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Thread: Newbie

  1. #1


    Whats UV Filter For??
    Where it is placed?

  2. #2
    Kodiak's Avatar
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    Re: Newbie

    Quote Originally Posted by mhikzmhikz View Post
    Whats UV Filter For??
    Where it is placed?
    Basically, to protect the front glass of your lenses. Most are screw on type that
    you mount on your lens and leave them there.

  3. #3

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    Kodiak's Avatar
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    Re: Newbie

    Quote Originally Posted by JR1 View Post
    With digital cameras, the need of UV is not necessary… but also no damaging.
    So, if one has a UV filter at hand why not use it and save the money?

  5. #5
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Newbie

    Quote Originally Posted by Kodiak View Post
    With digital cameras, the need of UV is not necessary… but also no damaging.
    So, if one has a UV filter at hand why not use it and save the money?

    mhikzmhikz: welcome to the forum. Please fill in your profile. We use real names here, and your location will sometimes help people provide better information.

    Since you are new here, and I think new to photography as well, I suggest you spend some time reading the excellent tutorials on this site. You'll often get more complete information that way, and it is more efficient than having folks rewrite the same things, usually in less detail. Then post specific questions here, and folks will be happy to add more information, or to debate about various options. In this specific case, there is a tutorial page specifically about filters: Newbie

  6. #6

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    Re: Newbie

    Quote Originally Posted by DanK View Post

    mhikzmhikz: welcome to the forum. Please fill in your profile. We use real names here, and your location will sometimes help people provide better information.

    Since you are new here, and I think new to photography as well, I suggest you spend some time reading the excellent tutorials on this site. You'll often get more complete information that way, and it is more efficient than having folks rewrite the same things, usually in less detail. Then post specific questions here, and folks will be happy to add more information, or to debate about various options. In this specific case, there is a tutorial page specifically about filters: Newbie
    Just to add there is a "search" facility also top right just type in UV Filters saves the same questions again

  7. #7
    HaseebM's Avatar
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    Re: Newbie

    Quote Originally Posted by mhikzmhikz View Post
    Whats UV Filter For??
    Where it is placed?
    Ultra Violet filter.
    In front of the lens.

  8. #8

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    Re: Newbie

    Quote Originally Posted by mhikzmhikz View Post
    Whats UV Filter For??
    Where it is placed?
    The UV filter is the salesperson's bonus ... though I can understand why people use them considering the horrendous cost of DSLR lenses as a protection against knocks and cleaning. I prefer to keep a good lenshood in place 7/24 as protection so have not bought one in decades ... I also rarely clean my lenses as I keep them clean with care rather than cleaning .. a little bit of dirt hurts nobody or few photos. Only problem I have had that I can remember [ with sadness] was taking the camera out of its bag in a hot situation and condensation spoiling a sequence of photos due to the camera being cold from the air conditioned appartment I was staying in. A silly mistake on my part and not being used to living in such conditions in the States

  9. #9
    kdoc856's Avatar
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    Re: Newbie

    Accidents happen. If I'm going to wack a $1000-2000 dollar lense against a tree or rock, I absolutely want several levels of protection- I put a UV filter on my new lense the first minute I get it out of the box, and never remove it again. I also keep a lense hood on as a 2nd level of defense. Admittedly, most of my shooting is outdoors and often in forests. If I were typically indoors in a protected environment, I might have a different approach.

    The only time I rue this decision is when I go ultra-wide and get some vignetting. Well, that's what cropping is for.

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