Thanks Donald. I think I will continue to experiment with this. There is something about B&W florals that I like. Perhaps it's just because a lot of times I really mess up the colours.
Below are a couple more from yesterday that I could use feedback on (anyone! help me out here

). I've included the colour and B&W version. I really appreciate all the pointers so far on what I should be trying to do with these. Please don't get upset if I appear to be ignoring any advice or tips given. Things take awhile to sink in with me and I have to learn by doing.
So here goes - let me know what you think. Good, bad, ugly, give it up, keep trying. This is new territory for me so all suggestions, advice, tips, comments will be considered.

B&W infared conversion in Elements, adjustments to Red and Green sliders and then levels and contrast to try to lighten the lily. Then for a different perspective I skewed it a bit.