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Thread: "I say, is that a Tokina 11-16mm you have there?"

  1. #1

    "I say, is that a Tokina 11-16mm you have there?"

    The trouble with ultra-wide lenses such as the Tokina 11-16 is that you don't realize that what is filling your viewfinder is just a few inches from your lens. This wild pony this afternoon was about 15 inches from me when I realized how close he was. Shortly after I took this, he started licking my new £60 UV filter. Ughhh!

    "I say, is that a Tokina 11-16mm you have there?"

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: "I say, is that a Tokina 11-16mm you have there?"

    Quote Originally Posted by carregwen View Post
    Shortly after I took this, he started licking my new £60 UV filter. Ughhh!
    Better than licking the front element, eh?

    Nice picture, but try to get one with the ears forward next time

  3. #3
    sleist's Avatar
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    Re: "I say, is that a Tokina 11-16mm you have there?"

    Awesome shot Rob! Have fun wiping off the pony snot.
    Nice colors in this too. Very pleasing to the eye.

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    Re: "I say, is that a Tokina 11-16mm you have there?"

    Where's the shot of the tongue approaching the filter? And you call yourself a photographer?


  5. #5

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    Re: "I say, is that a Tokina 11-16mm you have there?"

    Very nice shot Rob. I enjoy such ultra-wide angle effect.

  6. #6

    Re: "I say, is that a Tokina 11-16mm you have there?"

    Quote Originally Posted by rick55 View Post
    Where's the shot of the tongue approaching the filter? And you call yourself a photographer?

    I missed a good shot the other day. We saw the most enormous bull I have ever seen in my life in a field. All I had with me was the Tokina. I considered sending the wife in to shoot it, but one has to maintain some photographic standards!

  7. #7
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: "I say, is that a Tokina 11-16mm you have there?"

    I don't live in Wales, what kind of animal is it? I can't afford a wide angle since Osbourne got in, never will be able to but I don't think I would go quite that wide. The 17-40mm f4 L is a bit on the slow side but competes well in every other respect and meets the theoretical best resolution for the 50D.

  8. #8

    Re: "I say, is that a Tokina 11-16mm you have there?"

    Quote Originally Posted by arith View Post
    I don't live in Wales, what kind of animal is it?
    They are wild ponies. This was shot on top of the Bryn a long ridge of upland that runs down the Gower penninsula. Not sure who looks after them. They are very nice animals - even if they do lick lenses.

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    Re: "I say, is that a Tokina 11-16mm you have there?"

    Don't see many of those around here, wasn't sure if it was a donkey or not but I don't get close to horses although one of my relations was a famous racehorse trainer, so I'm told.

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    flipmode's Avatar
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    Re: "I say, is that a Tokina 11-16mm you have there?"

    Hey Rob,

    How do you like that lens by they way? I'm looking into a wide angle lens and for the most part was researching canon's wide angle lens. I don't know too much about Tokina. I was looking at the 24mm L lens but on my crop sensor I don't think that would really benefit me, right?

  11. #11

    Re: "I say, is that a Tokina 11-16mm you have there?"

    Quote Originally Posted by flipmode View Post
    Hey Rob,

    How do you like that lens by they way? I'm looking into a wide angle lens and for the most part was researching canon's wide angle lens. I don't know too much about Tokina. I was looking at the 24mm L lens but on my crop sensor I don't think that would really benefit me, right?
    It's very good. The build quality is great, the auto-focus is rapid and precise. And it does get you very wide indeed.The only niggle is the min focus distance is about 13 inches - on the Sigma 10-20 I used to have it was less (so you could get inside the horses mouth!). The Tokina is good though. Cost me about £600. here's the review (Read the comments at the bottom from users)

  12. #12
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    Re: "I say, is that a Tokina 11-16mm you have there?"

    Did you ask him if any Ogres are around? One called Shrek or Wayne.

  13. #13

    Re: "I say, is that a Tokina 11-16mm you have there?"

    Quote Originally Posted by arith View Post
    Did you ask him if any Ogres are around? One called Shrek or Wayne.
    I reckon he thought the wife filled that role...

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    Re: "I say, is that a Tokina 11-16mm you have there?"

    Rob, you know I love the pony shot. You would be surprised how many horses will do that- just walk up and get right in your face when you've got the camera pointed towards them. What a gorgeous creature. That blue eye is stunning.


  15. #15

    Re: "I say, is that a Tokina 11-16mm you have there?"

    Quote Originally Posted by Maritimer1 View Post
    Rob, you know I love the pony shot. You would be surprised how many horses will do that- just walk up and get right in your face when you've got the camera pointed towards them. What a gorgeous creature. That blue eye is stunning.

    Thanks, Myra. They were very nice creatures. Quite small - my 'model' was about 5ft tall (what's that in hands?) and had a very nice grey colour. I was trying to get a close-up shot of the very young foal (see shot below) but he was very skittish.

    "I say, is that a Tokina 11-16mm you have there?"

  16. #16
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: "I say, is that a Tokina 11-16mm you have there?"

    Another Brownie point for the Tokina 11-16 appreciation society.

    I think there are at least 3 of us on here that have it. I remain totally impressed and love it. Do you other two (or more, if there are, any) experience much in the way of a problem with CA? All the reviews I read before and since purchasing, identified this as the one weaker spot with the lens.

    I've always felt that given we know that it doesn't rate well in the CA stakes, it's something you get on with and manage. But, I don't actually experience the problem to the extent that I expected to before buying.

  17. #17
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: "I say, is that a Tokina 11-16mm you have there?"

    Quote Originally Posted by carregwen View Post
    Quite small - my 'model' was about 5ft tall (what's that in hands?)
    15, but "height" should be measured to shoulders, not top of head like humans (you probably knew that already)

    1 hand is 4 inches.


  18. #18
    sleist's Avatar
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    Re: "I say, is that a Tokina 11-16mm you have there?"

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    Another Brownie point for the Tokina 11-16 appreciation society.

    I think there are at least 3 of us on here that have it. I remain totally impressed and love it. Do you other two (or more, if there are, any) experience much in the way of a problem with CA? All the reviews I read before and since purchasing, identified this as the one weaker spot with the lens.

    I've always felt that given we know that it doesn't rate well in the CA stakes, it's something you get on with and manage. But, I don't actually experience the problem to the extent that I expected to before buying.
    I know I've had a few shots with CA, but in most cases that was not what ruined the shot. I can't find any examples, but IIRC this is a problem that goes away once you stop down - similar to what you see with fast prime lenses. I have nikkors that are FAR worse in this regard than the Tokina - 35mm f/1.8 is the worst in my collection.

    Mine seems to meter a bit differently on my D90 than my other lenses, but that's a purely subjective observation. It does amazing things to blue sky as well.

    "I say, is that a Tokina 11-16mm you have there?"

  19. #19
    CNelson's Avatar
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    Re: "I say, is that a Tokina 11-16mm you have there?"

    Nice shot....reminds me of my college humanities teacher.


  20. #20
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: "I say, is that a Tokina 11-16mm you have there?"

    Hey that's not a Tokina and I think you should leave; cheapskate.

    "I say, is that a Tokina 11-16mm you have there?"

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