I miss my Samsung GX-20 with 5 lenses and other bits and pieces; but I don't miss the pain it gave me round my old arthritic neck! So, I've dropped 'down' to a Canon SX1. My wife has the Canon SX200 - and I was getting jealous of her easy macros.
I miss my Samsung GX-20 with 5 lenses and other bits and pieces; but I don't miss the pain it gave me round my old arthritic neck! So, I've dropped 'down' to a Canon SX1. My wife has the Canon SX200 - and I was getting jealous of her easy macros.
Some of the compacts now have very good quality, and as you say they, are good for macro work. Is this the one? http://www.amazon.co.uk/Canon-PowerS...4431392&sr=8-1
A neoprene strap helps as it has a lot of 'give'. The standard straps that Canon and Nikon give you are a waste of space.
I use one of these. It has quick release so you can easily take the strap off if you don't wnat it when using tripod etc. (the clasps fit with the Tamrac camera bag fastners) It also has small pockets for spare cards. It makes a big difference to neck pain. http://www.warehouseexpress.com/buy-...black/p1011865
This is my favorite. Sometimes I'll have the D40 or N80 on one hook and the FG20 on the other. Usually I just have one camera attached. It works extremely well for me.
yes! that's the one!
I wear it under my coat in cold weather. It is quite comfortable. I've carried the N80 with the 400mm and tripod attached and it helps a lot. Normally I'll have just one of the smaller lenses mounted. I've used this style for a number of years, hiking, rock climbing, fishing, photo shoots, TEA Parties, and such. They work for me.
Dear AER,
having lugged a Pentax film SLR around for many years, I found a tiny Pentax Optio compact 3.2MP digital did wonders (particularly the macros) and popped into my pocket.
However, I have gradually graduated to a much larger Panasonic Lumix DMC FZ35 which has wide angle to supermacro and telemacro in the one package, Raw, HD video and a moderately good electronic viewfinder etc.
Having now read a 2009 review of your Canon SX1, I believe that the FZ35 is probably superior - will eventually post some pictures to make those points.
Today, out on a very wet bushwalking working bee, didn't take FZ35 because it is too big and incompatible with what we were doing, again raising the issue of getting a teeny-tiny compact to slip into the pocket for such occasions.
Occasionally am tempted by ads for DSLRs - notably the Pentax KX - but when I go into the store and pick it up it's so bl**dy big - and then I'd need all those flaming lenses too.
On a recent bushwalk, with the FZ35 slung around my neck, whilest rock-hopping across a creek, I lost my balance and ended in the water, as did the FZ35, which emerged with water in every available orifice, and apparently dead.
Remarkably, it dried out and recovered completely, but I wonder what if it had been a DSLR set up with all those lenses, not to mention the effects of all that gear on one's rock-hopping capabilities.
Len (@ a decrepit 76.456yr)
For what it's worth, neck straps just don't do it for me - I just use a hand-strap for walk-abouts, and a small Lowepro bag for longer walks (managed to completely submerge 2 bags in salt water twice on one occasion, but all was fine)
Some might find this interesting ...
I think a DSLR user would have sacrificed their own body to protect their equipment if possible. You would hear a big splash and turn around and there would be your friend, completely submerged in water except for their arm holding aloft their equipment, waiting for you to grab it and take it to safety.
sorry for late reply