Hello. I have a few questions about DR. Any help will be much appreciated.
1. I was wondering is it possible to measure the dynamic range of a scene based on different exposed RAWs and get a number let's say 10 000:1
2. Measure the DR captured in single RAW i.e. 1000:1
3. Measure a tone mapped image of same scene saved in 16-bit tiff and get DR 5000:1
The numbers I wrote are only an example, but they are related based on that DR of scene is greatest and single shot of it is lowest.
I've tried to load HDR (merged from 5) image into Photomatix and it says that DR is 2401:1. But when I've loaded single RAW (middle) it said that DR is 2828:1. How it is possible that single shot contains more dynamic range than merged HDR?