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Thread: Looking for help with Cache size in Bridge and Photoshop CC

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Allan Short

    Looking for help with Cache size in Bridge and Photoshop CC

    I seem to have a problem. I use a 256KB SSD for my C drive where all the magic happens, once that happens then the images are stored on my 2TB "D drive". What is happening is the SSD is filling up thumbnails and eating up a lot of the memory 142KB of memory. So can anyone tell or show me screen shots would help so I adjust the preferences so it does not keep filling up that drive. I so have a another drive that I have called "E" drive that I use as a scratch disk in Photoshop.

    Cheers: Allan

  2. #2
    James G's Avatar
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    Re: Looking for help with Cache size in Bridge and Photoshop CC

    I use CS6 but...
    In ACR ...
    goto Edit>Preferences>Cache Then in the Location panel select the drive (E?) you want the cache to reside on and name/create the new Cache folder (It can be same name as on the SS drive, or you can choose your own). You can then delete the 'old' cache folder to release the space.

    In CS6....
    goto Edit >Preferences>Set Scratch Drive and select a spare drive (E) .

    Hope this helps
    Last edited by James G; 11th July 2015 at 08:09 AM.

  3. #3

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    Re: Looking for help with Cache size in Bridge and Photoshop CC

    Allan, I take it that when you refer to "256kb" etc. you mean 256 GB etc. If so your set up mirrors mine except tight fisted as I am, I still use CS6. However, I don't suffer from the same symptoms. I'm not technically knowledgeable enough to trouble shoot your problem but for what it's worth, here are my settings under Edit/Preferences/Performance:

    Memory Usage = 60%
    Cash Levels = 4
    Cash Tile Size = 1024kb
    PS uses Graphics Processor = checked.

    You might also find the following link useful I seem to remember that I used when I first set up my machine.

  4. #4
    James G's Avatar
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    Re: Looking for help with Cache size in Bridge and Photoshop CC

    Allan, I also meant to add a comment about CS6 use of memory, (I was in a bit of a hurry this morning and missed the Memory part of your query )... by default about 70% of available memory will be requested by CS when it is processing an image.

    You can reset this yourself in the CS6 preferences by clicking on Edit>Preferences>performance and then adjusting the memory slider to the amount you want to limit photoshop to.

  5. #5

    Join Date
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    Re: Looking for help with Cache size in Bridge and Photoshop CC

    Slightly off topic, but SSD is best used for your scratch disk -

  6. #6
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Looking for help with Cache size in Bridge and Photoshop CC

    Quote Originally Posted by proseak View Post
    Slightly off topic, but SSD is best used for your scratch disk -
    Install enough RAM in your machine, you won't even need a scratch disk.

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