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Thread: Holly on jacaranda...

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Holly on jacaranda...

    I posted the other shot of Holly, my Goldendoodle, on the Day 8 of the image a day post.

    This was "almost" a grab shot because Holly was sitting on the jacaranda blooms which cover my lawn at this time of year. I told her to stay and raced into the house for the camera. Usually, I make it a practice to try and shoot closer to a dog's eye level, however I used a higher camera angle to show the jaaranda which surrounded Holly.

    BTW: The bottom of the image was cut off so I skipped a couple of lines and entered the text "last line" which seemed to cure the problem of cut off bottom. The "last line" text is cut off not the bottom of the image...

    Holly on jacaranda...

    last line

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Re: Holly on jacaranda...

    Holly is a beauty - and so is this photo.

  3. #3
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Holly on jacaranda...

    I thought that I would take advantage of the jacaranda "carpet" to shoot a picture of Porsche, one of the rescue Maltese that we are now fostering.

    The reason he is wearing the neckerchief is that he had surgery a while ago and the hair on his chest is just starting to grow back in. It will eventually tpotally grow in but, looks a bit gross now.

    Holly on jacaranda...

  4. #4
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: Holly on jacaranda...

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    ...The reason he is wearing the neckerchief is that he had surgery a while ago and the hair on his chest is just starting to grow back in...

    Holly on jacaranda...
    He is just fine

  5. #5
    Klickit's Avatar
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    Re: Holly on jacaranda...

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    I thought that I would take advantage of the jacaranda "carpet" to shoot a picture of Porsche, one of the rescue Maltese that we are now fostering.

    The reason he is wearing the neckerchief is that he had surgery a while ago and the hair on his chest is just starting to grow back in. It will eventually tpotally grow in but, looks a bit gross now.

    Holly on jacaranda...
    Well, I would have thought you'd chosen that colour deliberately as it goes so well with the jacaranda petals. You needn't have given anything away...

    I kinda like the cute one-leg-in-the-air look that Porsche has. He looks positively adorable and I'm not usually a small dog kind of gal.

  6. #6

    Re: Holly on jacaranda...

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    The reason he is wearing the neckerchief is that he had surgery a while ago and the hair on his chest is just starting to grow back in. It will eventually tpotally grow in but, looks a bit gross now.

    Holly on jacaranda...
    I don't think we believe that. We thought he was just tucking into lunch! Brilliant animal shot.

  7. #7
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Holly on jacaranda...

    Klickit... Porsche is actually a BIG DOG in a small dog's body. At least that is how he considers himself. Actually, he is really very muscular and athletic for a Maltese and is a bit larger than you would expect from a purebred of that breed. I wouldn't doubt that he has a wee smidgen of terrier (maybe West Highland) floating around alongside his Maltese genes.

  8. #8
    Klickit's Avatar
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    Re: Holly on jacaranda...

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    Klickit... Porsche is actually a BIG DOG in a small dog's body. At least that is how he considers himself
    I know just what you mean. We have a Corgi and although they are regarded as medium sized dogs, not due to the leg length, but because of body dimensions, she also thinks she is a big, big dog. She will quite happily rock up to say, a german Shepherd and grrr and rarrr away. She's have to jump up to bite his throat, but it doesn't seem to put her off.

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