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Thread: Day 12: July 2010 Photo-a-Day Thread

  1. #1

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    Have a guess :)

    Day 12: July 2010 Photo-a-Day Thread

    And on the 12th day ...

  2. #2

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    Mt. Airy Tower

    Day 12: July 2010 Photo-a-Day Thread

    Canon 500D, EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 IS USM @ 23mm, Full EXIF, PAD slideshow.

    I gave up on doing a better job with the chisel for now: I want to get a better reflector, maybe a cookie sheet. Besides, after a run of hazy days, followed by rain, we finally had some really nice sky. So I went out to get a shot I've had in mind for a while. I see this view quite a bit: Mt. Airy (population 6425) is the nearest town to us, having some fast food places, grocery stores, etc., so we go there for a lot of shopping, unless we need a big box store or something.

    The sky was nearly perfect: the only thing I could have wished for would be a nice white puff of cloud a little closer to the tower. I did try a crop minus the cloud there in the corner, and it lost a lot. The cloud has to stay. I suppose I could copy-and-paste it, but that seems like cheating. I like the light cutting across like a planetarium demonstration to give depth.

    C&C always welcome.


  3. #3

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    Have a guess :)

    Space - the Final Frontier

    A bit of a gamble today ... I got a bit too engrossed in my working day that I didn't get a chance to shoot anything during the daylight hours, so I thought I'd have a crack at a night sky shot. For the benefit of our northern hemisphere friends, this is what us "Southern Folks" get to gaze at on clear nights - with one of the highlights being the "Southern Cross", which I've marked in red, along with it's two pointer stars (Alpha Centauri and Beta Centauri I believe ... hopefully someone can set me right if I'm wrong).

    Shot 14mm on a Canon 1Ds3. 7 seconds @ F2.8 @ ISO 3200.

    Day 12: July 2010 Photo-a-Day Thread

  4. #4
    Klickit's Avatar
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    Day 12: July 2010 Photo-a-Day Thread.

    Apologies for not participating and commenting very much lately, but life is doing a catch-up on us. We will be moving the bus tomorrow and I'm not sure if we'll be within range of the interwebs. But for now, here is one of the reasons things are getting busy:

    Rust Never Sleeps

    Day 12: July 2010 Photo-a-Day Thread

    Creation date: 12/07/2010 16:57
    Camera: NIKON D80
    Lens: Nikkor (35mm F1.8)
    Focal length: 35*mm*(equiv. 52*mm)
    Aperture: F2
    Exposure time: 1/4000" (-2*EV)
    ISO speed rating: 200/24°
    Program: Aperture priority
    Metering Mode: Center-weighted average
    White Balance: Auto
    Focus Mode: AF-C
    Noise Reduction: Off
    Flash: Flash did not fire

  5. #5
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Space - the Final Frontier

    I think the gamble paid off Colin, but I do find the new border style overpoweringly bright for darker shots like this (and the 'bench' ones)

    I'd need to travel hundreds of miles to get a view of the Milky Way like that, southern England is just too populous, with attendant light polution, to make such a shot possible for me, well that, and not having an f2.8 lens that wide (I'd need about 9mm on my 1.5 cf body)

    Great shot,

  6. #6
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Mt. Airy Tower

    Quote Originally Posted by rick55 View Post
    Day 12: July 2010 Photo-a-Day Thread

    The sky was nearly perfect: the only thing I could have wished for would be a nice white puff of cloud a little closer to the tower. I did try a crop minus the cloud there in the corner, and it lost a lot. The cloud has to stay. I suppose I could copy-and-paste it, but that seems like cheating. I like the light cutting across like a planetarium demonstration to give depth.
    Hi Rick,

    I'd do the copy and paste in a trice (cheater Dave!), although the graded blue sky would give me problems moving it further down, I'd have to develop new PP skills to accomplish that).

    Good shot, in which the diagonal shadow also plays an important part, as you say.

  7. #7
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Day 12: July 2010 Photo-a-Day Thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by Klickit View Post
    But for now, here is one of the reasons things are getting busy:

    Flash: Flash did not fire
    Hi Kit,

    The flash may not have fired, but something did
    Who used the bus for target practice? We'll send our BFG around to sort 'em out

    More seriously, it looks like you've taken off an air conditioner, or similar, and this is the pipe and fixing holes - will it go back after dealing with the rust?

    Anyway, less time here (if no interweb) means more time to take pictures, so we'll expect an update when you are back within range (I have to admit I wondered how you stayed connected, and how often you move around).

    We'll miss you,

  8. #8
    JK6065's Avatar
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    Re: Day 12: July 2010 Photo-a-Day Thread.

    I had a chance to go out and shoot today between the heavy storms which crossed the Netherlands today. I love the little 'storm'clouds.

    Day 12: July 2010 Photo-a-Day Thread

    1/800s . f/16.0 . ISO 100 . 18 mm

  9. #9

    North Gower

    The Gower is a peninsula of land sticking out from Swansea in West Wales, and it's very attractive. Here is a shot looking over the north coast (my house is somewhere on the other side of the water)


    PAD gallery

    Day 12: July 2010 Photo-a-Day Thread

  10. #10
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Pigeon in a tree

    Day 12: July 2010 Photo-a-Day Thread

    Nikon D5000 + Nikon 70-300mm VR: 1/350s f/8 at 300mm, iso1600, +0.5 EC, handheld.

    UPDATE: Seeing Pops cats recently, I thought I would add "Bubbles"

    Day 12: July 2010 Photo-a-Day Thread

    Nikon D5000 + Nikon 70-300mm VR: 1/350s f/8 at 240mm, iso400, handheld.

    PS, after I took this I thought I really should mow that lawn; and I have, but not too short, I left some clover for the bumble bees.
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 12th July 2010 at 10:20 PM. Reason: add Bubbles

  11. #11

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    Day 12: July 2010 Photo-a-Day Thread

    Exif Data

    Taken from my iPhone earlier on my lunch time.
    (Fully zoom to the subject and excuse my blur ^_^)

  12. #12
    James G's Avatar
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    Re: Day 12: July 2010 Photo-a-Day Thread

    Stickling to the theme of spontaneaty on the day rather than plan too far in advance I thought I'd have a go at a portrait. Not really my thing, since I rarely photograph peiople,

    So here it is....

    Portrait of the artist!

    Attached Images Attached Images

  13. #13
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Day 12: July 2010 Photo-a-Day Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by James G View Post
    I thought I'd have a go at a portrait. Not really my thing, ...
    That's a pretty impressive 'go', I would say!

  14. #14

    Re: Day 12: July 2010 Photo-a-Day Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by James G View Post
    Stickling to the theme of spontaneaty on the day rather than plan too far in advance I thought I'd have a go at a portrait. Not really my thing, since I rarely photograph peiople,

    So here it is....

    Portrait of the artist!


    Excuse my French, but that is bloody good! Well done (I mean it)

    PS: Put this in the next BW comp and I'm sure you will win.

  15. #15
    James G's Avatar
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    Re: Day 12: July 2010 Photo-a-Day Thread

    Thanks Rob, Donald
    praise indeed and I might just put it in the next B&W comp.
    Oh well day 13 comes .......


  16. #16
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Day 12: July 2010 Photo-a-Day Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by James G View Post
    Thanks Rob, Donald
    praise indeed
    Well deserved, that is good.

    The only thing I find a tad distracting is the background in the top right corner lightening towards the edge, just a couple more brush strokes ought to do it, so it is more like the left hand side.

  17. #17
    James G's Avatar
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    Re: Day 12: July 2010 Photo-a-Day Thread

    Thanks didn't notice. Next time more haste less speed ...... My wife reckons he's scary,

  18. #18
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Day 12: July 2010 Photo-a-Day Thread

    I have been very busy for a couple of days but things are getting better now...
    I had to go out tonight to shoot this picture.
    I think I have shot a little bit too late because the Sun is completely gone and there is no light at all in the sky.

    Day 12: July 2010 Photo-a-Day Thread

  19. #19

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    Re: Day 12: July 2010 Photo-a-Day Thread

    This is brilliant, James: an excellent portrait, very strong. I like the shirt collar off-center in one direction, with the chain balancing in the other direction, and the open collar in general: it prevents the whole thing from being too stiff, which could easily happen with the very direct, strong pose. It gives the feeling of personality coming through rather than put on.


  20. #20
    James G's Avatar
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    Re: Day 12: July 2010 Photo-a-Day Thread

    I think light in the sky might have detractedfrom the lighting across the city. I like the balance between the highlights to the right and left with the main city centre lighht and harbour? swiging off cenrte back to the right.

    I think light in the sky would distract attention.



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