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Thread: Hello, Pleased to meet you

  1. #1
    Chri5's Avatar
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    Hello, Pleased to meet you

    Hello, My name is Chris and I am from Belfast. I found your great looking forum while searching for some tutorials on various things.

    I have been a photographer for close to ten years now but I took a massive break from it to get married buy a house and have a baby (not in that particular order ). I finally got round to picking up the old EOS 350D again but I quickly realised that it was very out of date so I purchased a Nikon d7100, Sigma 10-20mm and Nikon 35mm f1.8 and I love it. I do landscapes mainly but I also dabble in architecture and astro-photography.

    I look forward to getting to know you all and look forward to learning from your experience. I have a particular interest in learning hyper focal distance and I wonder would it benefit me on my 10-20mm.

    Thanks again.


  2. #2
    deetheturk's Avatar
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    Re: Hello, Pleased to meet you

    Welcome to the forum Chris, just jump right in will look forward to viewing your images

  3. #3
    Chri5's Avatar
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    Re: Hello, Pleased to meet you

    Thanks David, Im looking forward to posting my images and viewing others.

  4. #4
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Hello, Pleased to meet you

    Hi Chris,

    A warm welcome from a fellow D7100 owner

    Here's our tutorial on Hyperfocal Distance, which of course you may have already found!

    I am guessing, with those lens choices, you do star trails?

    In due course, you may find these threads helpful:
    HELP THREAD: How can I post images here?
    How to Get Effective Feedback for your Posted Images

    I spent a (less than) 24 hour period in Belfast once, flew in (arriving at dusk), hotel, work meeting, flew out - no time to see anything.
    I remember the big yellow cranes being visible from the city airport terminal building though.

    Must return one day.

    All the best, Dave

  5. #5
    Chri5's Avatar
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    Re: Hello, Pleased to meet you

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Hi Chris,

    A warm welcome from a fellow D7100 owner

    Here's our tutorial on Hyperfocal Distance, which of course you may have already found!

    I am guessing, with those lens choices, you do star trails?

    In due course, you may find these threads helpful:
    HELP THREAD: How can I post images here?
    How to Get Effective Feedback for your Posted Images

    I spent a (less than) 24 hour period in Belfast once, flew in (arriving at dusk), hotel, work meeting, flew out - no time to see anything.
    I remember the big yellow cranes being visible from the city airport terminal building though.

    Must return one day.

    All the best, Dave
    Hi Dave,

    Thank you for the warm welcome.

    I have had a quick glance at the tutorial for Hyper-focal Distance. I will have a more in depth look at it today thanks.

    I haven't had a chance to do star trails yet but I am hoping with the spring coming in I will get a chance. I am more interested in the milky way though. Most of my shots at the minute are of waterfalls and architecture.

    Thanks again, those links are very helpful I wont be looking at them in the office during working hours.

    I work in Belfast Docks a stones throw away from the the big Yellow cranes (Samson and Goliath as there commonly known as) If you come over to Belfast again be sure to let me know and we can do some photography.

    Have a good day, Chris.

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