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Thread: 2016 Project 52, 3rd quarter by Judith Noble (Urbanflyer) C & C desired always

  1. #41
    Urbanflyer's Avatar
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    Re: 2016 Project 52, 3rd quarter by Judith Noble (Urbanflyer) C & C desired always

    Week 31--Message from a tree

    I continue exploring the clarity slider in Photoshop CC. This week I chose an old photo of tree bark to see where I could take it with this tool. I ended up using significant negative clarity (along with a few other adjustments) to create an abstract that I liked. Reminds me a bit of the effect available through encaustic.

    Original image

    2016 Project 52, 3rd quarter by Judith Noble (Urbanflyer) C & C desired always

    Abstract result from post processing

    2016 Project 52, 3rd quarter by Judith Noble (Urbanflyer) C & C desired always

    C & C always welcome.

  2. #42
    joebranko's Avatar
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    Re: 2016 Project 52, 3rd quarter by Judith Noble (Urbanflyer) C & C desired always

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanflyer View Post
    Week 31--Message from a tree

    I continue exploring the clarity slider in Photoshop CC. This week I chose an old photo of tree bark to see where I could take it with this tool. I ended up using significant negative clarity (along with a few other adjustments) to create an abstract that I liked. Reminds me a bit of the effect available through encaustic.

    Original image

    2016 Project 52, 3rd quarter by Judith Noble (Urbanflyer) C & C desired always

    Abstract result from post processing

    2016 Project 52, 3rd quarter by Judith Noble (Urbanflyer) C & C desired always

    C & C always welcome.
    I haven't tried negative clarity, but I have experienced it in early lectures on thermodynamics when I first started my engineering studies! 😕

  3. #43
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    Re: 2016 Project 52, 3rd quarter by Judith Noble (Urbanflyer) C & C desired always

    Week 32--Postcard from Hardin

    A change of pace in subject matter--not my usual choice. Thought I would play with clarity and a few other new found skills to see what I could do with this architectural image to give it a personality. C & C always welcome.

    original image
    2016 Project 52, 3rd quarter by Judith Noble (Urbanflyer) C & C desired always

    image after post processing

    2016 Project 52, 3rd quarter by Judith Noble (Urbanflyer) C & C desired always

  4. #44
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    Re: 2016 Project 52, 3rd quarter by Judith Noble (Urbanflyer) C & C desired always

    Would you kindly point of out the differences made? as such to looks nice too...

  5. #45
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    Re: 2016 Project 52, 3rd quarter by Judith Noble (Urbanflyer) C & C desired always

    Quote Originally Posted by Wavelength View Post
    Would you kindly point of out the differences made? as such to looks nice too...

    corrected perspective distortion, cropped foreground, brightened (dodged) doors/windows on left side, modest increase in clarity in sky and on building. Greater increase in clarity on "Hotel Becker" and top of tower. And added postcard style labeling.

    You are right that the differences are subtle.

  6. #46
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    Re: 2016 Project 52, 3rd quarter by Judith Noble (Urbanflyer) C & C desired always

    I checked all the things you mentioned and definitely each of them were valid, i feel; well done, Judith

  7. #47
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    Re: 2016 Project 52, 3rd quarter by Judith Noble (Urbanflyer) C & C desired always

    I am liking the path you are going through your experiments. I had seen the changes right away but I seem to think that the original one is more true to the perspective than the edit even though the edit is more pronounced/sharper...My mind's eyes sees the edit as the building is wider on top than the bottom? It is subtle but I still noticed it...tried to look several times...must be optical illusion...

  8. #48
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: 2016 Project 52, 3rd quarter by Judith Noble (Urbanflyer) C & C desired always

    Nice shot and edit.

  9. #49
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    Re: 2016 Project 52, 3rd quarter by Judith Noble (Urbanflyer) C & C desired always

    Quote Originally Posted by IzzieK View Post
    I am liking the path you are going through your experiments. I had seen the changes right away but I seem to think that the original one is more true to the perspective than the edit even though the edit is more pronounced/sharper...My mind's eyes sees the edit as the building is wider on top than the bottom? It is subtle but I still noticed it...tried to look several times...must be optical illusion...
    I think you are right, Izzy. I need to see what I can do about that--good exercise!

  10. #50
    joebranko's Avatar
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    Re: 2016 Project 52, 3rd quarter by Judith Noble (Urbanflyer) C & C desired always

    The edited shot is noticeably sharper and the perspective better. Well done Judith!

  11. #51
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    Re: 2016 Project 52, 3rd quarter by Judith Noble (Urbanflyer) C & C desired always

    thanks, Joe!

  12. #52
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    Re: 2016 Project 52, 3rd quarter by Judith Noble (Urbanflyer) C & C desired always

    Izzie, I tried working with the perspective warp tool and I think it is pretty good. This is the original photo with no post processing except for trying to work with the perspective. What do you think?

    2016 Project 52, 3rd quarter by Judith Noble (Urbanflyer) C & C desired always
    Last edited by Urbanflyer; 8th August 2016 at 06:06 AM.

  13. #53
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: 2016 Project 52, 3rd quarter by Judith Noble (Urbanflyer) C & C desired always

    Hi Judith,

    Izzie asked me if I could reply to this as she's got her hands full this week, so here goes...

    The first processed version, in post #43 definitely looked 'over corrected' for perspective to me, while the 'original' was in need of correction.

    This one is much better; while you have not quite corrected all the leaning in (at the top), it is better to leave a slight 'lean in', certainly much better than a 'lean out'.

    That said, perhaps your use of perspective warp has actually created another problem; when I compare the 'verticalness' of the nearest corners of the hotel, they now look to be leaning to the left (and that wasn't the case before).

    If I am correcting perspective manually, which I do when I feel the automatics haven't done it to my satisfaction (about half the time), here's how I approach it.

    In ACR in PS CC (which you have), I go to the Lens Corrections panel and ensure that Lens Profile corrections are ON, this should deal with any curvature introduced by barrel/pin cushioning in the lens at the focal length used.

    Then turn on the grid overlay and use the slider to set it to a helpful size.

    In this picture (at 100% zoom), I'd check both sides of the front edges of the grey/gray section (and/or door frame) to ensure that any (tiny) leaning in is equal on both sides, if it wasn't, I'd rotate the whole image to make it so.
    Alternatively, I'd compare the right hand edge of the building to grid, along with a 'vertical' image element the same distance in from LHS, and average those leans to set rotation.

    Only after I'm sure the image is level*, would I start to look at using the controls to correct the leaning in of the verticals, again, I think you should do this based on verticals that are equidistant from the centre of the image, but if the rotation is accurate, it may not matter and the control, should give the same answer.

    * note that I didn't use a horizontal edge to do this because you weren't 'square on' to any part of the building when you shot.

    Note also that this building is fairly likely, due to its architecture and age, not to be tilting in reality.

    If age and/or architectural features and/or shooting angle deny us a vertical edges to judge things, the all you can do is use common sense, based on the order of correction processing I have outlined. If you don't, the yes, sometimes using the warp tool (in PS itself) is the only way, but it can 'bite', so I am now very wary of using it when a more structured correction method (forgive the unintended pun) can yield better results.

    Hope that helps, Dave

    Disclaimer: I wrote the above mostly from memory and I have not used this method in the latest CC 2015.5, but I hope it is still valid. I have not loaded this image in to PS CC, or used an overlay grid, I have just compared building edges to my screen edges, so please bear that in mind.

    My approach to perspective problems has varied over the years, what I have outlined above is where I'm currently at and what I believe to be the best method (at the moment), but if anyone has a better method, let's hear it.

    These days, I take extra care at capture to get the camera level (left/right) and also (when possible) shoot wide to keep the camera as level as possible (lens up/down), then crop out the wasted pixels in the foreground in PP.
    In the extreme; I'll frame (after focusing) to place the centre focus point at a point on the subject building which is at the same height as the camera lens, taking account of any difference in ground height between where I am standing and the building. I shoot mostly hand held, so do this by eye, but if I were using a tripod, then a spirit level on that may help in getting the camera level on both axes (e.g. left/right and lens up/down).
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 8th August 2016 at 10:20 AM.

  14. #54
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    Re: 2016 Project 52, 3rd quarter by Judith Noble (Urbanflyer) C & C desired always

    Dave and Izzie,

    Thanks very much. Dave, your explanation is greatly appreciated. Guess I will look for some other instances in my library to work on until I get this down. Mostly I don't photograph buildings and probably don't notice perspective issues in geology!

  15. #55
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    Re: 2016 Project 52, 3rd quarter by Judith Noble (Urbanflyer) C & C desired always

    Week 33--The Road Ahead

    photographed from a moving car--Thank goodness for the spot healing brush--lots of bugs on the windshield! Continue to explore the clarity slider--this time using a localized adjustment with the brush.

    Original photo
    2016 Project 52, 3rd quarter by Judith Noble (Urbanflyer) C & C desired always

    After Post Processing

    2016 Project 52, 3rd quarter by Judith Noble (Urbanflyer) C & C desired always

  16. #56

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    Re: 2016 Project 52, 3rd quarter by Judith Noble (Urbanflyer) C & C desired always

    Your crop has made a huge difference Judith.Lovely clouds that look like cotton balls

  17. #57
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    Re: 2016 Project 52, 3rd quarter by Judith Noble (Urbanflyer) C & C desired always

    Thanks. Binnur. When I photo from a moving car I am always looking at potential, knowing I will have to work to bring out what I really saw!

  18. #58
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    Re: 2016 Project 52, 3rd quarter by Judith Noble (Urbanflyer) C & C desired always

    Just for fun

    Photographing from a moving car--watching the scenery fly by

    2016 Project 52, 3rd quarter by Judith Noble (Urbanflyer) C & C desired always

  19. #59
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: 2016 Project 52, 3rd quarter by Judith Noble (Urbanflyer) C & C desired always

    Getting good with the clarity slider, Judith. Sorry for disappearing abruptly. I really ran out of time last week...anyway, you are improving with your experiments. Without looking at the second shot, I think I over-analyzed the first one then saw the pleasing scene in #2. By the look of it, you were the passenger in this car, not the driver.

    Truth to say, I have not work on the clarity slider at all since I acquired Nik's and with the help of Binnur and others worked out my structure (similar to the clarity slider of Photoshop). I prefer Nik's better...

  20. #60
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    Re: 2016 Project 52, 3rd quarter by Judith Noble (Urbanflyer) C & C desired always

    Week 34--Nova Scotia tidepool

    Continuing to work on nuances in PP

    Original shot

    2016 Project 52, 3rd quarter by Judith Noble (Urbanflyer) C & C desired always

    final after PP

    2016 Project 52, 3rd quarter by Judith Noble (Urbanflyer) C & C desired always

    C & C always welcome

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