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Thread: YELLOW! Do you like it? I do. Welcome to a new "United Colours of Alentejo" series...

  1. #1
    Rui Lopes's Avatar
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    YELLOW! Do you like it? I do. Welcome to a new "United Colours of Alentejo" series...

    While driving throughout Alentejo, I found this small village (Pavia) and, immediately, decided to take some pictures to share here ... enjoy:

    The main church:
    YELLOW! Do you like it? I do. Welcome to a new "United Colours of Alentejo" series...

    The "Coreto" (place where local old bands play music upon festivities):
    YELLOW! Do you like it? I do. Welcome to a new "United Colours of Alentejo" series...

    Curious megalithic "Dolmen", right in the middle of the was built was built between the IV and the III millennium BC, having been transformed into a chapel dedicated to St. Denis in the seventeenth century:
    YELLOW! Do you like it? I do. Welcome to a new "United Colours of Alentejo" series...

    YELLOW! Do you like it? I do. Welcome to a new "United Colours of Alentejo" series...

    YELLOW! Do you like it? I do. Welcome to a new "United Colours of Alentejo" series...

    A nice chapel built in a very quite square:
    YELLOW! Do you like it? I do. Welcome to a new "United Colours of Alentejo" series...

    and... some local handicrafts... (aren´t they cute??):
    YELLOW! Do you like it? I do. Welcome to a new "United Colours of Alentejo" series...

    That´s why when I refer to this region, I call it "The United Colours of Alentejo"!

  2. #2
    dharankk9's Avatar
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    Re: YELLOW! Do you like it? If it is an yellow Flower How is it?

    This one clicked from My Lawn.
    YELLOW! Do you like it? I do. Welcome to a new "United Colours of Alentejo" series...

  3. #3
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: YELLOW! Do you like it? I do. Welcome to a new "United Colours of Alentejo" serie

    Hi Rui,

    Very nice series, what immediately strikes me is the clean uncluttered look:-
    almost zero litter,
    no cars,
    no horrid parking restriction lines on the cobbles
    few overhead cables

    While there are TV aerials, no unsightly cables draped on the outside of the houses.

    Is it really like this, or have you done a bit of PP 'tidying up' (as I would)?


  4. #4
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: YELLOW! Do you like it? I do. Welcome to a new "United Colours of Alentejo" serie

    Olá Rui

    Nice images you have here.
    Like Dave, I am astonished how there are no cables... and no people but those two old ladies and two kids. Perhaps it's the hour of the day.

    What stroke me at once is in fact, the absence of people in all the images but one.
    Yes, I know it is August and many people are in holidays like yourself traveling to and into the south of this country.
    Have you been to Algarve ?

    And you know what ? We seat at home in chairs like these

    Nice holidays

  5. #5
    Rui Lopes's Avatar
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    Re: YELLOW! Do you like it? If it is an yellow Flower How is it?

    Quote Originally Posted by dharankk9 View Post
    This one clicked from My Lawn.
    YELLOW! Do you like it? I do. Welcome to a new "United Colours of Alentejo" series...
    Very nice flower!

  6. #6
    Jim B.'s Avatar
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    Re: YELLOW! Do you like it? If it is an yellow Flower How is it?


    Very nice series.I love the stone(brick?)work in the streets.

  7. #7
    Rui Lopes's Avatar
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    Re: YELLOW! Do you like it? I do. Welcome to a new "United Colours of Alentejo" serie

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Hi Rui,

    Very nice series, what immediately strikes me is the clean uncluttered look:-
    almost zero litter,
    no cars,
    no horrid parking restriction lines on the cobbles
    few overhead cables

    While there are TV aerials, no unsightly cables draped on the outside of the houses.

    Is it really like this, or have you done a bit of PP 'tidying up' (as I would)?

    Thanks Dave. Actually, (at least when I did the pics) things were really like you see. The only subjects I´ve cloned out were some aerial cables to the left of the chapel roof, in the 6th picture.
    Reasons for the absence of people, cars, etc.? Well... according to Wikipedia they have only about 6 people per Km2... and moreover, I believe that when I was there, many were at home, owing the 40ºC outside...

  8. #8
    Rui Lopes's Avatar
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    Re: YELLOW! Do you like it? I do. Welcome to a new "United Colours of Alentejo" serie

    Quote Originally Posted by Antonio Correia View Post
    Olá Rui

    Nice images you have here.
    Like Dave, I am astonished how there are no cables... and no people but those two old ladies and two kids. Perhaps it's the hour of the day.

    What stroke me at once is in fact, the absence of people in all the images but one.
    Yes, I know it is August and many people are in holidays like yourself traveling to and into the south of this country.
    Have you been to Algarve ?

    And you know what ? We seat at home in chairs like these

    Nice holidays
    Olá António!
    As I explained before, not many people live there and only crazy people like me dared to go out of the car with a camera and a heavy backpack because of the high temperature...
    I´ve not been to Algarve and unfortunately, I suspect that this year is going to be the third one "vacations free"...
    Nice to know that you own such beautiful chairs at home. They are really cute
    Um abraço!
    Last edited by Rui Lopes; 17th August 2010 at 05:11 PM. Reason: amendment of the quote

  9. #9
    Rui Lopes's Avatar
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    Re: YELLOW! Do you like it? If it is an yellow Flower How is it?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim B. View Post

    Very nice series.I love the stone(brick?)work in the streets.
    Thank you Jim. It´s granite and schist.

  10. #10
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: YELLOW! Do you like it? I do. Welcome to a new "United Colours of Alentejo" serie

    Quote Originally Posted by Rui Lopes View Post
    ~ and moreover, I believe that when I was there, many were at home, owing the 40ºC outside...
    And I thought it was traditionally only "mad dogs and Englishmen" who ventured out in such temperatures
    ... although I see it was nowhere near noon when they were shot

    Thanks Rui


  11. #11
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: YELLOW! Do you like it? I do. Welcome to a new "United Colours of Alentejo" serie

    I had a headache and found that your peaceful images were great therapy. I could just imagine myself sitting there with no noise, clutter or people...

  12. #12
    Rui Lopes's Avatar
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    Re: YELLOW! Do you like it? I do. Welcome to a new "United Colours of Alentejo" serie

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    I had a headache and found that your peaceful images were great therapy. I could just imagine myself sitting there with no noise, clutter or people...

    ...what are you waiting for? Come here and rest for a couple of weeks in one of the (several) villages we´ve got like this one!

  13. #13
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: YELLOW! Do you like it? If it is an yellow Flower How is it?

    I like the rock, I do like the rock. It is a very small church, and I like the chairs. In fact I like them all.

  14. #14
    Rui Lopes's Avatar
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    Re: YELLOW! Do you like it? If it is an yellow Flower How is it?

    Thank you Steve. I´m glad you do.

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