heavy. Personally, I use a 40D and wouldn't switch from that to a 550D.
But, like I already said, it mostly depends on how you want to use it and which model feels best for you.
thanx colin, donald and geoff.... it attracted me given the reason it can give me 18mp and a HD movie captures... thaks a lot guys....
All we need now is to start seeing the photos from it posted up on here. Have fun.thaks a lot guys....
Agree with Colin... "Many years ago I bought a 350D and was very happy with it ... right up until the point I played with a friends 20D! At that point I sold the 350D (at a loss) and bought a 20D ... and never looked back"
I bought a 350D to use as a second camera with a 10D. I was never happy with it and preferred my 10D (except for lack of EF-S lens capability) I got rid of the 350D and bought a 30D.
There was however, absolutely nothing wrong with the images that I shot with the 350D. It was basically the control system and the small size that I didn't like. I also preferred using the same batteries for all my cameras - this of course is not a problem to the single camera shooter. Another thing that I did not like was that many of the control parameters were accessed via the menu and that was a big PITA to me...
Last edited by rpcrowe; 8th September 2010 at 02:28 PM.