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Thread: Camera Bags

  1. #1
    ajohnw's Avatar
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    Camera Bags

    Does anyone know of a camera bag that really is water proof and doesn't need a separate cover?

    My son bought me a Domke F-3 Super Compact RuggedWear bag for my birthday and it's going to be sent back. It's not even light shower proof as water will get in the end and rear pockets and getting the cover in the right place with gear in it would be a challenge when the shoulder strap is in use.

    Few points about it.

    Very substantial wide strap.

    The demo video shows it in a "water proof" state that I feel will be hard to achieve in practice - everything tucked in the bag including the shoulder strap. No way to carry it.

    Interior totally different to the video - not very flexible at all.

    It's made of relatively light weight canvas that has virtually no stiffness - doesn't help the hooded top cover work well. The shoulder strap interferes with that working well anyway.

    The end pockets are exposed when the shoulder strap is in use - the covers are not hooded, gaps at the end when anything is in them or when they are empty.

    All in all really cheap junk apart from the shoulder strap.

    I keep wondering why robust fairly waterproof shoulder bags are easy to find at a fraction of the cost of these and many other camera bags. I did find one which really was waterproof but in real terms way too small for sensible out of the bag use with anything other than say a Olympus Pen and maybe 2 lenses. It was made out of heavy duty cordura.


  2. #2

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    Re: Camera Bags

    Lowepro has three different solutions for you. Dryzone camera bags. Have the dryzone 200 and really satisfied with it.

  3. #3
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Camera Bags

    Waterproof as in you can drop the bag in the lake or withstand a heavy downpour? If it's the latter I would look at the design of the bag, does it have an overlapping latch that covers the zipper area, is the padding just felt or cotton or does it have some type of waterproofing padding? An actual waterproof bag should have some type of demonstration video available from a consumer watchgroup.

  4. #4
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Camera Bags

    Old article (2008) but has manufacturer's listed.

  5. #5
    ajohnw's Avatar
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    Re: Camera Bags

    I'll take a look at the Lowepro and the link. I've been out since posting earlier.

    Heavy downpour really. I do have a link to a rather decent one but it only comes in one size = too small but shows it can be done and how Domke should have done it.

    I really should have noticed that the Domke couldn't work out from the way the shoulder strap attaches but at that price I would expect the material to be a lot better than it is. The canvas on my Troop shoulder bag must be over twice as thick and it has a water proof lining. It was ok with the E-M5 and it's standard zoom, bit awkward with the E-M1 and it's std zoom.


  6. #6

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    Re: Camera Bags

    There is an alternative which is completely waterproof and virtually indestructible. But more of a box with a strap than a bag, but said to be reasonably comfortable. You can even stand on it. And it floats in water.

    But I can't remember the name. I was looking at getting one when I still had a boat.

    It is made by one of those companies which make the waterproof boxes which are strapped to car roofs etc.

  7. #7

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    Re: Camera Bags

    I have always found my lowepro bags good in bad weather, though for more than shower proof the raincover does need to be used. I also lubricate all my bag zips with silicone lubricant which also reduces risk of water penetration (as well as making them slide easier). Experience has taught me that if the bag is too light it will not protect my gear.

    Incidental Lowepro are so good there are now Chinese copies - cheap but the zips etc don't seem as good.

  8. #8
    ajohnw's Avatar
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    Re: Camera Bags

    I suppose I have an unusual attitude about camera bags - why have a zip pocket at the bottom with a rain proof cover in it when they could makes the bags out of something stormproof let alone shower proof. I don't have any problem keeping dry but similar materials just don't seem to get used in camera bags but do in other bags for all sorts of purposes.

    I emailed Flyye some time ago asking if they could start making bigger ones well before I ran out of space in their small one.

    It looks like Billingham may make some but the designs are a bit unusual and the prices very ouch.


  9. #9
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Camera Bags

    I just wish that it would rain enough in Southern California that I would need to worry about keeping a camera bag dry...

  10. #10

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    Re: Camera Bags

    Water PROOF, no. Nothing with zippers, particularly multiple zippers, is going to be water PROOF. There are varying degrees of water resistance. The achilles heal of the bags with the built in rain hood in the side against your back. If you're out for extended periods in truly wet conditions, it is a matter of how long before they soak through, not if they will. The only true way to go water PROOF is with a dry bag such as those used for whitewater, sea kayaking, etc. They all top load and would require internals for the various deviders etc.

    That said, I'm frequenly out in some fairly damp conditions. I have no illusions that my bag is going to keep my gear actually dry. As long as it buys time and/or minimizes the amount of water on the gear, then it's done its job. Ultimately I rely on the weather resistance of the gear itself to survive or I don't take it out when I expect those conditions. After all, if it doesn't survive in a damp bag how can you take it out and use it in that sort of rain?

  11. #11
    ajohnw's Avatar
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    Re: Camera Bags

    I've had this one out in heavy rain several times Dan but it's a bit tight with an E-M1 and 12-40mm plus my other lenses. It is zipped under the flap and the front zip has a drip cover over it. The back one doesn't but I don't use it as anything in that takes up room in the main compartment.

    Looks like Billingham can't be bothered to make a proper hooded top even at their prices.

    The rain cover on the Lowpro 200 something or the other pulls out and over all of the bag including the back but watching a video from a buyer rather fiddly to fit.

    If I want a handlebar bag for a push bike no problem it could even have an IP3 rating - just what I need but not big enough.


  12. #12

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    Re: Camera Bags

    Quote Originally Posted by ajohnw View Post
    ...The rain cover on the Lowpro 200 something or the other pulls out and over all of the bag including the back but watching a video from a buyer rather fiddly to fit....
    I've got the Lowepro 400 something or other. The rain cover is nice, easy to pull out of its pocket and deploy. Particularly since it is attached to the bag and can't be forgotten at home in the gear locker. The zippers have weather seals as well. It is an excellent bag and even behaves like a proper pack. But you inquired about water PROOF. And it's not. Good for a lot of rain but eventually, given enough exposure, it'll be wet inside.

    Good luck with the search. You might try plastic garbage bags if they haven't outlawed them over there. Good for one time use but absolutely impervious to rain and you can carry half a dozen with you for a few shillings

    And as a bonus someone may mistake you as a vagrant and offer you some change or a free meal...

  13. #13

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    Re: Camera Bags

    If I'm going to be walking in wet weather, I'll be wearing a poncho over me and the camera bag. No need for a waterproof bag in that situation.

  14. #14
    ajohnw's Avatar
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    Re: Camera Bags

    I must admit I get irritated each time I look for one. A lot of the stuff seems to be sold on a look on what I paid for my bag basis rather than practicalities. I was really glad to find the Troop messenger bag. Looking around at them out of desperation I found an Amazon review - at last a decent bag I can keep a camera and a couple of lenses in. The only problem with it really is the in and out aspect. Like most the main compartment is about 100mm wide naturally but will take stuff a lot wider. I've got a feeling I may stick with it as it's not that bad and this is a what can I buy you for your birthday situation.

    There is one company that makes them with IP ratings

    IP7 - immersion in 1m of water under defined conditions. 3min rather than 30 it seems. Might see if I can take a look at one but suspect it ideally needs to be bigger.


  15. #15

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    Re: Camera Bags

    One thing you can do to improve weatherproofing is to spray the empty bag with one of those silicon sprays sold in shoe shops for weatherproofing Nubuck shoes.

    I have several Lowepro bags which I find to be impervious to fairly heavy showers.I have though given them this treatment twice a year and it really does make a difference.


  16. #16

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    Re: Camera Bags

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    There is an alternative which is completely waterproof and virtually indestructible. But more of a box with a strap than a bag, but said to be reasonably comfortable. You can even stand on it. And it floats in water.

    But I can't remember the name. I was looking at getting one when I still had a boat.

    It is made by one of those companies which make the waterproof boxes which are strapped to car roofs etc.
    That would be Pelican boxes. Air-tight, water-tight, life-long warranty (I think). I have one. Slight problem in my environment: they tent to look unusual, and as if you are carrying something expensive.


  17. #17

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    Re: Camera Bags

    Quote Originally Posted by ajohnw View Post
    There is one company that makes them with IP ratings
    The LowePro Dryzone bags that Ilmari mentioned also have those ratings.

    Quote Originally Posted by swanseadave View Post
    One thing you can do to improve weatherproofing is to spray the empty bag with one of those silicon sprays sold in shoe shops for weatherproofing Nubuck shoes.
    Great idea! Thanks for mentioning it!

  18. #18

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    Re: Camera Bags

    I have a Tamrac backpack which is excellent and very waterproof but Tamrac also make shoulder bags that have what they call Full coverage tops.

    Camera Bags

    Tamrac website is here.

  19. #19

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    Re: Camera Bags

    Quote Originally Posted by Cliff Roamer View Post
    I have a Tamrac backpack which is excellent and very waterproof
    I would call that bag water-resistant, not waterproof. Even Tamrac doesn't call it waterproof. I have a Tamrac bag that seems to be made out of the same material and though it withstands light rain for awhile, the water will eventually soak all the way through. I solve the problem by wearing a waterproof poncho that drapes over the bag.

  20. #20

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    Re: Camera Bags

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    I would call that bag water-resistant, not waterproof. Even Tamrac doesn't call it waterproof. I have a Tamrac bag that seems to be made out of the same material and though it withstands light rain for awhile, the water will eventually soak all the way through. I solve the problem by wearing a waterproof poncho that drapes over the bag.
    Water-resistant, not waterproof, I'll now throw another definition into the equation, weather proofing
    Tamrac's description of their material does claim the material is waterproof:

    PowerGrid Cordura is created for us with a three-ply woven grid of Cordura fiber woven into Cordura fabric. This PowerGrid weave adds significant strength to this already super-strong material. A double waterproof internal coating assures weather proofing.
    Tamrac's material description page.
    Last edited by Cliff Roamer; 9th September 2014 at 02:27 PM.

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