Precious Moment! Love it!
Very nice! When you say "I", does it mean it is not you in the picture?
I was hoping I can soon get my much younger son to pose for my camera. Looks like I have to wait some more though![]()
thanks, kori!!
and no ali... that's my husband with my son. =)
WOW! Amazing pics here. Reminded me of the days when the first thing I used to do was go and sleep in the arms of my dad. This, IMO, is the best page on the Forum!
This is a bit strange. I have posted a reply to this thread about 2 hours ago and it hasn't appeared. How long does it usually take or should I repost?
Thankyou Donald. I'll try and remember what I said. Something like this:
I wish I had similar photos of my children at that age. That was 40 years ago and their own children are way past that stage as well. Digital didn't exist then and many of the photos I took have deteriorated.
It seemed to me Nicole's photo had a cyan cast so for a bit of practice I removed it in CS3. Then (aren't we all fiddlers?) I added a bit more contrast and then a bit more light in the faces with a soft light blend of the "a" into the "L" in Lab. There were a few more minor tweaks I can't remember and then I wondered if I should post it. I am always a bit hesitant about posting an unsolicited retouch but in general I think it is acceptable provided one respects the image and the (likely) reason it was posted in the first place. I hope I've done that here. And I hope this manages to post itself on the forum and the retouch with it. There are a few things I have to learn about posting here.
The images in post 7 are excellent. I particularly like No2. Great composition and cropping. It seems an age since my lot were that small. My eldest girl is booked in for a tattoo this month....where does it all go.
I know, I know. That was our initial reaction but having gone through all the warnings and objections she is still determined. She is 19, earns her own cash and is generally pretty sensible so I have to respect her decisions in life.
If I threatened that they would do it anyway with knobs on...I would have at their age. But all your Camera gear...mmmm I would think twice about body piercing. I feel privileged and highly satisfied that they can talk to me about anything and that we can discuss things as adults. I know we would lose something very special if I used threats. I guess I best not mention her tummy hook thingy
We seem to have hijacked this thread. At least those with pre-teens can snuggle up and forget tribal body mods for a while yet
ohhh... i'm there with you guys on the body modifications already. =)
lucky me.
i've allowed my son the ability to get his first tattoo for his 16th birthday in about two weeks.
there were a couple conditions that went along with my agreement however.
1# he had to receive the tattoo from his godfather who is clark north.
(anyone familiar with the tattoo world will know who i'm speaking about)
2# his father and myself had to approve of the design and the placement of the tattoo.
(which we've done.)
thankfully, none of our children have wanted to put any holes in their bodies in any weird places - yet.