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Thread: Crab Scrapper

  1. #1
    Crabbe's Avatar
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    Eastern Shore of the Chesapeak Bay, Maryland, USA
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    Charley Simpson

    Crab Scrapper

    I hope this is the right forum, so here goes. Sony DSC-H5; 1\1000 @f8; ISO 200.
    This has been pp in PS7. C&C always welcome and appreciated. (I'll share what I did after a couple of comments.) Soft crabs are scrapped off the bottom and out of seaweed, sold to the processor who cleans them, freezes 6 doz. to the box, and sells to a wholesaler. Our town calls itself CRAB CAPITOL OF THE WORLD.
    Crab Scrapper

  2. #2

    Re: Crab Scrapper

    Nice clear shot. Very good colours. It's just my opinion but I find that if a lone subject figure is facing right, he should be more on the left of the shot, and looking left should be on the right. It gives them a space to look into in the shot. Yes? Put it in the 'work' mini-comp?

    I'll have a crab sandwich.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Crab Scrapper

    In my opinion,to avoid such kind of overlapings is first step.
    Thank you for understanding
    Radu Dinu
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  4. #4
    pwnage101's Avatar
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    Re: Crab Scrapper

    those clouds are pretty low

  5. #5
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Crab Scrapper


    I'd go with Rob's view on this. Have you cropped anything off the right hand side? If so, what would it be like to crop at the left and recover from the right? If that's not possible, the rear part of the boat and the sky beyond it are not really telling us anything or, in my opinion, adding significantly to the image. What would a really hard crop on the left, to make it a 2 x 3 aspect vertical image, look like?

    I think the image looks good. It's bright, not in any way washed-out, the subject stands out well.

  6. #6

    Join Date
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    South Devon, UK

    Re: Crab Scrapper

    Having just retired after spending 40 years as a UK crab fisherman, mostly, fishing with pots, I am well aware that when taking action shots at sea you only have one chance to get things correct. If possible I liked to take multiple shots with different zoom settings but it usually just ended with a choice between one or two where the action looked good.

    And if you are steering your own boat at the same time things are doubly tricky.

    Exposure is good and the image is sharp. Both of which can be difficult to achieve at sea.

    I would consider a slight crop of the top and left side, but I really do mean slight. I like to see something of the boat so I would still leave about half of the transom showing.

    Is that horizontal steering wheel near the stern typical of that type of boat? I have never encountered anything like that before.

  7. #7
    Crabbe's Avatar
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    Eastern Shore of the Chesapeak Bay, Maryland, USA
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    Charley Simpson

    Re: Crab Scrapper

    Here's the deal on the crabber. 1) he was the best of a dozen or so shots; 2) the sky was added because it was an awful sky that day; 3) he should be on the left looking right, but there were several other boats working nearby, there was a stiff breeze, and to keep only one boat in the shot was a trick by itself; and 4) I was in my boat by myself and had to keep clear of others, the equipment in the water, and drink a beer. (Only kidding). I played with the colors, contrast, and sky. I have sold a bunch of these to the tourists 8X10 and 5X7 so I can buy paper and ink. Geoff F - you'd be right at home here soft crabbing by scrapping or pots, hard crabs by pot. (We are near Tangier IS. and Smith IS.)
    Thanks for all your comments .

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    South Devon, UK

    Re: Crab Scrapper

    If you like fishing boat photos, Charley, there are a selection of UK crabbers amongst my P base photos

    And I am very familiar with all of the four problems you listed!

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