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Thread: Benedictine Abbey at Mont Saint-Michel

  1. #1

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    Benedictine Abbey at Mont Saint-Michel

    Hi Fellow members:

    I am new to CiC. Yan Zhang introduced this forum to me.

    I visited Mont Saint-Michel in Normady France in late May. When I walked around at the Abbey the light of late afternoon through the long windowf cast beautiful shape on the ground. At this moment a nun Mother went into the empty church slowly, holiness and peace.

    C & C appreciated.

    Benedictine Abbey at Mont Saint-Michel

    Camera: Canon EOS REBEL T1i
    Exposure: 0.033 sec (1/30)
    Aperture: f/6.3
    Focal Length: 17 mm
    Exposure Bias: -2/3 EV
    ISO Speed: 800

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Benedictine Abbey at Mont Saint-Michel

    Yi jang,

    Welcome to the group, very nice image.
    Quote Originally Posted by yjiang View Post
    Hi Fellow members:

    I am new to CiC. Yan Zhang introduced this forum to me.

    I visited Mont Saint-Michel in Normady France in late May. When I walked around at the Abbey the light of late afternoon through the long windowf cast beautiful shape on the ground. At this moment a nun Mother went into the empty church slowly, holiness and peace.

    C & C appreciated.

    Benedictine Abbey at Mont Saint-Michel

    Camera: Canon EOS REBEL T1i
    Exposure: 0.033 sec (1/30)
    Aperture: f/6.3
    Focal Length: 17 mm
    Exposure Bias: -2/3 EV
    ISO Speed: 800

  3. #3
    Stinky's Avatar
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    Re: Benedictine Abbey at Mont Saint-Michel

    Welcome to the group. The lighting is wonderful as well as the photo.

  4. #4
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Benedictine Abbey at Mont Saint-Michel


    Good to have you in the group and posting images. And what a start! As others have said above, your control and capture of the lighting is superb. The presence of the nun, walking away from you as she is, the incredibly powerful, in my view. Although I am not a religious person, the sense of serenity and ... , the word I would use is 'holiness', created by her in that setting is profound.

    My only criticism of the final image is that it needs to be rotated clockwise to get horizontal and vertical lines properly aligned.

  5. #5

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    Re: Benedictine Abbey at Mont Saint-Michel

    Thank you very much for your kindly words!

    Donald: I think that it was taken at 17mm wide angle and there was some len distortion as well. I can try to fix both.

  6. #6
    risingwolf's Avatar
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    Re: Benedictine Abbey at Mont Saint-Michel

    Very nice photo. The lighting and her location was amazing. Did you happen to get a photo when she was in the light just forward of her?

  7. #7
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Benedictine Abbey at Mont Saint-Michel

    Wonderful shot. I love it, although now that I looked closely at it, I agree than a tiny bit of rotation might be in order. However, I honestly did not notice that at first until it was mentioned by another poster. My concentration was on the nun. Was this planned or was it a serendipitous occasion to have her walking just where she was...

    As I read your information regarding the shot, my monitor cut off a tiny bit of the bottom of the image. IMO, cropping just a bit off the bottom of the image places the nun in a more advantageous porition in the frame. However, that is just my opinion and certainly detracts in no way from a great image.

    Do you have any other images from your trip to this location?

  8. #8

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    Re: Benedictine Abbey at Mont Saint-Michel

    Thanks for comments!

    It was a pure luck. There was no interference to her in any way. She and I just happened to be there at that moment! The scene last just a few seconds when I took a few shots. This one is the best. It was late afternoon and most visitors were gone.

    I did some adjustment for the photo:

    Benedictine Abbey at Mont Saint-Michel

    You can see some other photos from my recent trip to France in my Flickr. More will be posted late.

  9. #9

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    Re: Benedictine Abbey at Mont Saint-Michel

    Quote Originally Posted by yjiang View Post

    I did some adjustment for the photo:
    I agreed with others opinions that this is a quite powerful image with a clear focus. In terms of the vertical/horizontal issue, I found the adjusted photo
    is not better than the original one, this is probably due to the limit of the lens you used, not quite sure.

  10. #10

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    Re: Benedictine Abbey at Mont Saint-Michel

    Quote Originally Posted by yjiang View Post
    Thanks for comments!

    It was a pure luck. There was no interference to her in any way. She and I just happened to be there at that moment! The scene last just a few seconds when I took a few shots. This one is the best. It was late afternoon and most visitors were gone.

    I did some adjustment for the photo:
    It looks to me that you over-corrected a bit, especially the right-hand side: it seems to falling away. I still prefer the second version, where at least the nun is straight (first version made me feel like she was about to fall over)

    For the rest: congratulations with a very good photo, in a town that's usually crammed with tourists...

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