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Thread: Imported photos from Lighroom 4 to PSE 11, help!

  1. #1
    Gospelflier's Avatar
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    Imported photos from Lighroom 4 to PSE 11, help!

    Hi. I mainly use LR4 for PP, but I got Elements 11 for working in layers. I imported my photos from LR4 to Elements, thinking I was importing a copy. Now my entire catalog of photos is missing from LR 4. How do I fix this? I just want my photos to stay in LR 4 and use a copy in Elements. I want my photos physically back in LR 4.

  2. #2
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: Imported photos from Lighroom 4 to PSE 11, help!

    It seems that you have imported them all using the Elements import option with it set to move. First step is to find where they are. Try going back to the Elements import screen and see what options were set. The following link maybe worth a read. When you know where they are you can probably get Lightroom to either find them or you will need to do it manually. The biggest problem could be if by importing them into Elements you have changed or lost the folder structure.

    In future when you have selected a photograph in Lightroom that you wish to edit with Elements just press "Ctrl+E" (provided you have set Elements up as the default editor for Lightroom) you may then be given a few options as to how you want to proceed and then Elements will start with the photograph ready to edit. When you finish the edit just save it (do not change the name or use save as unless you have a specific reason as it may not automatically be available for Lightroom) then go back to Lightroom and the edited version should be available.
    Last edited by pnodrog; 13th November 2014 at 10:11 PM.

  3. #3
    Clactonian's Avatar
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    Re: Imported photos from Lighroom 4 to PSE 11, help!

    Not much help to you now but for the future back up your LR Catalogue!
    If you know the file names you can always carry out a search to find the path to their current location.

  4. #4

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    Re: Imported photos from Lighroom 4 to PSE 11, help!

    Ouchies. Good luck sorting it out. Unless you can restore from a backup it could be a lot of work.

    In case you're not aware, layers in PSE only work on 8-bit images whereas LR works with 16-bit. If you're shooting jpeg it's moot.

  5. #5
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: Imported photos from Lighroom 4 to PSE 11, help!

    You don't want to Import them into Elements. You should use the "edit in" command in Lightroom, and select the option "edit copy with Lightroom adjustments". Lightroom creates a copy and hands it to Elements. When you have finished in Elements, the copy is handed back to Lightroom and is stored in the catalogue alongside the original.


  6. #6
    Gospelflier's Avatar
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    Re: Imported photos from Lighroom 4 to PSE 11, help!

    Ok. My photos were backed up onto an external hard drive. I was able to click on the ? mark next to the photos and had lightroom find the photos in the folders they were stored in. Next time, I will remember the edit in command. Thanks everyone!

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