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Thread: Anyone like NIK Viveza Structure as much as I do?

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Anyone like NIK Viveza Structure as much as I do?

    The structure slider of NIK Viveza has become one of my favorite image post processing tools.

    This is a description of Viveza Structure controls borrowed from John Paul Caponigro Illuminating Creativity at

    Like Photoshop’s High Pass filter, Viveza’s Structure provides a single slider but offers more options with the inclusion of negative values for soft focus effects. In contrast to High Pass, Structure enhances contours with a line that is not as pronounced as Unsharp Mask (Structure is almost incapable of producing artificially hard contouring.) and thinner than High Pass (Structure can’t be used for enhancing planar contrast like high values of High Pass.). Structure accentuates texture somewhat, which can enhance noise as well as detail, but not as much as Unsharp Mask. When Structure is applied, luminosity contrast increases, more so in shadows than in highlights where very high values stop just short of compromising shadow detail. Think of Structure as occupying the visual territory that lies between Unsharp Mask and High Pass. - See more at:

    I have made an experiment and copied several dozen images posted on this site, opening them in Photoshop CS6. I added global structure to each and most (at least on my monitor) have benefited, some having benefited to a great degree.

    Another PLUS factor in using NIK Viveza Structure (as well as with all NIK controls) is that you do not need to globally edit with the structure slider. With the help of the control point system, you can easily select certain areas in your image to add or subtract structure. Although I don't subtract structure very often, it is sometimes advantageous to subtract some structure from a face or faces in an image. This is especially true of female faces...
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 10th March 2015 at 05:08 PM.

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Re: Anyone like NIK Viveza Structure as much as I do?

    The only time I use NIK Silver Efex Pro, which is rare, is when I want to use its Micro Structure (I think that's what it is called). I can accomplish the same look using my typical software but doing so requires more effort.

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Re: Anyone like NIK Viveza Structure as much as I do?

    Richard like Viveza a lot, I tend to use single point adjustments to add some drama to the clouds in a sky, or lighten or darken areas with in an image. I then usually finish with a small global adjustment usually structure. Another thing I like is I often apply it to an image with a brush (paint) so that only those areas that I want are affected such as leaving a clear sky along.

    Cheers: Allan

  4. #4
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone like NIK Viveza Structure as much as I do?

    I like it although I tend to overdo it at times.

  5. #5
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone like NIK Viveza Structure as much as I do?

    I'll have to have another look at it as I've not found a use for it in my work. I tend to use Color Efex fairly often and Silver Efex from time to time; the other packages, virtually never.

  6. #6
    tbob's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone like NIK Viveza Structure as much as I do?

    Love it and use it on probably 99.9% of my images. Do not use it globally but as part of the adjustments on the control point in both Vivezia and Silver Effex. I rarely, if ever, go over the 22 to 24 mark as I find this is enough to sharpen and bring out detail without introducing overly weird sharpening or texture. I will sometimes end up doing two passes if i process in Vevezia and then again in Silver Effex. Never noticed it to produce bad weirdness if used twice, and I pay attention as I hate over sharp images. Absolutely brilliant for cloud detail.

    Use it as an add on to Aperture so I cannot compare to any other manipulation program.

  7. #7
    Jill's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone like NIK Viveza Structure as much as I do?

    Thanks for bringing my attention to it.
    I use other products in Nik but have not got into the habit of using this.
    Worth a good look.

  8. #8

    Re: Anyone like NIK Viveza Structure as much as I do?

    Hi - Now that support has been confirmed as discontinued does anyone know of anything similar to Nik Viveza Structure (so I can be prepared for when Viveza dies)?

  9. #9

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    Re: Anyone like NIK Viveza Structure as much as I do?

    Yes I like Nik Viveza. It's very simple to use and gives great results. Another excellent competitor to this effect is ON1's EFFECTS module using the DYNAMIC CONTRAST sliders which also have tons of adjustment possibilities.


  10. #10
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    Re: Anyone like NIK Viveza Structure as much as I do?

    Quote Originally Posted by maxander2000 View Post
    Hi - Now that support has been confirmed as discontinued does anyone know of anything similar to Nik Viveza Structure (so I can be prepared for when Viveza dies)?
    Akvis Enhancer can do some nice things.

  11. #11
    BrianA61's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone like NIK Viveza Structure as much as I do?

    The NIK collection is ALWAYS in my normal workflow now. I use them in order 1- define, 2-Viveza, 3-color effects. They've been instrumental in taking my photos to the next level.

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