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Thread: Hunter Bridge

  1. #1

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    Hunter Bridge

    Hunter Bridge

  2. #2

    Re: Hunter Bridge

    Very good scene/composition, Colin. But the foliage looks rather yellow and heavy to me (it might be my monitor) I edited to desaturate the yellows slightly, and added a very small amount of exposure.

    Hunter Bridge

  3. #3

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    Re: Hunter Bridge

    Hmmm - your version looks a little light and under-saturated on my monitor

    Might just be a taste thing ... I wanted very lush vegetation. I'll take a 2nd look on my work screen tomorrow.

  4. #4

    Re: Hunter Bridge

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post
    Hmmm - your version looks a little light and under-saturated on my monitor

    Might just be a taste thing ... I wanted very lush vegetation. I'll take a 2nd look on my work screen tomorrow.
    It could be the way different people see colour. I see a lot of landscapes where the foliage and grass looks rather too yellow to me. I'm never sure if it's just me. Then of course there's the problem of cameras being capable of replicating accurately the colours that occur in nature... there's a thought, print it off and go back to the location and hold it up to the real scene?

    I know you have better things to do!

  5. #5

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    Re: Hunter Bridge

    Quote Originally Posted by carregwen View Post
    It could be the way different people see colour. I see a lot of landscapes where the foliage and grass looks rather too yellow to me. I'm never sure if it's just me. Then of course there's the problem of cameras being capable of replicating accurately the colours that occur in nature...
    For what it's worth, when I'm making adjustments to "green" foliage using a HSB layer, the "go to" colour is always yellow -- green usually affects less than 5% of the image. I did push the colour temp quite strongly towards warm also - so that will have an effect on it too.

  6. #6
    Petracsr's Avatar
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    Re: Hunter Bridge

    Looking at this makes me feel like I could step right into the photograph. Beautiful place.

  7. #7

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    Re: Hunter Bridge

    Quote Originally Posted by Petracsr View Post
    Looking at this makes me feel like I could step right into the photograph. Beautiful place.
    Thanks Petra

  8. #8
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Hunter Bridge

    Yep, Like this, preferred (by me at least) to the horizontal format version, more variation of content here and more of a path to follow into the image - even if your feet do get wet in the process

    Nice one,

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