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View Poll Results: Which is best for drama; HDRvB&W

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  • HDR

    2 20.00%
  • B&W

    8 80.00%
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Thread: HDR vs black and white

  1. #1
    The Blue Boy's Avatar
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    Mark Fleming

    HDR vs black and white

    Hello everyone,
    I'd like some advice over HDR vs black and white. Everybody that looks at HDR conversions these days is bowled over. I'm not convinced but this is a first attempt at HDR, so would appreciate some guidance. I've always liked B & W but since I converted to pixels I've stuggled in software to achieve the same "pop"

    See attached to see what I mean,

    Attachment 155
    Attachment 156
    Attachment 157

    The HDR was created using a monopod and +2-2 stops, then converted in Photomatix Pro.
    The original with Nikon D80 (+ as above)
    The B & W was converted using CS3.

    Cheers Guys

    Last edited by The Blue Boy; 19th October 2008 at 07:49 PM.

  2. #2
    David's Avatar
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    Re: HDR vs black and white

    Hi Mark - Interesting post re HDR vs B/W. My own view is that the two techniques are not in competition. HDR is not "better than" B/W or vice versa. They are different ways of expressing an image captured via a camera. HDR software such as Photomatix Pro can produce "creative" images such as yours, but such software can also give rise to "natural" looking images. As with B/W versus HDR, "creative" use of HDR versus production of "natural" images is not really a debate. Image makers are simply producing different types of image.



    PS Update: I've just posted a "natural" HDR image in the Nature and Architecture section.
    Last edited by David; 14th October 2008 at 12:14 PM.

  3. #3
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Dave Humphries :)

    Re: HDR vs black and white

    Hi Mark, I voted HDR, as I found it the most interesting of the 3 options for this scene.

    I don't normally like heavily stylised HDR images, and even in the more normal looking examples you see published, I dislike the broad halo effect around things 'sticking into' the sky, e.g. the street lamp, but you have controlled that quite well here. I really like the colour in the cars, I think that's what sells it to me, well done.

    I agree with David though, it's not so much a competition, or choice between HDR or BW, it all depends what you're shooting and how you want to portray that to viewers.

    Regards, Dave

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