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Thread: Pricing for headshots

  1. #1
    flipmode's Avatar
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    Pricing for headshots

    Can anyone shed some light on how I would start pricing for head shots? Or have any good links/resources that they can share? Someone had asked me if I can do some head shots for him but I have no clue as to how I would price him out. Or is there a general pricing format that I can use that would not be specific to each client?

    I haven't done any work for pay yet and this potential client is looking for just casual head shots, nothing serious like head shots for modeling. Also do you use a release form for EVERY client whether professional pics or not?


  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Pricing for headshots


    Check out the following link for starters. Keep in mind that the prices this one photographer charges may or may not be standard for the field. But if this is something you want to get into full time or even if you want to establish pricing for other types of photo shoots, check out the forums regarding wedding photographers for addtional issues that might arise.

    Quote Originally Posted by flipmode View Post
    Can anyone shed some light on how I would start pricing for head shots? Or have any good links/resources that they can share? Someone had asked me if I can do some head shots for him but I have no clue as to how I would price him out. Or is there a general pricing format that I can use that would not be specific to each client?

    I haven't done any work for pay yet and this potential client is looking for just casual head shots, nothing serious like head shots for modeling. Also do you use a release form for EVERY client whether professional pics or not?


  3. #3

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    Re: Pricing for headshots

    Unless you've done a lot of them and built a good reputation, you might like to consider shooting them for nothing, but agreeing that you can use the good ones to build your own portfolio.

    With regards to contracts ... There's no harm in having one, so "if in doubt" etc. Having just said that, it probably depends on where you are and what you plan to do with them; if you're going to take them and then hand over everything (including finished products and source images) - and not keep a copy nor do anything else with them then personally (and this isn't legal advice and I'm not a lawyer etc) then I wouldn't bother, but if you want to retain ownership and or do something with them yourself (use them in your portfolio and or other promotional material) then it's pretty essential to sort that out with your subject and/or the person paying for them - and of course any lawyer will tell you that the ONLY way to do that is to put it in writing.

  4. #4
    flipmode's Avatar
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    Re: Pricing for headshots

    Thanks for the tips so far. Yeah, I probably wouldn't charge what a pro would charge since I'm not a pro by any means. And this would equally benefit me as well. I would like to use his picture in my portfolio, not sure of any future uses, so in that case maybe it won't hurt to have a release form signed.

    So what is the general criteria that play into pricing? Number of looks? Outfits? Images on CD? Time? And does the package price include the cost for prints or is that separate?

    How did you price out your first client(s)?

    Here's one I saw online as I'm comparing.


  5. #5
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Pricing for headshots

    Hi Chris,

    I'd say it depends to an extent on what you're handing over; prints or files and whether you'll incur (for the client) any costs; e.g. travelling, disks or printing. Also; how confident are you that you can deliver pro-quality images or prints?

    Time is one easily measured parameter although may get extended if the client's happy but you're still looking for something slightly different for a portfolio. Number of Outfits I guess forces you to re-evaluate metering, etc.

    I'd tend to go with Colin's thoughts and do the job for free, unless you're trying to discourage them.
    If you don't know them at all (i.e. friend of a freind), go with half or less pro rates plus out of pocket expenses.

    Cheers (not a pro),

  6. #6

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    Re: Pricing for headshots

    I have 3 criteria, to cover 3 areas ...

    1. A fee to cover the time taken to do the shoot - also includes basic corrections, and a copy on disk. No hand-retouching. Good for those who want to "take the disk and run"

    2. A fee to cover the time needed to hand retouch photos ... I don't want to be retouching 200 shots for nothing!. Good for when customer wants paper prints (no margin otherwise)

    3. A fee for canvas prints. If they go for canvas then I'll absorb the retouching fee and discount / ignore the sitting fee depending on value of prints ordered.

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