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Thread: my first post

  1. #1

    my first post

    i will be (hopefully soon) a very beginner in the use of SLR cameras. but in the meantime i'm posting a pic of my daughter taken with a Sony DSC T100. I would appreciate any comments to improve the quality of the picture.
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  2. #2

    Re: my first post

    very nice pic! is it a square format cropping or rect? still its coming alive with your daughters photogenic face!

  3. #3
    shreds's Avatar
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    Re: my first post

    Thats good!

    Just keep the subject off the frame edges and watch for distracting backgrounds when shooting.

    Its ok here, but consider the use of a reflector to throw light back on the subjects face (can be something as plain and simple as a newspaper, positioned out of frame) when doing backlit shots.

  4. #4
    David's Avatar
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    Re: my first post

    Hi Cris - Lovely shot. I agree with the comments by Taken and Shreds. Look to blurring backgrounds in such shots by using a wide aperture and hence low depth of field. A square format would be appropriate, see other recent posts by Antonio Coreia. Sharpness can be a problem as well, and you might want to look at your processing software to enhance (only a little) the image sharpness.


  5. #5

    Re: my first post

    Quote Originally Posted by taken View Post
    very nice pic! is it a square format cropping or rect? still its coming alive with your daughters photogenic face!
    thanx for the comment. I cropped the pic, since I had to leave it in 293 kb or so to be uploaded in here...

  6. #6

    Re: my first post

    Quote Originally Posted by David View Post
    Hi Cris - Lovely shot. I agree with the comments by Taken and Shreds. Look to blurring backgrounds in such shots by using a wide aperture and hence low depth of field. A square format would be appropriate, see other recent posts by Antonio Coreia. Sharpness can be a problem as well, and you might want to look at your processing software to enhance (only a little) the image sharpness.

    thanks david..i use a point and shoot camera...therefore no choice to modify aperture and depth of field..that's why I'm moving to SLR camera (my initial posts at the forum...)...i kind of expecting great differences with the quality of my pics with the SLR (hoping not to be over-optimistic about the issue)...cheers
    Last edited by cgbcgbcgb; 14th November 2008 at 02:50 AM.

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