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Thread: How to get EXIF data

  1. #1

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    How to get EXIF data

    It would be nice to collect information in once place about EXIF data: how to access it, including tools, and what's available. Dave has promised to add to "useful and informative threads," so we can keep this for everyone to reference.

    I've put a simple intro here, and listed the tools I'm familiar with. Please add any more information you have about EXIF data, especially useful tools.

    EXIF stands for Exchangeable Image File Format (Wikipedia article), and describes how metadata is added to image files. As most people reading this probably know, a digital camera normally stores information about things like exposure and white balance, but also various housekeeping information, like (sometimes) shutter activations. As an image is processed, editing software will often add to the information.

    It's very convenient when the EXIF data is attached to an image, especially here. When we're thinking of commenting on an image, if we wonder if the shutter speed was a little slow, presto! the EXIF tells us what it was. If the EXIF is available.

    If you don't see EXIF data attached to an image at CiC, it's because it got deleted as part of the processing. There was a discussion about that in this thread.

    There are various ways to see the EXIF data, useful in different contexts, for your own images and images seen elsewhere.


    I use ExifTool. This is a tool for looking at the data in an image file on local disk. David went out and found it himself (which prompted me to think we should have a thread like this), and he also found a nice GUI that sits in front of it, ExifToolGUI. One of the cool things he discovered is that the EXIF includes the camera temperature, which doesn't even appear anywhere I can find in the "File Info" in Adobe. David's description is here.

    Another nice thing about ExifTool that I hadn't discovered is that it will scan all the images in a directory and sub-directories: Tim wrote that up here.


    FxIF is a Firefox add-on for viewing EXIF data of an image from Firefox. Once it's installed, just right-click on the image, and you see the EXIF data if it's available. It only does jpg images, and allows only minimal configuration. There are similar add-ons for IE and Chrome, but I don't use them, so I won't comment.


    In Windows 7, that I know of, and I believe XP and Vista, will display some EXIF data. Simply right-click on the image, and choose "Properties." In the dialog that comes up, choose the "Details" tab to see EXIF data. One warning: I've read that although the dialog offers editing, editing and saving can corrupt the data.


    Under the "File" menu, choose "File Info..." It has tabs for various presentations of information. At least in the more recent releases (PSE8, CS4, CS5), there's a useful navigation tip: on the far right at the top beside the tabs, there's a down-pointing arrowhead or triangle. Click this to get a picklist of the tabs, so you don't have to scroll left and right.

    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 23rd June 2010 at 11:04 PM. Reason: added url to the useful threads thread

  2. #2
    Steaphany's Avatar
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    Re: How to get EXIF data


    PhotoMe website

    Is a freeware tool to examine and edit EXIF data fields. I do not use it myself very often since my Sigma SD14's X3F raw format is not yet supported.
    Last edited by Steaphany; 24th June 2010 at 03:31 AM. Reason: fixing a typo

  3. #3
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: How to get EXIF data

    My contribution is to provide a link to a website:
    Jeffrey's EXIF Viewer (
    If the data is there, and it understands many maker's information too, this will display it.

    You can paste any internet hosted image url into the top text box, or browse to an image on your HDD in the second box. That's it, just a website, nothing to install ... unless you want to ...

    There's a draggable plug-in browser button available too.

    It's free too.

  4. #4
    David's Avatar
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    Re: How to get EXIF data

    Hi All - I support Rick's comments here, having failed to pick up that ExifTool was already known in CiC. Thanks, Rick, for the link to my recent post. Future comments re EXIF data shall be directed to this or other appropriate threads. I'm going to check out Steaphany's PhotoMe link when time permits.

    As with so many things in photography (and life), I'm a newbie to the concepts of EXIF, IPTC and XMP data handling. I understand the importance of having such data, and it being stored along with images, but what I do not follow is why the data is so difficult to edit. Why should, say, Canon's DPP software not allow me to add my own comments? Why do we have to rely on third party software to do this editing, and then only partially? Who decided these matters? Why is some data hidden and other data displayed? I expect it's the Government and it's all for our own good.

    Anyway, an ongoing EXIF data thread such as this is a GOOD IDEA.



  5. #5

    Re: How to get EXIF data

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    My contribution is to provide a link to a website:
    Jeffrey's EXIF Viewer (
    If the data is there, and it understands many maker's information too, this will display it.
    In fact, I think you will find this utility displays EXACTLY the same information as ExifTool. And for good reason.

  6. #6
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: How to get EXIF data

    Quote Originally Posted by boardhead View Post
    In fact, I think you will find this utility displays EXACTLY the same information as ExifTool. And for good reason.
    I'm sure you're right - and welcome to the CiC forums by the way.

    I like the Jeffrey's website version because I can use it from work, where installing things often isn't possible/allowed.

  7. #7
    Jim B.'s Avatar
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    Re: How to get EXIF data

    I use this.
    It's just a reader not an editor.

  8. #8

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    Re: How to get EXIF data

    Thanks to Steaphany, Dave, David, and Jim!

    Boardhead, welcome to CiC! And thanks! Is there a first name we can use? And reading between the lines, I infer that you're suggesting that "Jeffrey's EXIF Viewer" uses ExifTool behind the scenes, yes?


  9. #9
    PopsPhotos's Avatar
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    Re: How to get EXIF data

    I have been using KUSO, a free download. I find it shows all I want and more than I need. After installing it, right click the image and what exif info there is comes up. There is a click at the top right which will show even more.

    I first used it on XP Pro and now have it on Win 7.


  10. #10
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    Re: How to get EXIF data

    Hi All - I've had a chance to look at PhotoMe and to compare it with Exiftool (the GUI version). It seems to me that, currently, these are the two front runners for retrieval and editing of EXIF information. PhotoMe is very easy to use with an excellent GUI. Simply open the image file and the metadata is presented in a scroll down display or via tabs at the top of the menu. Entries in blue can be (partially) editted or present further data. Many of the fields have mouseover help to say what they are. I'm not sure whether batch processing is currently available, but this is a 0.8 beta version, so batch work may come in the future. I exported all the data to a text file (another easy to use menu) to find some 300 lines of information (funnily enough no camera temperature for my Canon 40D). Many of the lines are data from unknown parameters.

    ExiftoolGUI is less easy to pick up, but I think I've got the hang of it now. Perhaps a better Help facility is needed. Batch processing is allowed and seems to me to be very powerful. I edited in my name to the "artist" and "copyright" fields and added a short generic description, having highlighted 485 files. My computer and this software took about 7 minutes to complete the task. Editing of selected fields is easy once you know how. I looked at the command line version and the description, as per Tim's post, and this does allow more search and selection criteria. I exported the same data file as I had used in PhotoMe. Again, this was straightforward and resulted in about 245 lines of data, but with no unlabelled parameters. Unfortunately, PhotoMe and Exiftool organise the data in different ways. Thus it is difficult to do a full comparison of content.

    IMHO, if you want to get into finding all EXIF data and editting what you are allowed to edit, then both these software tools are desirable. Both are free. At the moment for serious work I think Exiftool has the edge because of its batch processing capabilities and selection possibilites via the command line version.



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    Re: How to get EXIF data

    Thanks, Pops, for the pointer to KUSO. And many thanks to David for the write-up on PhotoMe and ExifTool: very helpful!


  12. #12
    PopsPhotos's Avatar
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    Re: How to get EXIF data

    Just for grins, here is the KUSO information from a picture posted down in the tips 'n' such forum.

    Standard Information
    Make: Canon
    Model: Canon EOS 50D
    Software: Digital Photo Professional
    ImageSize: 1599x1066
    ComponentsConfiguration: Y, Cb, Cr, -
    CreateDate: 2010:06:22 12:22:46
    ModifyDate: 2010:06:22 12:22:46
    DateTimeOriginal: 2010:06:22 12:22:46
    ExposureTime: 1/640"
    Aperture: F4.0
    CircleOfConfusion: 0.019 mm
    HyperfocalDistance: 10.29 m
    ExposureBiasValue: 0
    Flash: Off, Did not fire
    ISO: 100
    WhiteBalance: Manual
    FocalLength: 28.0 mm
    FocalLength35efl: 28.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 44.2 mm)
    ColorSpace: Uncalibrated

    GPS Information

    Other Information
    ApertureValue: 4.0
    BitsPerSample: 8
    BlueMatrixColumn: 0.14919 0.06322 0.74457
    CMMFlags: Not Embedded, Independent
    CanonModelID: EOS 50D
    ColorComponents: 3
    ColorSpaceData: RGB
    ConnectionSpaceIlluminant: 0.9642 1 0.82491
    CustomRendered: Normal
    DeviceAttributes: Reflective, Glossy, Positive, Color
    DeviceManufacturer: none
    Directory: C:\Users\Pops Photos\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Low\Content.IE5\3AVPPXUJ
    EncodingProcess: Baseline DCT, Huffman coding
    ExifByteOrder: Little-endian (Intel, II)
    ExifImageHeight: 4770
    ExifImageWidth: 3177
    ExifVersion: 0221
    ExposureMode: Manual
    FNumber: 4.0
    FOV: 44.3 deg
    FileModifyDate: 2010:06:25 19:48:28-07:00
    FileName: 14311mr[1].jpg
    FileNumber: 0
    FileSize: 349 kB
    FileType: JPEG
    FlashpixVersion: 0100
    FocalPlaneResolutionUnit: inches
    FocalPlaneXResolution: 5315.436035
    FocalPlaneYResolution: 5306.532715
    Gamma: 2.2
    GreenMatrixColumn: 0.20528 0.62567 0.06087
    ImageHeight: 1066
    ImageWidth: 1599
    InteropIndex: R98 - DCF basic file (sRGB)
    InteropVersion: 0100
    JFIFVersion: 1.01
    LightValue: 13.3
    MediaBlackPoint: 0 0 0
    MediaWhitePoint: 0.95045 1 1.08905
    Orientation: Horizontal (normal)
    PrimaryChromaticities: 0.64 0.33 0.21 0.71 0.15 0.06
    PrimaryPlatform: Apple Computer Inc.
    ProfileCMMType: ADBE
    ProfileClass: Display Device Profile
    ProfileConnectionSpace: XYZ
    ProfileCopyright: Copyright 2000 Adobe Systems Incorporated
    ProfileCreator: ADBE
    ProfileDateTime: 2000:08:11 19:51:59
    ProfileDescription: Adobe RGB (1998)
    ProfileFileSignature: acsp
    ProfileID: 0
    ProfileVersion: 2.1.0
    RedMatrixColumn: 0.60974 0.31111 0.01947
    RenderingIntent: Perceptual
    ResolutionUnit: inches
    ScaleFactor35efl: 1.6
    SceneCaptureType: Standard
    SerialNumber: 2230707855
    SerialNumberFormat: Format 2
    ShutterSpeed: 1/640
    ShutterSpeedValue: 1/664
    WhitePoint: 0.313 0.329
    XResolution: 0.0001668930054
    YCbCrSubSampling: YCbCr4:2:0 (2 2)
    YResolution: 0.0001668930054

  13. #13
    Klickit's Avatar
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    Re: How to get EXIF data

    OK Pops - enlighten me. I downloaded KUSO in Win XP's Programs Folder, ran it and re-started Firefox.
    Nix, nothing, nada. So, what should I have done?

  14. #14
    atlantean's Avatar
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    Re: How to get EXIF data

    I'm using Opanda iEXIF and it's quite useful imo. You guys may want to give it a shot.

  15. #15
    PopsPhotos's Avatar
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    Re: How to get EXIF data

    Quote Originally Posted by Klickit View Post
    OK Pops - enlighten me. I downloaded KUSO in Win XP's Programs Folder, ran it and re-started Firefox.
    Nix, nothing, nada. So, what should I have done?
    I'm not sure. I have had no problem with it on XP Pro nor on Win 7. I just downloaded it by clicking the "run" button.

    To tell the truth, I've not tried it in FF, but they claim it works there.

    Looking about the 'net, it appears you are not alone with that problem.

    Looking back through this thread, I notice that there is much interest in editing the exif data, which KUSO does not offer. As I seldom have a disire to do that, I haven't investigated other programs much. The few times I have wanted to add a comment to the exif data, I have used EXIFER or PhotoShop.

    Sorry 'bout that.


  16. #16
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: How to get EXIF data

    I thought this thread could do with an example image that definately has EXIF data.

    How to get EXIF data

    This is provided in order to test EXIF viewer installations on (well it removes the chance of testing on one or more images that may not have EXIF data. Sadly, only about 50% seem to these days

    The image is from a bridge/compact in case anyone wonders about the focal length

  17. #17
    Klickit's Avatar
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    Re: How to get EXIF data

    Yep, can get Opanda exif and Jeffery's exif with that, thanks Dave.
    The reason I was wanting KUSO is that it gives interesting stuff like hyperfocal distance.

    Thanks Pop. I'll have a look arond the interwebs to see if it can be sorted.

  18. #18
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: How to get EXIF data

    Quote Originally Posted by Klickit View Post
    The reason I was wanting KUSO is that it gives interesting stuff like hyperfocal distance.
    Hi Kit,

    I think Jeffrey's does that, somewhere down the bottom (along with Circle of confusion), but I gather it is only calculating these from the other EXIF data and file dimensions*.

    * I seem to recall reading something that said if the image has been cropped, it makes these calculations increasingly inaccurate for larger crops.

    I suspect KUSO does it that way too, as I doubt that is actually in the EXIF data generated by the camera.


  19. #19
    Klickit's Avatar
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    Re: How to get EXIF data

    The KUSO problem, so called, is that it doesn't show on web pix, only on local ones. Right click anything on the hard-drive and there she is.

  20. #20
    PopsPhotos's Avatar
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    Re: How to get EXIF data

    Running IE8 on Win7 or IE7 on XP pro SP3, my KUSO shows up on web pictures. I right-click and one of the options is "open with KUSO" Note that the post I made above was the information taken with KUSO from a picture in this forum. Below is the data KUSO gives me on the picture posted above.

    Standard Information
    Make: FUJIFILM
    Model: FinePix S6500fd
    Software: Adobe Photoshop Elements 6.0 Windows
    ImageSize: 680x518
    CreateDate: 2009:02:27 14:38:23
    ModifyDate: 2009:02:28 15:37:45
    DateTimeOriginal: 2009:02:27 14:38:23
    ExposureTime: 1/500"
    Aperture: F8.0
    MaxAperture: F2.8
    CircleOfConfusion: 0.003 mm
    HyperfocalDistance: 8.58 m
    ExposureProgram: Aperture-priority AE
    ExposureBiasValue: 0
    MeteringMode: Spot
    Flash: Off, Did not fire
    ISO: 200
    WhiteBalance: As Shot
    FocalLength: 14.0 mm
    FocalLength35efl: 14.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 147.4 mm)
    SensingMethod: One-chip color area
    SceneType: Directly photographed
    ColorSpace: sRGB
    Contrast: +25
    Saturation: 0
    Sharpness: 100

    GPS Information

    Other Information
    APP14Flags0: [14]
    APP14Flags1: (none)
    AlreadyApplied: True
    ApertureValue: 8.0
    ApplicationRecordVersion: 11628
    BitsPerSample: 8
    BlueHue: 0
    BlueMatrixColumn: 0.14307 0.06061 0.7141
    BlueSaturation: 0
    Brightness: +50
    BrightnessValue: 9.07
    CMMFlags: Not Embedded, Independent
    CameraProfile: ACR 3.6
    CameraProfileDigest: 848909A77C48E13D5F2CA5592319C69B
    ChromaticAberrationB: 0
    ChromaticAberrationR: 0
    Clarity: 20
    ColorComponents: 3
    ColorMode: 3
    ColorNoiseReduction: 100
    ColorSpaceData: RGB
    ColorTransform: YCbCr
    Compression: JPEG (old-style)
    ConnectionSpaceIlluminant: 0.9642 1 0.82491
    ConvertToGrayscale: False
    CopyrightFlag: False
    CreatorTool: Adobe Photoshop Elements 6.0 Windows
    CurrentIPTCDigest: 4f2fc11e298083bece4055417fd51e5f
    CustomRendered: Custom
    DCTEncodeVersion: 100
    DateTimeDigitized: 2009:02:27 14:38:23Z
    Defringe: 0
    DerivedFromDocumentID: uuid:50734F48A605DE11BA7CA8C8B25CBD3A
    DerivedFromInstanceID: uuid:50734F48A605DE11BA7CA8C8B25CBD3A
    DeviceAttributes: Reflective, Glossy, Positive, Color
    DeviceManufacturer: IEC
    DeviceMfgDesc: IEC
    DeviceModel: sRGB
    DeviceModelDesc: IEC 61966-2.1 Default RGB colour space - sRGB
    Directory: C:\Users\Pops Photos\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Low\Content.IE5\OIJN98D9
    DisplayedUnitsX: inches
    DisplayedUnitsY: inches
    DocumentID: uuid:17929CE2A805DE11BA7CA8C8B25CBD3A
    EncodingProcess: Progressive DCT, Huffman coding
    ExifByteOrder: Little-endian (Intel, II)
    ExifImageHeight: 518
    ExifImageWidth: 680
    ExifVersion: 0220
    Exposure: +0.20
    ExposureMode: Auto
    FNumber: 8.0
    FOV: 13.9 deg
    FileModifyDate: 2010:06:29 20:48:14-07:00
    FileName: original[1].jpg
    FileSize: 243 kB
    FileSource: Digital Camera
    FileType: JPEG
    FillLight: 0
    FlashFired: False
    FlashFunction: False
    FlashMode: Off
    FlashRedEyeMode: False
    FlashReturn: No return detection
    FocalPlaneResolutionUnit: cm
    FocalPlaneXResolution: 2080
    FocalPlaneYResolution: 2080
    Format: image/jpeg
    GlobalAltitude: 30
    GlobalAngle: 30
    GreenHue: 0
    GreenMatrixColumn: 0.38515 0.71687 0.09708
    GreenSaturation: 0
    HasCrop: False
    HasSettings: True
    HighlightRecovery: 30
    HueAdjustmentAqua: 0
    HueAdjustmentBlue: 0
    HueAdjustmentGreen: 0
    HueAdjustmentMagenta: 0
    HueAdjustmentOrange: 0
    HueAdjustmentPurple: 0
    HueAdjustmentRed: 0
    HueAdjustmentYellow: 0
    ICCProfileName: sRGB IEC61966-2.1
    IPTCDigest: 4f2fc11e298083bece4055417fd51e5f
    ImageHeight: 518
    ImageWidth: 680
    InstanceID: uuid:18929CE2A805DE11BA7CA8C8B25CBD3A
    JFIFVersion: 1.02
    LightSource: Unknown
    LightValue: 14.0
    Luminance: 76.03647 80 87.12462
    LuminanceAdjustmentAqua: 0
    LuminanceAdjustmentBlue: 0
    LuminanceAdjustmentGreen: 0
    LuminanceAdjustmentMagenta: 0
    LuminanceAdjustmentOrange: 0
    LuminanceAdjustmentPurple: 0
    LuminanceAdjustmentRed: 0
    LuminanceAdjustmentYellow: 0
    LuminanceSmoothing: 100
    MaxApertureValue: 2.8
    MeasurementBacking: 0 0 0
    MeasurementFlare: 0.999%
    MeasurementGeometry: Unknown (0)
    MeasurementIlluminant: D65
    MeasurementObserver: CIE 1931
    MediaBlackPoint: 0 0 0
    MediaWhitePoint: 0.95045 1 1.08905
    MetadataDate: 2009:02:28 15:37:45Z
    NativeDigest: 256,257,258,259,262,274,277,284,530,531,282,283,29 6,301,318,319,529,532,306,270,271,272,305,315,3343 2;04879560795E33D8D96DC356CDDAEDF4
    Orientation: Horizontal (normal)
    ParametricDarks: 0
    ParametricHighlightSplit: 75
    ParametricHighlights: 0
    ParametricLights: 0
    ParametricMidtoneSplit: 50
    ParametricShadowSplit: 25
    ParametricShadows: 0
    PhotoshopFormat: Progressive
    PhotoshopQuality: 10
    PrimaryPlatform: Microsoft Corporation
    ProfileCMMType: Lino
    ProfileClass: Display Device Profile
    ProfileConnectionSpace: XYZ
    ProfileCopyright: Copyright (c) 1998 Hewlett-Packard Company
    ProfileCreator: HP
    ProfileDateTime: 1998:02:09 06:49:00
    ProfileDescription: sRGB IEC61966-2.1
    ProfileFileSignature: acsp
    ProfileID: 0
    ProfileVersion: 2.1.0
    ProgressiveScans: 3 Scans
    Rating: 0
    RawFileName: DSCF7380.RAF
    RedHue: 0
    RedMatrixColumn: 0.43607 0.22249 0.01392
    RedSaturation: 0
    RenderingIntent: Perceptual
    ResolutionUnit: inches
    SaturationAdjustmentAqua: 0
    SaturationAdjustmentBlue: 0
    SaturationAdjustmentGreen: 0
    SaturationAdjustmentMagenta: 0
    SaturationAdjustmentOrange: 0
    SaturationAdjustmentPurple: 0
    SaturationAdjustmentRed: 0
    SaturationAdjustmentYellow: 0
    ScaleFactor35efl: 10.5
    SceneCaptureType: Standard
    ShadowTint: 0
    Shadows: 2
    SharpenDetail: 65
    SharpenEdgeMasking: 0
    SharpenRadius: +0.5
    ShutterSpeed: 1/500
    ShutterSpeedValue: 1/500
    SplitToningBalance: 0
    SplitToningHighlightHue: 0
    SplitToningHighlightSaturation: 0
    SplitToningShadowHue: 0
    SplitToningShadowSaturation: 0
    SubjectDistanceRange: Unknown
    Technology: Cathode Ray Tube Display
    Temperature: 4700
    ThumbnailLength: 11103
    ThumbnailOffset: 844
    Tint: -10
    ToneCurve: 0, 0, 32, 22, 64, 56, 128, 128, 192, 196, 255, 255
    ToneCurveName: Medium Contrast
    Version: 4.3.1
    Vibrance: +40
    ViewingCondDesc: Reference Viewing Condition in IEC61966-2.1
    ViewingCondIlluminant: 19.6445 20.3718 16.8089
    ViewingCondIlluminantType: D50
    ViewingCondSurround: 3.92889 4.07439 3.36179
    VignetteAmount: 0
    XMPToolkit: Adobe XMP Core 4.1.3-c001 49.282696, Mon Apr 02 2007 21:16:10
    XResolution: 240
    YCbCrSubSampling: YCbCr4:4:4 (1 1)
    YResolution: 240

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