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Thread: Lens Vignetting at every Focal Length.

  1. #1

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    Lens Vignetting at every Focal Length.

    I recently purchased a used Tamron 18-200 aspherical LD XR DiII used from amazon(for credibility's sake). I have no wide angle on my Canon 5D so i figured this will serve till i have enough money for Canon wides...

    The problem now is that the lens vignettes at every focal length. Thinking i'm too smart for that, i removed the lens hood. Guess what? No difference. the vignetting around 18-35 is not a vignette, its a photo circle with the image appearing circular, shrouded by huge vignettes....only 200 gives a lens hood type of vignette (without the lens hood on). My frustration is increasing...please what could be the problem?

  2. #2
    dje's Avatar
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    Re: Lens Vignetting at every Focal Length.

    Hi Ife

    I think you might find that lens is designed for use with APS-C sized sensors only (not Full frame like the 5D).


  3. #3

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    Re: Lens Vignetting at every Focal Length.

    PMA 2005: Tamron's AF 18-200 mm F/3.5-6.3 XR Di-II LD Aspherical (IF) Macro lens, designed exclusively for digital cameras with small sensors, will ship in the spring (2005)

  4. #4

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    Re: Lens Vignetting at every Focal Length.

    This is so painful...that makes it totally useless, right?

  5. #5
    Peeshan's Avatar
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    Re: Lens Vignetting at every Focal Length.

    It would probably be worth changing it to a full frame lens, but you can still use it in the meantime, it will just give you smaller pictures after cropping the borders...

  6. #6

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    Re: Lens Vignetting at every Focal Length.

    Ouch! Would it fare for landscapes at all?

  7. #7

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    Re: Lens Vignetting at every Focal Length.

    Would it be practical to sell the lens, explaining that you bought it not realizing that its design is not compatible with your camera? You could then buy a lens that is compatible.

  8. #8
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: Lens Vignetting at every Focal Length.

    Quote Originally Posted by cyracles View Post
    I recently purchased a used Tamron 18-200 aspherical LD XR DiII
    The "II" in the Lens's Nomenclature after the “Di” designation, is the designation to inform you that the lens will ONLY throw and IMAGE CIRCLE to cover the range of APS-C Format Sensors: (e.g. from Canon and Nikon and all sizes in between).

    "Di" refers to the lens being "Digitally Integrated" - that is to say optimised for Digital Cameras, but will still be OK to use on Film Cameras.

    Of the "Di" Series there are three subsets:

    "Di" – the lens throws an image circle for 135 Format Cameras (aka "Full Frame")
    “Di-II” the lens throws an image circle for APS-C Cameras
    “Di-III” the lens is designed for Mirror-less Cameras


    Note that although the Di-II lens throws and image circle for APS-C it is also an “EF” lens, and therefore will mount on your 5D (and all other EOS Cameras) and work without fear of the mirror hitting the lens: as contrasted to Canon’s “EF-S” range of lenses which will ONLY MOUNT on EOS Cameras that will accept EF-S lenses, which comprise mostly all of the Canon EOS APS-C sensor cameras, but not all of them as there are a few early Canon APS-C Cameras which will only accept EF lenses.


  9. #9
    dje's Avatar
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    Re: Lens Vignetting at every Focal Length.

    Quote Originally Posted by cyracles View Post
    This is so painful...that makes it totally useless, right?
    Well I supose you could use it but I suspect it would be a pain in the neck to use, having to allow for the crop on every shot. You wouldn't be getting the benefit of your FF camera either.


  10. #10

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    Re: Lens Vignetting at every Focal Length.

    Never buy crop sensor lenses even if you have a CS camera, when you want FF you are stuck

  11. #11
    Glenn NK's Avatar
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    Re: Lens Vignetting at every Focal Length.

    Quote Originally Posted by JR1 View Post
    Never buy crop sensor lenses even if you have a CS camera, when you want FF you are stuck
    True, but the APS-C format, is particularly useful for birders. There are even posts on several forums that Nikon has abandoned the FX format much to the chagrin of birders because they haven't introduced a new FX body.

    I personally use both formats as each has its strengths and weaknesses. Many people consider the FF format as some sort of ultimate goal because of the larger sensor, but if FF was "the best", then why aren't they using MF?


  12. #12
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Lens Vignetting at every Focal Length.

    Never buy crop sensor lenses even if you have a CS camera, when you want FF you are stuck
    Quote Originally Posted by Glenn NK View Post
    True, but the APS-C format, is particularly useful for birders. There are even posts on several forums that Nikon has abandoned the FX format much to the chagrin of birders because they haven't introduced a new FX body.

    I personally use both formats as each has its strengths and weaknesses. Many people consider the FF format as some sort of ultimate goal because of the larger sensor, but if FF was "the best", then why aren't they using MF?

    +1 to Glenn's comment. For many uses, crops are just fine, and for some, they are superior. (I own and use both crop and FF.) For users who have crops and have reason to think they will stay with that format, it makes a great deal of sense to buy EF-S or DI II lenses; they are generally smaller and lighter, and they are sometimes cheaper.

    However, the original comment is irrelevant to the OP, who already owns a FF.

    Ife, you don't say what other lenses you have. However, if you bought this to get a wide-angle perspective, the fact that it throws a small image circle means that you are not going to get the wide-angle field of view that you wanted. I don't know the precise image circle size for that lens, but setting the lens at its shortest length and then cropping to get rid of the vignette would give you, as a rough estimate, the same field of view as a 29mm lens designed for a full frame camera. That is of course still wide angle, and perhaps wider than you already have, but nothing remotely similar to 18mm.

  13. #13

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    Re: Lens Vignetting at every Focal Length.

    Thank you all. Dank, the other lenses I have are the Sigma 70-30mm and Canon 50mm f/1.8.

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