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Thread: Spider !

  1. #1
    atlantean's Avatar
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    Spider !

    My first try with a close-up shot i guess ? Encountered this spidey while cycling in Pulau Ubin, an island off the coast of Singapore.
    Spider !

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Dave Humphries :)

    Re: Spider !

    Nice shot Duc,

    There's a lot I like about the lighting and composition, etc.

    If I have one crit, it is that personally, I'd like to see it a bit bigger; say at least 700px on longer side (or more), can we have a url to it on flickr?

    However, that will almost inevitably reveal some unavoidable DoF issues. such is life!

    A good shot,

  3. #3

    Re: Spider !

    Brilliant shot, Atlantean! Do you have any idea what species that is?

  4. #4
    atlantean's Avatar
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    Re: Spider !

    @ Dave: Thx for the comment. Here is the flickr link.
    Well, i have to admit that being inexperienced, i was so much concerned with composition that i forgot to set the ISO to 200 or 400 so that i could have taken the shot at a higher shutter speed (which obviously would assure a more comfortable handheld shooting and hence reducing blur). A real waste. But a lesson learnt. :P
    @ anniedanial: i have no idea. Can you spend some precious time enlightening me?
    Btw, you can call me Duc.

  5. #5
    Terry Tedor's Avatar
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    North Pole, Alaska

    Re: Spider !

    Duc, very nice capture.

  6. #6
    atlantean's Avatar
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    Re: Spider !

    Thx ! You know what, i just found out that this pic can be put in any orientation ! )

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