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Thread: Feeling a bit queazy at the moment.

  1. #1

    Feeling a bit queazy at the moment.

    Just had my d810 shipped out for repairs.

    Dropped it onto a concrete floor. The camera still shoots fine but it fell on the side of the battery and now the battery won't come out of the slot.

    Looks like a break in the frame between the battery door and the card slot.

    I went brain dead for a second, had my rapid strap tethered to my 70-200 lens and thought it was tethered to my camera. Stopped to change lens and once I got the lens off, I simply lowered my camera thinking it was tethered and just let go. I guess it don't get any stupider.

    Just venting. ...crying.

  2. #2
    mknittle's Avatar
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    Re: Feeling a bit queazy at the moment.

    Ouch, sorry to hear that Dave.

  3. #3
    AlwaysOnAuto's Avatar
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    Re: Feeling a bit queazy at the moment.


  4. #4
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Feeling a bit queazy at the moment.

    Ouch...!!! I would have cried too... Didn't you get an insurance for handling and dropping? The store where I bought mine offered me an insurance against dropping and I refused because our household insurance carries my cameras and gears. Now you made me think whether I should get one. I am also using a Rapid Sports, both single and double.

  5. #5

    Join Date
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    Re: Feeling a bit queazy at the moment.

    Thank god for insurance eh................

  6. #6

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    Re: Feeling a bit queazy at the moment.

    Ouch. Best of luck on that one...

  7. #7
    Nicks Pics's Avatar
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    Re: Feeling a bit queazy at the moment.

    Once when my camera was fairly new it got pushed off a kitchen counter and tumbled onto the floor. One button popped out, which we could put back in, and all was fine for some time, but my camera felt the affects more overtime, and now it doesn't have that button, and I use a string to attach my camera strap since the shoulder of the camera the loop is built into has been glued back on with a hot glue gun. But it still works!

  8. #8
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: Feeling a bit queazy at the moment.

    A good lesson for me to consider. If I ever get a lens large enough to tether, I'll remember this and likely find a way to tether to both the lens and the camera. Sharing your experience may very well help someone else avoid your pain.

    I hope you can get your D810 back soon and in excellent condition!

  9. #9
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Feeling a bit queazy at the moment.

    I am sorry for your accident.

    I know that a lot of photographers will dispute this but, I have never considered the "Rapid" strap concept very safe.

  10. #10
    Marie Hass's Avatar
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    Re: Feeling a bit queazy at the moment.


    So sorry to hear of your camera's accident. It would make me queasy as well - whether or not I had any insurance.



  11. #11

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    Re: Feeling a bit queazy at the moment.

    Condolences from a fellow Texan . . .

  12. #12

    Re: Feeling a bit queazy at the moment.

    Thanks all. I'll update you on what happens.

  13. #13

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    Re: Feeling a bit queazy at the moment.

    Don't worry about it. The fixes are usually good.

    Dropped my 200-400/f4 from about 4 feet onto concrete a while back. Mount damaged and fixed. Tested and all else good. Sometimes s**t happens.

  14. #14

    Re: Feeling a bit queazy at the moment.

    I got the call from Nikon today. $299 for repairs. I didn't even asked what they had to do, I just said do it. I feel somewhat better but won't be totally relieved until I'm back behind the lens of this camera. I'll post the itemized charges when I get it back in case anyone else does the same thing.

  15. #15
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Feeling a bit queazy at the moment.

    Quote Originally Posted by Texas Dave View Post
    I got the call from Nikon today. $299 for repairs. I didn't even asked what they had to do, I just said do it. I feel somewhat better but won't be totally relieved until I'm back behind the lens of this camera. I'll post the itemized charges when I get it back in case anyone else does the same thing.
    I am now so scared of dropping my D810 that it nearly happened. It was good that I was here at home at the time when it got disconnected to my Rapid holder screw. I removed it from the holder and throw it on the shelf. I am not going to use that for my trip.

  16. #16

    Re: Feeling a bit queazy at the moment.

    Quote Originally Posted by IzzieK View Post
    I am now so scared of dropping my D810 that it nearly happened. It was good that I was here at home at the time when it got disconnected to my Rapid holder screw. I removed it from the holder and throw it on the shelf. I am not going to use that for my trip.
    That happened to me on a hike once. For some reason the screw just started backing out. I noticed it when I took the strap off and it only took about a 3/4 turn. ...I think I'm about to modify the strap to incorporate the factory hook up as well. I love the rapid strap when carrying the 70-200 lens considering all the weight but it is scary how the screw can back out. I was rummaging through the straps and buckles section at gander mountain the other day and I'm pretty sure I'll be able to figure something out that is not to inconvenient to use. I'll keep you posted.

  17. #17
    AlwaysOnAuto's Avatar
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    Re: Feeling a bit queazy at the moment.

    Did you send it to El Segundo, Dave?

  18. #18

    Re: Feeling a bit queazy at the moment.

    I had Eugene at Competitive Camera here in Dallas, Tx send it in for me, so I'm really not sure where my camera is at.

  19. #19
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Feeling a bit queazy at the moment.

    Thanks Dave...I will appreciate the update on the Rapid Strap. I've got two of them, one is the Sports which I use on my D810 and the other double one when I have the other camera and cannot change lenses.

  20. #20

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    Re: Feeling a bit queazy at the moment.

    I would never swap my Black Rapid gear, I have the dual harness,, it is simply a question of how often you use it and how you value your gear (and remember what is attached to what).

    REPLACE the washers every year unless like me you use it a lot then I replace the rubber washers every three months, and like everything else, keep the tightly done up when attached, and have proper camera insurance.

    The washers are in fact just simple removable items and I find that GOOD quality rubber washers from ebay work, as well.

    If you get THIS, it means as a safety strap, you can attach this to the camera and the main one to the heavy lens, the end of this then attaches to the harness and you have two in fact, one on the body and one on the lens.

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