We're over 1/4 of the way![]()
We're over 1/4 of the way![]()
Canon 500D, lens EF-S17-55mm f/2.8 IS USM @ 17mm. Full EXIF here. PAD slideshow here.
I went back to the stream where I got the shot of the drying-up stream for Day 2 (post here). As I said then, I wasn't entirely happy with the OOF log in the foreground, so I decided to go back and try it with the camera a bit forward. Of course, a shot can't be completely recreated: it was cloudy and hazy today (and hot), so the colors and feeling are different.
It's definitely a different composition, but all in all, I think I probably like the first one better. While driving there, I was thinking of doing some focus stacking to get an artificially deep DOF, but the log that was in the original is no longer there: it's broken and fallen into the streambed. I should have thought of doing the stacking when I was there the first time.Live and learn.
I'll be happy to hear any opinions about what people prefer, especially for composition. And of course, general C&C are always appreciated.
Hi Rick,
I also like going back to scenes and, as you say, they are never the same but still worth doing.
I like the light better in this one. I always shoot rainforest and woodlands on overcast days. The log in the other shot was a distraction for me and did not allow you into the shot. I prefer the way the stones add texture to the foreground and the bank draws you into the shot.
Thanks everyone - I have been marooned at a school equestrian comp all week - hundreds of kids on ponies - it has been a real treat to finally be able to turn on the computer and catch up with what has been being posted.
Cheers....did I mention I could do with a drink?
Small town, evening rain.
Busy day today and I was running out of time. Shot down to the main street, which is just a hop away, and caught this just as the rain was setting in again. As usual, I end up with a noisy image, bah.
Creation date: 8/07/2010 19:25
Camera: NIKON D80
Lens: Sigma 10-20mm F4-5.6 EX DC HSM
Focal length: 10*mm*(equiv. 15*mm)
Aperture: F6.3
Exposure time: 1"
ISO speed rating: 200/24°
Program: Aperture priority
Metering Mode: Center-weighted average
White Balance: Auto
Focus Mode: AF-C
Noise Reduction: Off
Flash: Flash did not fire
Holly, my two and a half year old Goldendoodle was sitting on a carpet of blue fallen jacaranda blooms which cover my lawn at this time of year. I told her to "stay"" and raced into my office to get my camera. When I got back, she was still there on the lawn but, I had grabbed a CF card that was full. I quickly erased a few frames and shot this image along with the other image I have posted in the people and pet section...
last line
Thanks, Peter and Kit. I see what you mean about opening the space. Maybe I got locked into the concept I saw first of the stream bed framed by the log and the overhanging branch in the foreground. That's why it's so helpful to get feedback here!
Hi, Kit;
Beautiful shot: great composition and exposure, and I like the light whoosh going off to the left. I guess you're seeing noise at 100%, but it doesn't show on my screen at 700x474.
Last edited by rick55; 8th July 2010 at 05:14 PM. Reason: fix typo
What a great shot, Richard! And Murphy must have been taking a nap. Was this in the shade? It seems like very diffuse light, no shadows at all.
Actually we have what is called "June Gloom" here in San Diego County, California. We often have very little sun during the day. However, this shot was done very late in the afternoon - early evening. Holly was back-lit "a bit" but the overcast acted like a giant softbox. I used a 550EX flash to pump some highlights into the image. I normally bounce the flash into a Joe Demb Flash Diffuser Pro ( www.dembflashproducts.com ) even when shooting outdoors. I like the DFD because of the adjustable Flip-it which facilitates the use of the DFD outdoors or indoors in areas that have no viable surface off which to bounce. However, to make a long story short, I didn't have the DFD on the flash and I didn't have time to go to another room to get the diffuser. So I shot with direct flash which is why there is some fall off of light behind Holly. However, looking at it, I kind of like the falloff.
When I'd travel to Carlsbad a lot, they'd talk about "The gray of May and the gloom of June." But the weather up there was generally not as nice as San Diego, I think because of mountains causing local weather patterns. I think they stole the phrase from Orange County and SD, but Carlsbad had gloom in a lot of afternoons all year round.
I thought the light was something getting through some trees: I think the drop-off looks fine. Thanks for the pointer on the diffuser: I use an Opteka, which works okay, but isn't very convenient: to fold it flat, you have to unthread the velcro. The DFD looks handier to use.
What day is it? Eight! It must be more than that, surely?
Meet Geoffrey. He lives next door, but spiritually and relationship-wise he is OURS. Can I help it if the people next door are possessive? I mean, where does he spend most of his time? Which garden does he prefer?
Say something nice. Or else.
PAD gallery
Last edited by carregwen; 8th July 2010 at 05:52 PM.
Wonderful, Rob: I can't help smiling when I look at this. Life is good: lay around the garden a bit, keep an eye on my second home, it sure is nice to be me.
Well captured - I can see the reflection of the gravel in his eyes.