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Thread: multi-resolution splines

  1. #1

    multi-resolution splines

    Can anyone let me know how to utilise 'multi-resolution splines' within a stand alone panorama application as Stitcher pro.?
    Is there a plugin for this for MAC. PPC or does stitcher pro use it in the background anyhow?



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    California, USA
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    Re: multi-resolution splines

    I am only familiar with PTAssembler, in which case either Enblend or Smartblend are plugins that utilize multi-resolution splines. PTMac basically does what PTAssembler does, runs on Mac computers, and is also capable of using the Enblend plugin (not sure about Smartblend, but I do not see why not).

  3. #3

    Re: multi-resolution splines

    Hi all,

    Sorry to add my querry as reply to this message - I am new to this forum.
    I am trying to implement multi-resolution splines in matlab. I followed the following steps:
    1. Generate gaussian pyramid by REDUCE
    2. Generate laplacian pyramid by EXPAND of gaussian and its subtraction from the lower level of gaussian.
    3. EXPAND and sum the laplacian pyramid levels for the final image.
    But I am getting laplacian levels (step 2) which have very low values of gray scales. Adding the laplacian levels will not give the splined image.

    Please let me know whether I am wrong in my procedure and where I have to correct it?

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