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Thread: Ginny Take 3 C&C please

  1. #1

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    Ginny Take 3 C&C please

    I didn't want to hijack the other thread, so decided to post here instead.

    I tried another similar shot. The dog and the spot were the same, but the light was not. So, after many treats and "stays", I did what I could and then used a brush in photo shop (more than the last time ) to create a darkened background. I have no skills in masking, so I just painted and tried to avoid a halo. I also did the "leave it on the screen" and come back for another look. It worked! I totally trashed my first photo and effort

    Would love tips for how to do more effective PP for backgrounds. Would love any C&C for that matter.

    Camera info: Rebel xti (400D)
    Shutter Priority: 1/20 (Hand held)
    ISO 200
    50mm (lens 50mm 1.8)

    PP that I can remember...
    Desat in ACR
    Sharpened (USM 300/.9/0)
    Noise reduction (Can't remember numbers)
    Cropped to 6" x 6"
    Used the burn tool to fade nose shine a bit

    Without the Paint Brush

    Ginny Take 3 C&C please

    and with the background brushed to black

    Ginny Take 3 C&C please

    Thank you!

    Edited to ask: My file is 700 x700... How do I create a smaller post picture? These just take up too much room! Thanks

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Ginny Take 3 C&C please

    Hi Myra,

    Taking the last point first, I prefer them big like this, the 700 size was chosen because it fits even vertically (and square) on most screens, you may need to use f11 button on computer to make browser toggle on/off full screen mode though.

    Any re-sizing done on a hosting site will almost certainly make the picture softer too, so is best avoided.
    If you really don't like them this big, I guess you could have saved at 600 x 600

    These are great and full marks to you for taking on board the ideas and going for a re-shoot.
    I had trouble deciding which I preferred though; there are advantages to both versions, but on balance, I think black wins, probably because of the simplicity of the background and foreground. You got the exposure on the nose 'on the nose'

    At 200 iso, I'm surprised you had so much noise trouble though, assuming these were downsized to 700 from something like 4000 x 3000, that downsize will reduce the visibility of noise, so possibly you didn't need to try so hard.

    I have forgotten what you use for PP, is it Elements?
    Did you/do you shoot RAW?

    Anyway, well done,

  3. #3

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    Re: Ginny Take 3 C&C please

    Nice going Myra. Black gets my vote. Hard to imagine that you almost duplicated the compostition of the first shot. This one is much better though, not as much noise, still have that nice light in the eye, just a bit of shine on the nose. I like it a lot.


  4. #4

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    Re: Ginny Take 3 C&C please

    Myra, these are both wonderful shots. I'm not sure I have a favorite: they're too different. The first is a bit more of a straight photo, but a very special composition and approach. It preserves that great soulful feel of the original shot, and resolves the technical issues. The second takes it in a different direction, giving it almost a lithograph look. Both are beautiful, both are very evocative.


  5. #5

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    Re: Ginny Take 3 C&C please

    Thank you for the comments. Just before I drifted off last night, the thought struck me "What if the photogs of CinC proclaim me to be one of those photoshopograpers for my use of the paint brush!?" Looking back, the first photo (in the pet section) was taken at 1/250 f1.8 with an iso of 800, hence the dark background and overabundance of noise.

    (Scout) Arhg I meant Wendy, you have no idea how hard it was to keep that dog where I wanted her! I was trying to put her in the same position, but she wanted to lie the other way around. Lots of Bits and Bytes for treats helped The old girl is so willing to please, though, and put up with all my nonsense.

    Dave, I have been using CS2, but now have access to CS4, too. These photos are from 4. My trusty Rebel does seem high on the noise level. My card is only a month old and it is reformatted each time I delete. Not sure if that is a factor or not. I am keeping my fingers crossed that I will find a gently used 40D before the beginning of summer. The increased ISO is quite appealing. Right now, there are a few bodies listed in the province for around $700 (466 GBP/549 EUR/957 NZD/765 AUD). That seems a bit high as a new 50D body can be had for under $1000 at our local camera store. (I don't need or want the video or the increased file sizes of the 50D.)

    Myra (Who should be preparing a presentation for a job interview instead of reading CinC!)
    Last edited by Maritimer1; 17th May 2010 at 12:10 AM.

  6. #6
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Ginny Take 3 C&C please

    Quote Originally Posted by Maritimer1 View Post
    Dave, I have been using CS2, but now have access to CS4, too. These photos are from 4. ~

    Myra (Who should be preparing a presentation for a job interview instead of reading CinC!)
    OK, in which case, try knocking the two noise reduction sliders on the Detail tab of ACR, be bold, I tend to leave mine at 100 each pretty much all the time and I haven't had any complaints about soft pictures. What little damage it may do is well within the capabilites of capture sharpening to repair.

    Now, back to work

    (and good luck at the interview)

    (and come to think of it, I should be writing descriptions for e-Bay selling )

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